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  1. W

    what should I do??

    Trust me, you don't want this gig. Any chick, even if she's a 10, who worries about what people think/say about her is a neurotic. You don't want this gig. Find something new. Also, when you kick her to the curb, she's going to work harder to earn your favor... why? She worries about what...
  2. W

    Getting it from your GF?

    Making Peace I don't disagree with Vulpine. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII (one Air Force, one was an M.P.). Both of them came back from the war different men. One became a workaholic, the other became an alcoholic. My grandfather wouldn't let my father go to West Point. The other...
  3. W

    Getting it from your GF?

    So what if I am?
  4. W

    Picking up girls in clubs

    This is what I learned from the time I spent in NYC, which may be different from the club scene where your at, so I don't know how helpful it is, but here goes: 1) Never show up alone. If you can show up with 1+ girls or 2+ guys, perfect. DO NOT show up by yourself, by yourself with a couple...
  5. W


    Dunno about that. Some of them go wild when I use my chin-gig to tickle their button. One didn't, but she was an all around prude anyhow.
  6. W

    Getting it from your GF?

    No, but she is really tight (one finger only as of now), since she hadn't gotten any since her ex left in August of last year. Early 20's.
  7. W

    Getting it from your GF?

    I have no shame in taking the fiance of some asshat baby killer who is "defending my country" from some country that never once attacked "my country" because he couldn't cut it at college. And if you even bring up 9/11 and all of the people who died in that... don't worry, we've more than...
  8. W

    Getting it from your GF?

    I've been with this girl for over three months now. I've wrestled her away from her boyfriend (who was in Iraq), I've gotten her to go to bed and make out with me and another chick, and I've gotten her to finally let me eat her out... but I can't get her to put out. She's given me every...