Picking up girls in clubs


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Well tomorrow night is the first night in a club for me. And I have a few questions to all those clubbers out there to help me make the best out of it and talk to as many girls as possible. Here's they are.

1. I've never grind danced before, is there a certain way to do it? So some grinding tips would be greatly appreciated. Or is possible to meet the girls without doing any dancing at all?

2. What's the best way to approach a girl in the club? Give some examples of things you may have said or done that a girl responded positively to.

3. Do you usually wait for some sort of eye contact before you approach a girl? (Ok this could be for anywhere, not just clubs.)

4. I hear that with all the noise and music and such it's hard to actually carry a conversation with a chick, so what are some ways to get around this?

5. How do you usually dress?

I'd appreciate any other tips you might have, and go into detail. Since this will most likely be good info for any guy who's having trouble in a club. Oh and by the way, I'm 19 so it's an under 21 club, which means there won't be any drunk chicks:( (damn) so don't put that stuff in your answers.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Well you know.. Here's what I'll do tomorrow when I go to the club to help the other DJ's out.

I'll just experiment and try as many things as humanly possible (this could be interesting) and then I'll repost and let you all know what worked and what didn't. By the way I'm new to this site, but lookin forward to getting to know the other DJ's, and help some brothers out. Let's get these tips rollin in fellas! I need some things to try out.

Wine Country

New Member
May 26, 2006
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This is what I learned from the time I spent in NYC, which may be different from the club scene where your at, so I don't know how helpful it is, but here goes:

1) Never show up alone. If you can show up with 1+ girls or 2+ guys, perfect. DO NOT show up by yourself, by yourself with a couple (third wheel), or with one other guy.

2) Dress well, but not flashy. They know your up to something if you look flashy. The best bet is to wear comfortable, somewhat stylish attire, and to have one, and no more than one flashy accessory (nice watch or ring. Believe it or not a ring is your best bet.)

3) Muss your hair slightly. Not messy but not primped. Make it look good, but it has to look effortless. Do not use a comb and do not use any hair products that make your hair hard.

4) Shave. You can have facial hair, but it must look deliberate and clean.

5) If you can't dance, don't bother with the clubs. Go to a pub.

6) Do not go directly to the dance floor. Stand to the side and relax. Have a drink. Don't make it seem like your working up the courage to go out there, make it seem like you need a reason to go out there. Wait 'till something catches your eye and let her lure you out there.

7) When you dance, you had better be comfortable. You can't fake this. Either you have it or you don't. See rule number 5.

8) Do not talk to her on the dance floor. Wait a few songs, work up a sweat, thank her and go back to meet your friends. After a couple minutes of chatting with your friends and candidly observing her, gesture for her to join you.

9) Wait until you've had a few minutes of conversation before you offer to buy her a drink.

10) Tease her. A lot. About everything. Except for her dancing. Compliment that.

WILD CARD) If she's with a group, which she probably is, go after her less attractive friend. They all bring at least one lesser attracive friend. Work it with her.

If she's still interested at 1-2am now you have two options:
11a) Wait for your crew to start splitting up. "Everyone's headin' home, but I..."
"...wanna get some coffee."
"...wanna keep partying."
"...don't want the party to end just yet."
Get her alone, so you can appear at least somewhat interested in her.

11b) Tell her you are exhausted and want to get some shuteye. Ask her if you can find her at the same place next week. If she says yes, go with it. If she shrugs her shoulders, ask for her IM. If she says she doesn't have IM, shrug your shoulders and say "never mind." She may offer her digits. Digits are okay, but be like "I don't like giving out my cell...".

If you are looking for a gig for that night, ignore steps 10-11. Instead, ask her if she'll split a cab with you. No matter who's place you get to first, say your goodbye. If she does want to get down, she won't leave it at a good-bye. She will find some excuse to get in your apartment, or get you into hers. If she doesn't, then she had no intention of giving it up that night.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score

:) great post wine country

7) When you dance, you had better be comfortable. You can't fake this. Either you have it or you don't.

that's really important...

Personnally I am getting 1 girl every night at the club. It is very easy... I never ask her notting. I dance like 3 min behind her and take her by the hips. Sometimes she turns back to see who it is or her girlfriend make a face like wow sex guy or euh...If you are not her type In 3 minutes she will leave. I never got rejected by a girl when dancing for behind and taking her hips.. They love it. After like 20 minutes of dance go outside drink something or smoke. That's the most important part. If you don't talk to her for few minutes even if you have a # it lost, they won't answer or they will cancel the date. They usally buy me a drink and talk for few minutes... Before the end I "close" kiss her no tongue.. If you do that 100% sex everytime. From personnal experience. If you give her a good time she will give it back to you later in the bed.;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....

I club alot, matter of fact i'm going tonight ;)

so here's what you need to know....

1.THERE IS NO PROBLEM GOING ALONE ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR TRYING TO PICK UP A GIRL....the reason why i say this is...you don't have to worry about any friends analyzing your moves and getting rejected or judging you on dancing....it's much fun when going w/ buds and other girls...but if your planning on sarging I'd go alone...the last couple of times i've been going alone and i've never been more successful in the club EVER...it's a sense of freedom..but if your just going for fun...friends help...but I can go alone because i already know atleast 30% of the people in the club :p go w/ someone scince it's your 1st time.

2. Dress nice....girls in clubs want sexy guys and you want to match them...there gonna look just as sexy as you so if your looking like shaggy from scooby doo don't except your turnout rate on women to be high. I'd suggest a nice button down shirt, nice pair of jeans and make sure you've taken a shower and you smell nice

3. grinding Scince your a guy there's not alot to it....just find a VAcant butt on the dance floor and get behind..and begin to move how she moves...i suggest you watch a couple guys do it before you try it...

4. confidence women can scince when you are afraid...so walk tall and if your trying to talk to women...pull them away from the dance floor.....i can't imagine how many girls go to clubs to find a guy but none will approach them because guys are just as afraid as the girls....be different then those guys

but in all just have fun...it's your 1st time, so just go in and have a good night...don't put your expectations too high or you'll b disappointed when you leave...just say anything that happens is a plus on your night ;-) good luck..write an FR on your night tonight when you get the chance:up:


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
My field report, Just got back from the club.

Well guys, tonight went FAR better than I could ever ask for, by the way, I put this field report in a new thread. Because I think tonight went so well, that actually other DJ's might find some good info in here. And thank you for all your tips they were very helpful.

So here's the details.

After Just entering the club.
I did feel a little nervous before I even seen a girl I would like to approach, mainly because I already knew that tonight was the night. Me and my friend, who has very serious issues with talking to girls, started the night by takin a quick stroll through the whole club to get a feel for festivities.

Then I seen a girl give me a little smile, so I sucked it up and thought "here goes nothing" and walked over to her.

I didn't have a feel for doing any dancing yet. But here is the first convo.
Me: Hey there, what's your name.
Her: My name is ***** and your's would be?
Me: They call me danny, nice meeting you, I would like to dance with you when a good song comes on.
Her: Sure sounds great.
Me: Great! I'm going to go get a drink and I'll be back in a bit.

And yes I got this from one of the articles off of this site.

And that was it for that, I could breathe again when I walked away, since I felt very nervous this first approach. Anyway I walked out of her sight and talked with my bud for a bit, and we had a drink. Then he had to go to the bathroom, and I walked back to the dance floor looking for more girls to talk to. Then I ran back into girl #1 and just said "How about my dance" and we started the grind.

I felt superb after the first dance, considering I never usually even get that much. And the next few girls I just approached out of the blue, didn't wait for eye contact or anything. I just said something short and to the point like "hey lets dance" and then the girl says "ok" and thats that. Then I had a little small talk in their ears as I was dancing.

But then later on while I was standing with my buddy, talking, I got eye contact and a smile with a very hot blonde doing the same with her friends. By this time I felt much more comfortable approaching, and I started to get a little ****y. So i turned to my friend and said "Watch and learn buddy" and left to talk to the hot blonde, definitely at least a 9.

I knew she was very interested because her eyes widened when she seen me comin over, and she immediately said "you're cute" and I was like "I knew you were going to say that, but you look very pretty yourself! What's you're name?". We then had the usual small talk, name, age, and such, then I asked her if she would like to have a dance with me, and then I took her hand and led her down to the dance floor.

I definitely didn't expect this but rather than the usual grind she faced towards me and put her arms around my shoulders, kind of like how you should while slow dancing, she said "this is so we can chat some more.". So we talked some more about like the festivities going on around us and such, and then after we were done I said "You should give me your number so we can talk again." Then I gave her my phone and she put it in there.

By this time I was very happy in that I didn't get rejected even once, which I would like to think is very good for my first time trying these things out. But I guess you can say I got somewhat of a rejection with the next girl, who made all of the first moves on ME!

Once again I was standing and talking to my bud, when I felt something rub on my ass. I thought it was somebody doing that by accident, which is pretty common there, but then I noticed that the hand more gave my ass a little rub and squeeze. So I quickly turned and noticed the girl tryin to get away after I noticed her. She got to the other side of the room and I decided to go after her.

When She seen me approaching she said "HEY!" in a nice, upbeat voice, and I said "thought you could get away with grabbing my ass didn't you!" She smiled and just started grinding away, but when I went to put my hands on her hips she grabbed them and pulled them off and said "HANDS OFF". I gave her a confused look and then she says "I have a boyfriend, but I still want to dance." So I said Ok and then I danced with her, when her friend came in from behind and started dancing behind me. I got to experience being sandwiched between two girls, which is much more than I can ask for.

After the song ended, the one with the boyfriend asked me for my name and such so she was still obviously interested. I said "let me know if things don't work out with him" and then actually ended up with the number.

I must say, out of all the girls I talked to tonight, the hottest one was the blonde one, she was also the sweetest one too, she was extremely nice, so I may have to actually give her a call, she earned it, haha.