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  1. T

    For you guys who don't read the home page

    #23 I couldn't agree more with this statement. I would be the prime example of this. Right now, as I sit here and type this, I can't stop thinking about my ex. I broke up with her, and for the life of me, I have no idea why. It's taking every ounce of streangth I have not to e-mail...
  2. T

    Anybody from winnipeg?

    Wpg. I'm from winnipeg, well, I moved about 2 1/2 hours away, but I try and come in every other weekend. I'm coming in this weekend(feb18-19) and was wondering if someone wanted to get together. My current wings suck azz. Sarge on, Trag
  3. T

    bf destroyers

    Go out swinging. Just swing for the fence. What have you got to loose at this point. Swing and strike out:NEXT Swing and hit a home run::cool: But use your judgement and above all; have fun and learn in the process. Trag
  4. T

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    Week 1, done and out of the way Well, I finished week one. I had to finish it in this small town, which actually wasn't that bad. Everyone is friendly, for passer-by's, so I finished my 50 ec's and hi's rather quickly. Continued on and lost count at around 70. Anyway, nothing too interesting...
  5. T

    Moving in the wrong direction

    Just a thought, but what if you turned her into a wing. That could provide some insight to this whole picking up girls thing, and would most definately be alot of fun. It might even work to your advantage and get you some of that lesbo action. That is to say if you decide to freeze her out...
  6. T

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    Boot Camp, Week 1 First, my apologies for the double post above...stupid dial up. So, as I had said, I went out saturday night with the intention of talking to as many women as I possibly could. My goal was to get rejected by all of them, however, my experiance was not quite so. Saturday...
  7. T

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    Today is the first day of my new life Well, I'm starting BC tonight. I live in a small town and it is very difficult for me to do boot camp here, so I am going to the city to sarge at the culbs tonight. I intend to talk to and get turned down by as many women as I can tonight. Tomorrow, I will...
  8. T

    Boot Camp for The Mature Man

    Today is the first day of my new life Well, I'm starting BC tonight. I live in a small town and it is very difficult for me to do boot camp here, so I am going to the city to sarge at the culbs tonight. I intend to talk to and get turned down by as many women as I can tonight. Tomorrow, I will...
  9. T

    Vocal tonality & inflection is MASSIVELY telling

    Excellent advice! I started out reading your post with my inner monologue, then decided to read it with my outer monologue and vary my inflection as much as possible. I found that by the end of your post, I was relatively comfortable with my voice. Starting out and paying attention, I realized...
  10. T

    26 and finally turning my life around...

    I'm in sort of the same boat. I'm 25, just moved to a small town and don't know anyone here. Also, I am the AFC I've never wanted to be. I used to be good with women, but have recently fallen into a severe case of unconfidence, which has subsequently lead me here(so my life isn't over yet)...