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  1. T

    Approaches/Icebreakers for in class?

    I talked to her a bit today, just introduced my self with a 101. 1- Did you do something to your hair? Her- Yeah I did, it's straightened today. 0- Oh. I like it better natural. 1- But it still looks nice. What I think I'm really asking are what are good conversations to have that are...
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    Bailed Out On Getting Head<Got Nervous

    let her suck your ****, man... like a buddy of mine always told me, "Even the worst head I ever got was great."
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    Approaches/Icebreakers for in class?

    Yeah, I'm not really shy or anything; I don't have problems talking to girls. But I'm looking for a way to start a flirting conversation right off the bat, rather than a regular, fakey, friends-only conversation. I had it down pat last year, but I spent most of my summer smoking pot with a...
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    Approaches/Icebreakers for in class?

    Anyone have any good icebreakers or methods to approach girls during class--i.e., if you're sitting next to them but don't know them. Thanks :D
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    Exactly. Read the bible and all the good DJ lit, and then apply it manually. After like a month, it'll start very quickly to be automatic--part of you. It's great.
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    New Trend: Random/funny

    i do this sometimes, just to a group in the middle of class. very seriously: "Did you guys know...that 95% of a panda's diet?" If I could get a video or audio of it you'd understand. It has to be done right but it's great.
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    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    Exactly. It's V-day, she didn't have a date, your her friend so you already have a connection. **BEING HER FRIEND IS DIFFERENT FROM BEING "JUST FRIENDS"** You are not in the "Just Friends" zone until she says so. She probably likes you and is hoping for something great and romantic to...
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    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    No man you're misinterpreting everything we say. Take like a week and get as many dates as you can and read everything about DJism and apply it in the field. That's the best and fastest way to get better.
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    Accidental shopping thing, need help!

    How hot is she? Valentine's day and no date? Hmmm. Well, I wouldn't hug her right when you see her unless that's what you usually do. I would do things the way you guys normally hang out, but with C+F and all the game you've got. She should be really into you at that point. Then you could...
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    popular/hott girl

    DAFS- Do a fvcking search.
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    "Friends Zone". Do I still have a chance?

    People come here for advice man. That's the beauty of the forums. Each situation is different, so it's helpful to have a place to get some input, another point of view. j8snx1, you're friends with her, but you're not just friends until she tells you that. There is a huge difference, like...
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    2 girls

    C&F just takes practice. We could give you all kinds of examples, but C&F is really situational; spur of the moment. It's up to you. Check out some stuff on the net about comedy, it helps.
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    Is it worth it?

    It is possible, but very difficult. I'm doing it right now. I am aware that it would just be better to next her and move on, but I'm waiting for a LJBF or a LFRN. There are only two possible outcomes. Just game her as best you can, and if it doesn't work out, then just pick a new girl.
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    What to answer to this question?

    Say something like, sure, as a friend. But make sure she knows you're interested, she'll eat up the mixed signals.
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    What NOT to do?

    What are IOIs or SOIs? Im assuming theyre signs of interest or indications of interest or something? That would be helpful to know :) Also, what are DHV techniques? Ive seen them mentioned before on other forums, but there wasnt enough context for me to figure out what they were. Thanks...
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    What NOT to do?

    There is a ton of stuff all over the place about what to do to generate attraction, etc. But what about what NOT to do? I have seen very few things on it. I do everything that I've learned from sosuave, but since I'm making a lot of mistakes it's not having as powerful of an effect. It...
  17. T

    Need some input/advice.

    I met this girl I really liked. We get along pretty good (I thought), and have interesting conversations. I'm way new to DJing. But anyways, she asked me what I meant by something, and I said "Does it matter?" She got all mad and said I always made smartass remarks. So now she's pissed I...