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  1. C

    Separating the girls in class: those who like you and those that are friendly?

    Ask her to go with you to get a cup of coffee immediately after class. If she says no then move on. You've already given her one chance, she needs to quit playing games.
  2. C

    Is it possible to lose desire for women?

    Your friend has just matured and now correctly realizes that a SO is more of an addition to a healthy happy life not a necessity to feel complete. Kudos to him.
  3. C

    Crazy b!tch trying to sabotage me

    So you told this lady that you were a sh*tty person, you were dating another woman, you use women for sex and on top of it, you think you are a great guy. You've already buried yourself socially, you don't need too much help from her. Try being a little nicer and a little more sensitive...
  4. C

    I have a gf and she has a bf

    It doesn't look like she is going to break up with her boyfriend anytime soon. If she does then you run the risk of her cheating on you as well.
  5. C

    What should I do now...anything..or wait for her to call?

    I think what she heard in the conversation between the two of you was that she wasn't marriage material because she wasn't muslim so the relationship would never be serious.
  6. C

    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    First of all, I am very glad you are getting those all-important blow jobs in your car. However, your entire first post is a directive on how women "should" behave and what women "should" and "shouldn't" do. Um, most of us ladies have plenty of men seeking our companionship. Putting a...
  7. C

    girl with a bf...of course

    Um, there are 3 billion women out there, many of them very available. Why are you wasting time with this disinterested lady?
  8. C

    A Modern Dating Tragedy: A Man's Perspective

    Mr. Cardio and Kevin make me laugh laugh laugh. It's an entire population of women, not you. ;) Whatever you say.