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  1. C

    How many men

    Well since you have done it then give me what you think would be the top 3 things from sosuave to pull and if you think any one of them would require severe rewriting or key information. " We all partied 3nites a week. All had good jobs, nice houses, cars, all that bullschitt. That's the...
  2. C

    How many men

    Looks like the same exact thing as the first post, its a blend of my ideologies used with innacuracies. " No man is ****ing 1 new girl (who's actually hot) a week unless he has low standards " Low standards would be due to not being able to get with females therefore he doesnt know what he is...
  3. C

    How many men

    I'm trying to get a scale of this level of success being reachable by pretty much anyone else. This was me at 17 state just getting started imagine having your life wasted in prison ever since for males that were only going to see one or two females in their lifetimes calling you gay and a...
  4. C

    How many men

    " either high status or good looks " This is the common excuse I got for failure were going to blame looks when we actually fell short on what and who a female is and how her mind actually thinks so it was his looks and or status. Which status is mostly used for the losers that went famous...
  5. C

    How many men

    " Having sex with easy/trashy women " Imagine being one of the only few in the town that could have sex with this female due to being good enough to get with and sleep with her themselves, on top of this you would be the only one that did it in fifteen minutes. The women being trashy is...
  6. C

    How many men

    This actually does not look like a reply from sosuave. It almost looks like it was taken from the ideology of a successful mind and repeated before sosuave falls short, in a distorted fashion that says its not successful for the male its a trashy woman. This sounds like its to avoid the truth...
  7. C

    How many men

    Do the people that taught so suave even believe this level of success is possible, if interest is there and the situation is ;legitimate and not altered where you get legitimate responses from the female if you are there with her. If there is interest sex is 100% certain within 15-30 minutes...
  8. C

    How many men

    Do you know of that are having sex with any woman they find with interest within 15 minutes of alone time. What age did you accomplish this if you did accomplish it, and you have to be 100% certain, that if there is interest sex is 100% certain unless she has a disease or something stopping the...
  9. C

    32 Years old

    Consider the fact she left at 21 and you are not married and its the only female you can say you were capable of having sex with for the rest of your life if someone challenges you.
  10. C

    32 Years old

    I read on here that you should have around 10 females ready at any point in time by the time you are 30. How big of a failure is it to only have had one female in your life at 32 who had sex with you for who you are instead of ten ready at any point in time?
  11. C

    The Number 1 Rule For A Transition Afc In Hs

    Wow, that was my problem lmfao... Small ass school sarging, my friend asked me so who are you goin for this week... Im just like man stfu... Whoever goes for me ha.a.
  12. C

    Senior-Sophmore Situation

    I was in exact same position not too long ago, she invited me to her house, and I couldnt go the first time (when she did come), and the second time she gave me a lame excuse for not picking up the phone that night, even though she did that day, so I ditched the *****.
  13. C

    Juggler Workshop Review & Lay Report (VERY LONG)

    What exactly do you mean when you say hen pecking , Do you mean touch her hip with yours?
  14. C

    Highschool Forum: Help us redo the Highschool Bible!

    Just searched up these two and they seem pretty hot. From Non Juan to Don Juan part one From Non Juan to Don Juan part three
  15. C

    how would don do this?

    Ive found this approach to work nicely, found it here on this site You : Hey Her : Hey You : Whats your name Her : ______ ______ When you hear her name thats a que for handshake, do the handshake pointing downwards, this is something about staying out of the ljbf zone. And its good early kino...
  16. C

    Three *****es (not interested in) keeps messing up my mind-set

    Id just tell them "If you are going to act like little kids then Il treat you like ones, And I dont like little kids" and leave it at that. Lets see what others have to say though, im not too expierienced in this.
  17. C


    I forgot to mention shes a senior and Im a sophomore.
  18. C

    How should i go about this approach

    Zerotwoonenine, I never see her alone, I dont have any classes with her and rarely see her in the halls. When homeboy throws another party Im sure thatl be a good time to get some rapport.
  19. C

    HB 9-9.5 approach

    I read some good push/pull stories in swinggcats but dont remember them, maybe I should study those a little bit and make my own using similar methods.
  20. C

    HB 9-9.5 approach

    LoL, That kind of stuff is always popping up naturally to me, for some reason C&F rarely appears...I kind of feel like I need C&F though.