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  1. Q

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    what's the use of quitting again? i didnt notice an energy and confidence boost O_o it's just a placebo effect i think. and yes i quitted long enough (22 days, and some couple of times a bit less) and yes i did it more than once a day ;x now i try to do it only once a day, and don't do it...
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    How to become a DJ - (my most enlightened post yet)

    seriously jariel, could u answer my post ?
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    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    5/21 btw, to all the guys who havent been jerking off for some time.. how long did it take 'til u "released"? i mean how long did it take not jerking off to have a wet dream.. ? edit: i also wanna know who's doing this for a long time and ISN'T having sex either!! how long then btw?
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    and then in the first place your mind picks up the word impossible ... etc. btw this tip was way too obvious imo :P
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    Dont trust a friend

    what kind of creep method is that?! your friend's marriage is going bad and you are going to tell him yours is oh so great?! man you deserve a punch in the face :box: what kinda of a FRIEND does that? seems like you're even making fun of his problems when you say it at that time.. best way to...
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    How to become a DJ - (my most enlightened post yet)

    nice one on the bumping job :D nice thread, though it's kind of my way of looking at life: dont expect anything and be happy with what you got + realise that it's not extern things which make you sad but the way you react on them but i think it's nice someone has put that all into (so many...
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    Different way to look at eye contact

    i don't believe it works ..:down: remember you have to send mixed signals I like you/I don't need you you don't have to send signals like I don't need you and I don't like you either ;)
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    Be YOURself

    the point is that being yourself mostly isn't yourself. you have been indoctrinated, programmed to convey, to conform. You should all drop that and start all over from zero to discover your real self. drop all knowledge you have got, doubt about everything you know, question just about...
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    After sex talk.

    dudes here are right as i've seen here numerous of times on this forum: don't mind what a girl says, mind how she acts: she's obviously into you
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    the girl & the friend

    you should have let her know you weren't gonna take such behaviour from her.. do it next time
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    Hey Don A Don Juan Out

    i have exactly the same problem, only that switch is more off than on.. it's weird idd, i feel completely the same as normal but i'm supersocial, and another day, i still feel the same way and i'm supershy.. like wtf :s some more replies could be useful
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    why adressing donjuanita? Last Activity: 02-08-2003 04:42 AM dont think she'll be checking this again :P