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  1. L

    Any movies to learn from?

    Hey! Is there any movies out there that I can watch to learn some DJ tips? Like Wedding crashers or Hitch maybe? Thanks for all the movietips :D
  2. L

    This site just isn't working HELP!!

    If I was ugly... Or just fat... But really funny and cool to talk with, can I get a really pretty girl? I don't think so. I'm not looking at the fat/ugly girls. Girls think like that to, I know it.
  3. L

    Don't know what to say to her

    Okay.. But I know that my friend is not looking for a girl, he already has one too. Actually I think the girl was a little intressed in him, but not the other way. So why couln't he be a real friend and leave her for me. Hmm... Let's say he was not flirting with her. But the girl sat there...
  4. L

    Don't know what to say to her

    BUMP I really need some help here. Sorry for spamming but this is a problem i feel I've never gonna solve. So I just want to know what you would do? What would you say? .. in this situation (See above).
  5. L

    ~ how can I F*ck her?

    Think about a huge fat old lady!! Works for me.. But even if I come I just keep on rocking until she comes. You can handle a little pain for your reputation. Or when you feel you are about to come, just slow down and use your hand on her.
  6. L

    Don't know what to say to her

    Thanks! But I just wonder what you guys would say in this situation to attract her?
  7. L

    Don't know what to say to her

    Hey! First of all; Sorry for my bad english.. Norway over here. Today I was at a party. Me and my two friends was the only males there (sober as well). About 20 girls :cheer: I was looking at a very pretty, sexy girl. I sow a gitar in the corner beside a sofa where we where sitting. I grab...