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  1. P

    hb9 dating site response neded....

    ok guys, i e-mailed this hb9 (on dating site) a couple of days ago with the opener: "Hi. Saw your profile and was wondering if you were as cool as you are beautiful. Message me back." She has now come back with: Thank you,... and in answer to your question; i hope so '-) what are...
  2. P

    Advice on this weirrrrrrrd chick....

    why don't you just ask her outright what she thinks/feels about you? you'll continue to go around in circles otherwise. sounds as though she's up for it though.
  3. P

    english v american women

    l777 - make sure you're in LA as often as possible. they love us english there, and the women are hot! spend most of your time on the sunset strip when you go out sarging, you can't fail to pull.
  4. P

    Should I give her my #?

    absolutely, stop sweating. if she doesn't respond forget about her and go pull some other birds.
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    END Game Help....Don Juan's help on this!!

    getting them drunk on the 1st/2nd date is always a winner. although of course it's preferable to do everything sober, but who cares if it means getting them in the sack asap if that's your number one aim. plus it saves you loads of dosh on taking them out too much.
  6. P

    In the bedroom...

    make her feel special and that you have never hooked up so quickly with anyone before. they need the re-assurance that they're not being used (when of course they are!). say something like "of course not, this is the first time that i've ever made out with anybody so quickly". i've said this...
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    english v american women

    but mate, you're in miami! the women there are way hotter than in london...
  8. P

    Less interest as you get older?

    englishman - i'm also interested to know where you go to pull? are you in london? in response to kandyass i would say that most older women are just as up for it as we are, but they don't tend to show it as much. the majority of the time that i'm walking down the street etc and women are...
  9. P

    english v american women

    being english, i love going to the US as american women absolutely love us english gents! not only that but i find they are far more approachable, friendly etc and generally easy to pull. english women on the other hand (particularly in london) have the barriers up from the off and very hard...