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  1. T

    Trying to be friends with my ex!!!

    Don't try. Ignore her! That will in some way get her attention. I have and am currently where you are at. You are too convenient to her. Go find the hottest chick you can, and try to get on with your life. If she does not respect you know, even if you get her back, do you really want a girl who...
  2. T

    Anything about a girl's past

    Why is it that the girls who have daddy issues do F9&$ like dogs and you have to basically ignore them even after they have broken up or dumped you for them to come back?
  3. T

    How to handle girls that act like strippers

    So can I get a shot at hitting that again, or am I screwed. If I can. how do I go about doing it? Don't get me wrong. I almost hit it the first two dates. I had her sprawled out. The attraction is there. I just screwed myself.
  4. T

    How to handle girls that act like strippers

    To tell you the truth I thought she was. She just stopped everything. Like I said, my buddies seem to think that if I just let it be, she will just call randomly. In other words don't call, don't look frustrated ect. I probably could have got naked with her, but she knew that I was coming out of...
  5. T

    How to handle girls that act like strippers

    I met a girl online, major hottie. She came on strong, the type that calls everyday. She intoduced me to her family who is real conservative. I asked her to go out new years and she informed me she had another date, after I asked her is she had been seeing anyone else. She said no. Now as a...
  6. T

    Needed advise

    golfguy, She actually called me the other day, but I ignore the call. Then I was out last night with some of my boyz and I checked my email from my phone. She had her girlfriend email me an urgent message TWICE asking me if I had a date for New Years, and that she had a girl she...
  7. T

    Needed advise

    Thanks Bro!
  8. T

    Needed advise

    Pharma. The thing with this girl is this, looks 6. Definitely dated finer. You know those girls, average looking, brainiacs but something sexy about them. Nice body, fake tits (which she got after she was in the practice, then left the hubby) Has some sex appear like "I want to do you!" The...
  9. T

    sex without being in a relationship

    Bro stay in control. When she knows that you want that ^&*() she will use it on you. I just got out of the same that started that way and ended up nasty. Call her bluff, treat her as every other girl.
  10. T

    Needed advise

    Thanks golfguy. I actually mailed the stuff because my sister who is a playa told me to. She said it was a lot better than driving over there. She said from a girls standpoint that is a power move. As far as treating her like anybody else, not asking questions ect. I am there. You know we all...
  11. T

    Needed advise

    I really have Bro, and again thanks for your input. I know it is normal to thiunk about who she is with, and is he this or is he that. I feel like that the way I responded, as well as some of my girlfriends I discussed the scenario with feel like I actually have the upper hand because I gave her...
  12. T

    Needed advise

    But I have another scenario, not that I am waiting on this. After this has run its course maybe 4-6 months should I prepare for a "hey what's up phone call? I am already dating, but do they ever come back aropund and if so what makes them do it? Or should I shut up and just watch SWINGERS for...
  13. T

    Needed advise

    Thanks my man. I appreciate the help. I have ran into her a couple of times and have given her nothing but basic hi and bye. I was so neurotic for a while, but I know I am headed in the right direction.
  14. T

    Needed advise

    I have been dating a professional women, who came from a broken home in which she did not speak to her father for over 20 years. She was married for 9, has a couple of kids. We dated for almost 2 years. I got into the relationship knowing that she had some issues with men, and she told me up...