High maintenance woman in my condo


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2006
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There is this hot-looking high maintenance blonde (with blue eyes) that lives in my condo. In fact, she has lived there for almost 3-years. Guys, this chick is smoking hot. She’s the kind of woman that spends a lot of time on makeup, hair care, nails, and dress.

She likes dating these jerky lawyers or stock-brokers. Many of these boyfriends don’t last long with her. It would appear that she changes her boyfriends almost every 3-4 months.

There’s also the high heal shoes she wears. They cost more than your car payment, the diamond ring that she uses is of a very valuable carat. The list is endless guys. I hope you understand my point here.

Furthermore, she has this annoying yapping Chihuahua as a pet. She is vain. You like looking at her, and she likes looking at herself as well. She’s a complete snob. One day, I ran into her inside the front lobby of my building. We had eye contact. She suddenly gave me this strange look that seem to say: “…you wish you could have me loser, but you’re not good enough for me…” What a b!tch, but she is a real challenge.

Although I have some deep respect for myself, I will not compromise my integrity by lowering myself to her with the hope of going down her pants some day (I hope).

So what I decided to do is to ignore her by not giving her the time or day. I would walk by her and ignore the sh!t out-of-her. This cold war game went on for nearly 3-years. However, 4-weeks ago she suddenly open-up a conversation with me inside the elevator. I was very surprised that Madame Snob would even initiate a conversation with me. Why??? For nearly 3-years she treated me as if I was a piece of dirt.

What strike me the most is what she said to me in the elevator: “…I see you all the time around the building… You look like a swell guy… You know I shouldn’t be a snob with my neighbors…” Wow!!!! This statement was incredible. Why??? Because she was actually opening her heart to me by apologizing to me. In fact, if you were to decipher her double talk, it would appear that she is trying to say that she’s sorry that she’s been a b!tch to me for nearly 3-years. I have to admit that by the time she broke this conversation in the elevator, she has been single for nearly 4-months. In fact, I saw her on Valentine day alone at 10PM walking her dog by the front of the building alone. You would wonder as to where is her date on Valentine day.

Anyway, from that day, it would appear that we sort of became friends, until I saw her yesterday walking-out the front door with this arrogant looking lawyer driving a BMW. Probably, she will be going back to her old ways of ignoring the crap out of me. It always seems that the arrogant lawyers dress in the Armani pinstripe suits are always conquering this b!tch. Money certainly wins in this scenario.

Guys, please help me out here. I need advice from everyone in this board. Why did this b!tch started to apologize to me. I’m really confuse. Is she up to dirty tricks. Should I trust her.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Luis_Rancagua said:
There is this hot-looking high maintenance blonde that lives in my condo. In fact, she has lived there for almost 3-years. Guys, this chick is smoking hot. She’s the kind of woman that spends a lot of time on makeup, hair care, nails, and dress. She likes dating these jerky lawyers or stock-brokers. Many of these boyfriends don’t last long with her. It would appear that changes boyfriends almost every 3-4 months.

There’s also the high heal shoes she wears. They cost more than your car payment, the diamond ring that she uses is of a very valuable carat. The list is endless guys. I hope you understand my point here.

Furthermore, she has this annoying yapping Chihuahua as a pet. She is vain. You like looking at her, and she likes looking at herself as well. She’s a complete snob. One day, I ran into her inside the front lobby of my building. We had eye contact. She suddenly gave me this strange look that seem to say: “…you wish you could have me loser, but you’re not good enough for me…” What a b!tch, but she is a real challenge.

Although I have some deep respect for myself, I will not compromise my integrity by lowering myself to her with the hope of going down her pants some day (I hope).

So what I decided to do is to ignore her by not giving her the time or day. I would walk by her and ignore the sh!t out-of-her. This cold war game went on for nearly 3-years. However, 4-weeks ago she suddenly open-up a conversation with me inside the elevator. I was very surprised that Madame Snob would even initiate a conversation with me. Why??? For nearly 3-years she treated me as if I was a piece of dirt.

What strike me the most is what she said to me in the elevator: “…I see you all the time around the building… You look like a swell guy… You know I shouldn’t be a snob with my neighbors…” Wow!!!! This statement was incredible. Why??? Because she was actually opening her heart to me by apologizing to me. In fact, if you were to decipher her double talk, it would appear that she is trying to say that she’s sorry that she’s been a b!tch to me for nearly 3-years. I have to admit that by the time she broke this conversation in the elevator, she has been single for nearly 4-months. In fact, I saw her on Valentine day alone at 10PM walking her dog by the front of the building alone. You would wonder as to where is her date on Valentine day.

Anyway, from that day we it would appear that we sort of became friends, until I saw her yesterday walking-out the front door with this arrogant looking lawyer driving a BMW. Probably, she will be going back to her old ways of ignoring the crap out of me.

Guys, please help me out here. I need advice from everyone in this board. Why did this b!tch started to apologize to me. I’m really confuse. Is she up to dirty tricks. Should I trust her.
Ask her out. Assess the date. Then move from there.


Apr 27, 2006
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She’s the kind of woman that spends a lot of time on makeup, hair care, nails, and dress.
:crackup: ...I just found that really funny. If you boys were not so lazy I would feel sorry for you.

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Luis_Rancagua said:
There is this hot-looking high maintenance blonde that lives in my condo. In fact, she has lived there for almost 3-years. Guys, this chick is smoking hot. She’s the kind of woman that spends a lot of time on makeup, hair care, nails, and dress.

She likes dating these jerky lawyers or stock-brokers. Many of these boyfriends don’t last long with her. It would appear that she changes her boyfriends almost every 3-4 months.

There’s also the high heal shoes she wears. They cost more than your car payment, the diamond ring that she uses is of a very valuable carat. The list is endless guys. I hope you understand my point here.

Furthermore, she has this annoying yapping Chihuahua as a pet. She is vain. You like looking at her, and she likes looking at herself as well. She’s a complete snob. One day, I ran into her inside the front lobby of my building. We had eye contact. She suddenly gave me this strange look that seem to say: “…you wish you could have me loser, but you’re not good enough for me…” What a b!tch, but she is a real challenge.

Although I have some deep respect for myself, I will not compromise my integrity by lowering myself to her with the hope of going down her pants some day (I hope).

So what I decided to do is to ignore her by not giving her the time or day. I would walk by her and ignore the sh!t out-of-her. This cold war game went on for nearly 3-years. However, 4-weeks ago she suddenly open-up a conversation with me inside the elevator. I was very surprised that Madame Snob would even initiate a conversation with me. Why??? For nearly 3-years she treated me as if I was a piece of dirt.

What strike me the most is what she said to me in the elevator: “…I see you all the time around the building… You look like a swell guy… You know I shouldn’t be a snob with my neighbors…” Wow!!!! This statement was incredible. Why??? Because she was actually opening her heart to me by apologizing to me. In fact, if you were to decipher her double talk, it would appear that she is trying to say that she’s sorry that she’s been a b!tch to me for nearly 3-years. I have to admit that by the time she broke this conversation in the elevator, she has been single for nearly 4-months. In fact, I saw her on Valentine day alone at 10PM walking her dog by the front of the building alone. You would wonder as to where is her date on Valentine day.

Anyway, from that day we it would appear that we sort of became friends, until I saw her yesterday walking-out the front door with this arrogant looking lawyer driving a BMW. Probably, she will be going back to her old ways of ignoring the crap out of me.

Guys, please help me out here. I need advice from everyone in this board. Why did this b!tch started to apologize to me. I’m really confuse. Is she up to dirty tricks. Should I trust her.
What did you reply with when she said what she said in the elevator?

to be honest next time you see her just acknowledge her but don't make any convo.. except maybe hi and a smile then carry on walking.. if you're in the elevator together just nod and say hi but don't make convo.. just wait for her to reply with something.. let the tension of silence build up.

if you keep doing this a few times she'll more than likely start a convo with you.. find out what apartment number she is, tell her yours.. suggest her coming down to yours for whatever bullsh*t reason there is ie to watch a game, coffee, whatever.

despite her out with some other dude don't let this throw you off.. more importantly get out there and meet other girls especially hot ones.. the best thing you can do is have her see you with a hot chick.. your status increases exponentially as its like a personal vouch.

when you saw her outside on valentines day by herself walking her dog that was a killer time for you to get laid.. if shes alone on that day it would have been so easy for you to get some.. duno why you didn't decide to go say hi or whatnot when you saw that opportunity.


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
so a new bf every 4 months, that makes 3 bfs a yr, shes been living in the condos for 3 yrs thats 9 bfs... before that a couple of more bfs lets assume total 15 bfs plus flings here and there, one night stand's etc etc so lets predict around 20 guys who have ****ed her loose loose *****......nope she ain't a slut.
Jul 19, 2006
Reaction score
donjoe said:
so a new bf every 4 months, that makes 3 bfs a yr, shes been living in the condos for 3 yrs thats 9 bfs... before that a couple of more bfs lets assume total 15 bfs plus flings here and there, one night stand's etc etc so lets predict around 20 guys who have ****ed her loose loose *****......nope she ain't a slut.

I think many guys here slept with more then 20 women during this time. Do you consider them to be sluts as well?


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Jeremy the Wicked said:
I think many guys here slept with more then 20 women during this time. Do you consider them to be sluts as well?
what u think is not important cos ur thinking tells me that ur an AFC big time "guys here slept with more than 20 women" LOL apart from a few guys, most of what u will find here are pimplefaced virgin DJ wannabes just like u.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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These types of beauty queens don't really care if the guys who they go out with are DJ's or AFC's, they are usually attracted to the more successful guys who are pleasant to look at, as they always get to have everything their own way they don't care for guys who are a challenge or who will stand up against them, as they want to have some fun and have it all very quickly, they are not worth worrying about unless you want a quick fu-ck, but your only probably going to get that if you do everything that she wants you to do, this type of lady has got it made, she doesn't want a DJ just a pretty boy to play with her for a while. :yes:


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
they are sluts nothing more nothing less, dumb as a rock, have **** of a personality, *****es like these are just good to at look and are *** dumpsters that is till they open their ****ing mouth, than u feel like putting ur **** in their and choke them to death, they are lucky that they are good looking cos once beauty fades they become worthless pieces of crap, and they are in millions walking around in this country, thats why everyone risks death to come here, maybe its something in the water that turns majority of women into worthless piece of trash.

Sir Juanalot

Senior Don Juan
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
donjoe said:
they are sluts nothing more nothing less, dumb as a rock, have **** of a personality, *****es like these are just good to at look and are *** dumpsters that is till they open their ****ing mouth, than u feel like putting ur **** in their and choke them to death, they are lucky that they are good looking cos once beauty fades they become worthless pieces of crap, and they are in millions walking around in this country, thats why everyone risks death to come here, maybe its something in the water that turns majority of women into worthless piece of trash.
Jesus, hate women much? :nono:


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
jesus does not hate women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Luis_Rancagua said:
I was very surprised that Madame Snob would even initiate a conversation with me. Why??? For nearly 3-years she treated me as if I was a piece of dirt.
You worship the ground this slvtty bysh (who pissed on you for 3 years and counting) walks on simply cuz she's HOT...and you call HER the snob? Lol...you guys kill me... :crackup:


Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
let me set u straight than, majority of them are worthless piece of waste does not mean i hate them.