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  1. E

    My "Brand New Person" Game Plan

    go for it man. I'm gonna try to do the same thing.
  2. E

    Need some help with openings

    What do you guys say when you see a friend of yours that's a girl. For example: I see her sitting and I say "What up ______?" What are some other ways you guys start your convos . "Hey Baby"? lol
  3. E


  4. E


    It's only junior prom and where would I do it? I dunno of any after parties
  5. E


    I'm going to prom with this girl. She has a bf in another school ( far away ). Should I try to advance on her? And what suggestions besides dirty dancing can I do at prom? not post prom but at prom?
  6. E

    Do you guys think this is a good opener to approach random girls with?

    Okay the best opener for this situation IMO is to go up to her (If you have never seen you before) and be like "Haven't we met somewhere?" It's really easy to say and from there it gets easy. You initiated a conversation, (Don't complement her when u first meet her ) .