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  1. K

    Generating massive attraction in a few minutes

    Cmon any more suggestions?
  2. K

    Generating massive attraction in a few minutes

    Gotcha, lets stick to topic, ppl.
  3. K

    Generating massive attraction in a few minutes

    Quoted: "she brought up her boyfriend when you were talking to her. If she brought it up all casual like without any hesitation shhe may be thinking of you as a friend." Yea, but after talking to her online,(I already mentioned to you guys that im gifted in attraction online).So after doing...
  4. K

    Generating massive attraction in a few minutes

    "fire it up" Yes thats my question, how do I get her physically attracted or whatever you guys call it, just triggering lots of attraction. I know she has a bf and all, but she seems to be sort of hanging out and talking to other guys and stuff. So she might not be that serious about him...
  5. K

    Generating massive attraction in a few minutes

    Ok David DeAngelo talked about this alot, how the hell does he do it? There is this person im after. She has shown some interest in me on the first day of school. then it sorta faded away, then i talked to her once again (yes I talked to her before) and told her that she was pretty cool and...
  6. K

    Eye Contact MADness!

    Erm thanks, just dont use the term "balls" with me, not used to welcoming it .. Ok, what about the "What time it is" approach?
  7. K

    Acting uninterested led her to other guys...confused!

    Quoted: The thing is, they must like you first. You cannot play the uninterested card when they don't even have feelings for you. Make sure they like you a decent amount before you try sparking their jealousy. ___________________________________________ Yes!
  8. K

    Girl in Hospital

    Im definetly missing something...
  9. K

    Any Guitarists?

    Quoted: The thing is, most girls here are into that sh*tty new punk rock stuff, while I'm into classic rock, hard rock, and heavy metal. _________________________________________________________________ Yea, ok maybe things like Green Day and Good Charlotte look punk, but not exaclty punk...
  10. K

    Eye Contact MADness!

  11. K

    Eye Contact MADness!

    Hey guys. Lets say you found this girl, and she eye contacts you more than once, what makes you DJs so sure it means shes interested in you? What if you have some really bad trait, and she keeps observing it curiously. Like someone with green hair, he looks stupid, but Im just looking at him...
  12. K

    Any Guitarists?

    I play a "viking" brand guitar. I love it, I know all Linkin Park's stuff, really into Dream Theater, Linkin Park, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and John Petrucci (That guy is awesome) Im currently learning: -Joe Satriani's Crystal Planet -Steve Vai's Halo 2 theme -Dream Theater's As I am...
  13. K

    Curiosity: How do the Non-DJs know ??

    How come guys who aren't DJs like us know how to deal with girls very well, and sometimes even beat us at our own thing ? Ive seen it, mainly confidence-wise. But in other things too, how do they get that knowledge? Ok maybe they dont know much about the eyes dialating thing, but still, how...
  14. K

    So this is it ? (Read it, If you want)

    Ill see. Any more suggestions on conversation or anything ?
  15. K

    So this is it ? (Read it, If you want)

    I agree, Ill take care of that from now on.
  16. K

    So this is it ? (Read it, If you want)

    Quoted: "Draw her as a cartoon character...she'll love it!" Ahh, now thats acceptable. Thanks guys, will try. An example of me using the quote "never do exactly what she wants": She called me for a friend of mine's number (yes I have her number and she has mine, she gives it away...
  17. K

    So this is it ? (Read it, If you want)

    I wouldn't do that, Im good in sketching quick cartoons, but no real people, andsorry not to agree with you, but that seems like a little too much of a story's scene. Im taking care of prizability seriously well,
  18. K

    So this is it ? (Read it, If you want)

    Hey Guys, Ok, in school, the girl I wanna get sure does like me, I think its because she thinks im funny,very kind, and good drawing skills. But there is this other guy in our class who is always going out with her and his friends,together with her friends to movies and stuff, but its not...
  19. K

    What do u say when a girl asks u if u like her ?

    Thanks But i think u got that part wronge Quote : $5.00 says you sent your friend over to ask her. Bad idea... What if hes just makin it up trying to embarrass me (which always fails for him) . But what if it did happen , and she did say no ? I have 2 years experience ...