My "Brand New Person" Game Plan


New Member
Sep 8, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share what I will be doing in the upcoming weeks. Let me give you a little background how this happened anyway.

Basically I meet this girl, I get the one-itis thing, I finally ask her out, and she bloody blows me off by telling me she's busy till some term break which is in 3 weeks time.

So realising I completely fked this up by placing her on a pedestal, I've decided to go out there and play the game and maybe ask her out again when that term break comes.

So on to the game plan, I've printed statements which read like this "I AM GOING TO NUMBER CLOSE 10 GIRLS THIS WEEK (9th SEPT TO 17th SEPT) 1: 2: 3: etc" (I know it's a little longer than a week but I didn't want to procrastinate and so start right away)

And taking advantage of my personality that I dislike failure in any form, I know I WILL get 10 numbers to fill that list up.

I basically am going to sarge Mon - Sat, leaving Sunday for other commitments. I won't go into details on how I plan to pick chicks up, but just wanted to share this game plan.

Appreciate any feedback, comments, encouragement and possible ways to deal with that one-itis girl. I see her in school twice a week.


New Member
Sep 8, 2006
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Thanks guys, all the best. I kinda changed my outlook on the whole game thing though after I n-closed the first girl.

Be creating a post in general on this.