Crazy b!tch trying to sabotage me


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
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First of all, let me say I was never mean or hurtful to this girl, named M. I just broke up with her, and maybe I wasn’t upfront enough when we initiated the relationship. My second mistake was trying to remain friends, and continuing to be honest w/ her about my personal life.

She and I share a lot of the same friends, we smoke in the same cool-kids section of my college. Usually when she’s acting mean or rude I just get up and leave, I have plenty of things to do but I don’t want to get a new smoking section or new friends.

Today I was wearing my shirt from the NIN show. I had told her that I was going with a girl (Ki) that I wasn’t really into, that I had split up with because she cared too much about me and I didn’t want Ki to get hurt in the long run. This is the same reason I broke up with M, and I told her this. OOPS! Today she said “oh is that your shirt from the show with the girl that you’re just using for concert tickets?” I said “its not like that.” “Oh right,” she said “you’re also using her for sex.” That’s something else I had said on a previous occasion (d’oh) She’s told the smoking section and prolly our mutual friends everything that was said and what transpired between us. She called me a terrible person, and said nobody here wants to hang out with you, right? Well people didn’t really agree in unison or anything, M is visibly unstable and I don’t think ppl take her seriously. Yet I know this **** is having an effect, the girl can and would like to sabotage me socially.

The real problem is, when I told this girl why we were breaking up, and pretty much everything else I tell her, I engineer it so that I will seem like a ****ty guy. Because I’d rather leave her hating me than pining over what a great guy she lost (which is the reality.)

My options as I see them are:
a) Find a new section and clique to run with
b) Call her out (somehow) and make her stop (I need help with this one)
c) Make peace with her

Socially, M is very smart and quick on her feet. She’s also well connected, has lots of friends. I’d like to resolve this situation without breaking her heart but at this point, the gloves are coming off.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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So you told this lady that you were a sh*tty person, you were dating another woman, you use women for sex and on top of it, you think you are a great guy.

You've already buried yourself socially, you don't need too much help from her.

Try being a little nicer and a little more sensitive and you might be able to heal your social wounds.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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don't worry about it. the only problem you are going to have it keeping this girl away from you. She will most likely still want you.

welcome to the bad boy club.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
you make it sound like it's bad. If anybody asks you; "i don't want a relaitonship right now, when i find a gurl who is worth my time i'll consider it"

the truth is the soulvation. it doesn't metter if all you want is ass, as long as your hones (almost blunt) about it, everybody will respect you.....

it's your own damn foult for acting like a wizal (spelling:confused: )

and next time when she saiz something, say: "you know what your problem is, you could never stop sucking my d*ck."