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  1. M

    Getting rid of NEEDING a girlfriend,not so easy even thought I know its THE way to go

    blueangel - perhaps you are right but I must say I felt like I met a girl of my dreams, a girl I could spend rest of my life with seriously and wanted open myself to love and did that, but at the same time wanted to be with her TOO MUCH and felt like not being with her will be hard to...
  2. M

    Getting rid of NEEDING a girlfriend,not so easy even thought I know its THE way to go

    interesting makes me think to last three of you, first of all I guess moving to close to all extremes is bad, needing a girl too much can be and often is destructive, even a suicide denying own desires and nature can be also as destructive, I guess, since denial of who we are is never a...
  3. M

    My girlfriend wants a Threesome!! I must follow through...

    ^^ what he said :) have a good fvcking time! :rockon:
  4. M

    Getting rid of NEEDING a girlfriend,not so easy even thought I know its THE way to go

    Hey, anyone? I know this is big, I used to tell myself I`m a prize etc. and it didn`t work all that good, but the second I truly realized and belived I need no girlfriend all my tension, anxiety, lack of confidence DISSAPEARED! just like that... problem is, I can`t seem to get...
  5. M

    Getting rid of NEEDING a girlfriend,not so easy even thought I know its THE way to go

    I was meeting a girl recently and was too much into her, afc, nice guy way, whatever - I know it souldnt be like that but I made mistakes, good - live and learn they say... one time I realized we might not be together and allowed myself to feel that it will be just fine and... most amazing...
  6. M

    Read This Thread And Women Will Instanly Love You!

    damn it! no instant love? crap! :)
  7. M

    getting "happy" when snuggling

    yes, thats even better way to put it, aftershock
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    getting "happy" when snuggling

    grind! she`ll like!
  9. M

    Getting girls to have sex with you.

    yes adding i like your shoes always does the trick, every fvcking time! ;)
  10. M

    getting bookstore babe`s number second time I`ll go there...?

    Thanks guys, I think I need toclear things a bit, guess the close itself is pretty clear for me, its the way up for the close that makes me worry a bit like, I have just spoken few words with her, and nothing personal anly about this books I needed so next time I`ll visit shell be there, and I...
  11. M

    getting bookstore babe`s number second time I`ll go there...?

    so I was looking for a book, and this hot blonde was checking if they have it in their computer - and it was suppose to be there, but she couldnt find it on the shelfs... we chatted a litle like it was supposed to be there, but she said sometimes its wrong data in a computer... so I asked to...
  12. M

    The benefits of "nexting" on personal development

    This is great for gaining true self respect, bump
  13. M

    High IL at the beggining, then lowering - back up for a while or attack?

    update/progress Ok so I stopped talking/wrighting to her, but decided to not be cold and calculating - I just don`t feel the need to talk/contact/meet with her right now. today she asked me via ICQ if I`m avoiding her, and when I got back home and read this message, she was no longer there so...
  14. M

    Avoid NLP, EFT, Subliminal Messages

    now, thats a good point as well ;)
  15. M

    High IL at the beggining, then lowering - back up for a while or attack?

    Its interesting, what you say - let me add some circumstances: she told me it while drunk, and actually not told but written while chatting, and shortly asked if I didn`t felt it last night? (that she wanted to have sex) and well, I do belive I know her enough to see she was not lying (or is...
  16. M

    Avoid NLP, EFT, Subliminal Messages

    Yes its garbage, and whats worse, people use it often instead of deeling with some deeper issues, and just build more crap on already crapy construction, masking stuff at best. Why not build new solid construction, correct what is not right deep inside, even if it takes longer time its worth...
  17. M

    Taking back love and romance, the MASCULINE way

    Yes, I`v been there for w few short moments... however, for most of the time I have problems arriving at that place, this mindset. Funny thing is its when I`m like that when I have most fun, am most myself and most masculine. But problem is, I think it was mostly like that when I didn`t care...
  18. M

    High IL at the beggining, then lowering - back up for a while or attack?

    Thanx - yeah, I try not to get too much into her dramas, as I`v learned its better often to wait something out - however: -she tried quiting, but is somking again happily -it seems like its getting slowly worse in last week or more... but I do suspect it *can* be a strategy, she is a girl...
  19. M

    High IL at the beggining, then lowering - back up for a while or attack?

    ok I`m on this page since 2002, but got problems with my old account, password and email, anyway I got other issues in me to work on (being Adult Child of Alchocholics) but I`m getting better now :) and so I havent been asking for advices about specific girls so far, but this one is being too...