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  1. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    So this is what these forums apparently have turned into. Sad to see. Honestly, looking at this I (and probably anybody who has been out actually doing this stuff) can tell that a good amount of you aren't even remotely out practicing this in the real world. If you did, you wouldn't have time...
  2. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    Just under 6 ft and all of the women I'm seeing have some sort of gym/yoga practice week in and week out. It's funny, I have to consider the context of why a question along these lines is being asked. Not really because I care about saving face here (I really couldn't care less), but that I...
  3. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    (shrugs) Cool, bro. Lol
  4. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    Didn't realize that a "revolution" was needed for a post here. ;) I'll make sure to only come to you with on the best well-vetted, double-blind tested attraction secrets from the most remote regions of Tibet in the future. Haha (I see what you're saying. The tactics, I think, are like training...
  5. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    I think that you bring up a really good point (that I came to, as well) at the end of your comment. If most of your time is focused on women, everything else stagnates. You have to very careful about how you do things and make sure that you take of yourself. To answer the rest of your...
  6. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    I love this. My friend and I were discussing the other day how we've had the opportunity to hang out with both millionaires and a few billionaires and have noticed a distinct difference between the two. Many of the millionaires we've met grind HARD, oftentimes to the implosion of their health...
  7. D

    asking for advice about uninterested wife

    Well, I can't disagree with a lot of what you said. Although, I don't buy into the chad thing in any respect. I think that showing a woman you desire her has much more to do with subtlely conveying raw sexual intent. The secret is that many women really want to be completely ravished sexually...
  8. D

    Your Purpose Is More Important Than Your Woman

    As of this writing, I'm a little over a month away from turning 39 years old. I'm a little bit overweight (due to a medication thing, I do workout 5 days a week and eat cleanly) and have a shaved head. I'm not particularly good looking and, in fact, have a multitude of scars that come from...
  9. D

    asking for advice about uninterested wife

    I am definitely not an expert in this situation. However, I've had many "bored wives" approach me about sex (which I don't do) and I can tell you what they seem to categorically be longing for: passion, excitement, arousal - they want to feel desired. Also, women tend to mirror back to us what...
  10. D

    Still stuck

    It's only been 8 months, my friend. Let it ride itself out. It will hurt for a while, but then it will dissipate. I would venture to say (from experience) that getting back with her wouldn't be a good thing at all, no matter how much you think it would be. You would be pacifying your aching...
  11. D

    women with anxiety

    Honestly, I think most women have it to varying degrees. It's recently become very popular to talk about it incessantly. If they have issues with anxiety, I get it. Doesn't excuse acting like a jackass, however. That's where I draw the line.
  12. D

    What problems are you having?

    Hey guys! It's been awhile since I have been on this forum, but I see that while there are some differences, very few things really change. The reason I'm writing this is because a great personal trainer, meditation coach and I are working out a new podcast to help men move forward in life...
  13. D

    In camp with 4 betas and a girl

    How is she being manipulative? That might help us answer a bit better. :)
  14. D

    Ten Seduction Principles I Live By (Part One)

    7. Drop your ego (and your excuses) I've only been back on this forum for a bit since everything has changed and honestly? It looks the same as it did years ago. Different people are saying the same stuff. Most of these things will NEVER help you get with women. Here's why.. Ego - Now, I am...
  15. D

    Ten Seduction Principles I Live By (Part One)

    Agreed. I rather be blown out because of the truth, rather than a lie. In my opinion, when you lie, it's because you are somehow scared that who and what you are is not enough. That's bull****. Instead of "cheating" or "playing", why not be honest? It works. It's fine. Trust me. There was a...
  16. D

    Game Flaw? Help Me With This. Girls Who Sleep with You but Show Little Affection.

    Honestly, I think some women just are this way. Out of about 100+, I've met about 5 or 6 that were too in their head to enjoy the moment with you. They usually try to make you feel like **** for it, too. Just keep it classy and know your own personal boundaries. :)
  17. D

    Any one going to try the promised land method ?

    No. He just reposted some stuff for me. I'm PM'ing with him, also. :)
  18. D

    Any one going to try the promised land method ?

    Well, sorry to hear that you lost your faith in humanity through spending time with a bunch of women, man. That's got to be rough, I suppose. In my experience, I've actually learned to appreciate women more. I love their company, their openness, and their femininity. When I meet those things...
  19. D

    Any one going to try the promised land method ?

    Hahaha No scam here, man. Just telling the truth as I've found it to be. If it's possible for me, it's possible for everyone. No "product" or thing to buy in the works, either. (And, by the way, I've never called it a "method" or "system". It's just what I've found to work.) cheers!
  20. D

    I have seen the promised land.

    I am completely for real.