Clearing up The Mystery
Let's break down PRECISELY what NLP is.
Neuro = of or dealing with nerves, predominantly the brain, which thereby connects to the emotions and body.
Linguistic = dealing with speech, words
Programming = systematic in nature, automated.
If you talk all gangster, isn't that just programming?
If you talk all business, isn't that just programming?
If you talk sports lingo, isn't that just programming?
If you talk all women, isn't that just programming?
Essentially, the AFC comes to Sosuave or any other site to be PROGRAMMED from AFC to a STUD PUA or DJ. Alot of them DO NOT, because on a subconscious level, they don't buy it, believe it, or want to. Yeah, they're motivated to DO SO, but they don't actually do it, because they can't see their SELF image going from A to Z.
Thing is, it's not until you dissolve the CONCEPT of self into THERE exists no SELF, that you can truly make changes.
I believe, the basis of humanity is purely concentrated energy of a conscious nature. Any substance examined with a powerful enough microscope demonstrates that there is NO SOLID base to it. A rock is not totally solid on a subatomic level, anymore than air, water, food, or human beings are. It's just that it's MORE concentrated given its properties.
That said, a human being is a genetic composite of whatever their parents were, however, if you're a mere product of your DNA, then you CANNOT have choice. YOU CANNOT have consciousness to choose GOOD OR BAD. RIGHT OR WRONG. You'd be totally LOCKED into whatever you're destined to be. BUT you are not. You are conscious controlled energy, aptly named WILL POWER.
WILL POWER. Will suggesting firmness of spirit and power, like a laser, focused. Or conscious thought focused on a point. It will shatter.
Beyond NLP
THE way many newbies come to NLP is by way of seduction. TOTALLY wrong. Normally they get to THAT, when they're still neophytes to seduction AlREADY. We're talking guys who barely get laid, are totally chumps, or are just lucky enough to get heavy hotties. Any guy who's been around awhile, KNOWS, that once you gain trust, there are ways to enabling OTHER behaviors with women. That doesn't happen as these guru's advertise, but it does happen.
I'd stated it before, a buddy of mine essentially did NLP, without realizing it was NLP. As a coach, he was always talking to people, motivating them, and he transitioned this information to women. He could turn a girl, over time, who was adverse to Oral, into a Literal *** Vampire. A girl who would swallow, enjoy oral, want to give, or even put it in coffee and drink it! All true stories. But it takes KNOWING how programmed people are, and how we all can be to comprehend the power.
I would NEVER suggest a young teen go there, or a guy who can't even tell when to call a girl, or even wonder how to talk with her. HOWEVER, Nlp does assist in understanding you, which gives you full grasp of how to talk with people. By no means is it a mystical or fantastical science. It doesn't work wonders in the true sense, but I would NEVER suggest NOT researching something in life. Do it. Expand upon it. Broaden it. Add to it. Offer comments and criticism. Improve it.
I own several NLP books, as well Tony Robbins books, and when you READ them, you get it. See, I don't like Guru's information. it's nice motivational material, but the real point is ADAPTING it TO YOU and YOUR game, not VICE versa.
Words have the profound effect of motivating us, or killing our dreams and ambitions. Ask any kid who's lived under the regime of tyrranical unloving parents. Or any girl who's been mentally abused for years under bad boyfriends. Realities get warped and shaped. It takes time to undo that, if at all possible.
I wouldn't expect ANY guy to play psychologist to a girl, but for your own benefit, it pays to know about all types of literature and psychology out there. The guys guru's target are the total neophytes, who can't grasp mere pickups or what to say on the phone, let get where NLP comes from. And certainly words don't communicate as much as HOW you communicate them, or your bodily actions.