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  1. D

    Dealing with her old Ex who wants to be "friends".

    lol typical women spouting BS and idiotic chumps believing them, just a few dates and a kiss and than they stopped talking just like that eh :crackup: , of course the ***** is going to say that, what else she gonna say, that she sucked the dudes c***, ****ed in the car in the bathroom on the...
  2. D

    haha you guys have got to read this!!!

    is this a joke, who writes this tripe, what makes men do this? raised by single mothers did she rip your balls off and replace it with a vagina, this is insanity, anyone in their right mind would and should commit suicide after writing such crap, you would be better off as a woman... :mad: :mad:
  3. D

    Whats going on... Confusing...

    ^^^^ LOL spoken like a true idiot, so nexttime if a girl comes and flirts or smiles at you just consider yourself to be fat, gay or a loser, just hope no girl ever gives you a time of a day and ignores and avoids you like s*** that would mean you are a really hot guy yeah f****** hell, just yell...
  4. D

    The truth about this forum

    finally a voice of reason :yes:
  5. D

    High maintenance woman in my condo

    let me set u straight than, majority of them are worthless piece of waste does not mean i hate them.
  6. D

    High maintenance woman in my condo

    jesus does not hate women.
  7. D

    High maintenance woman in my condo

    they are sluts nothing more nothing less, dumb as a rock, have **** of a personality, *****es like these are just good to at look and are *** dumpsters that is till they open their ****ing mouth, than u feel like putting ur **** in their and choke them to death, they are lucky that they are good...
  8. D

    High maintenance woman in my condo

    what u think is not important cos ur thinking tells me that ur an AFC big time "guys here slept with more than 20 women" LOL apart from a few guys, most of what u will find here are pimplefaced virgin DJ wannabes just like u.
  9. D

    High maintenance woman in my condo

    so a new bf every 4 months, that makes 3 bfs a yr, shes been living in the condos for 3 yrs thats 9 bfs... before that a couple of more bfs lets assume total 15 bfs plus flings here and there, one night stand's etc etc so lets predict around 20 guys who have ****ed her loose loose...
  10. D

    oh **** i am so disappointed :cry: :mad:
  11. D

    yup heard it on the radio so it has to work, otherwise i will sue the **** out of them for advertising false products.... i get back to you in 6 months 5 inches taller if its a success u buy one too promise, i am optimistic.
  12. D

    thanks for that leparisien. anybody else who has had success with heightgrowth pills, mediaction?
  13. D

    well if u are really desperate u can always cut off ur legs......i know i am maybe i will get a bone transplant....kidding, seriously nobody here has anything to do with heightincreasing pills or herbs....
  14. D

    thanks for cheering me up...but why does that guy love being short? is he getting a lot of azz? does he get all the ladies? when walking in the mall he can look under the girls skirts without bending? how short are we talking here?.... back to the orginal topic, i need to know if i should be...
  15. D

    Dontbeapuss u absolutely think its not going to work, u might wanna check out the site and let me know if its credible or not....
  16. D

    yea someone who knows anything like that, or have real life experience using them...
  17. D

    don't want to be rude, but u dumb or what, if i believed everything that was fed through the media i would have already spent 100's of dollars instead of coming on here asking u ppl for advice if these products work or not, why the hell do u think i come here asking for advice before buying the...
  18. D

    yeah, i have the same feeling about these products that claim you can gain 6 to 7 inches in 2 months, but the thing that set from others is that i heard about this product on my local radio station, which is pretty big and very popular here in seattle, so if they are trying to sell...
  19. D

    hi, i want to find out if anyone here had any success with these products, has anyone ever tried them, do they work? if anyone had used them plz let me know if they are worth the time and money. i want to try one of these products offered on one of the websites, i am only 5'5" and...