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  1. V

    myspace group for dons Here's mine...
  2. V

    DJ's on Myspace

    I hereby give this my official...bump. *bows*
  3. V

    DJ's on Myspace

    I give this my official...bump. Anyone else got one?
  4. V

    Well, paper beats rock, I guess...

    ...godd@mn!t. Okay, here's the backstory before you guys go any further Okay, so there's that. This is the problem . She apparently hangs out with him tonight at another friends girlfriend's birthday party. He's good friends...
  5. V

    Calling all DJ's (actually important)

    Okay. Thanks for reading. Here's the backstory: I work at a restaurant and there's a girl there (there's always a girl) who is very unhappy with her bf. We've gotten close, she's displayed all the signs of attraction that get tossed around this board, but nothing's happened. Probably because...
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    DJ's on Myspace

    Who here is on If so, what's your link?
  7. V

    The worst thing a guy can say to another guy, bro.
  8. V

    How do you respond?

    ROFL That took me completely by Okay, now I want to know your method of dealing with this...
  9. V

    Date Report...

    That's awesome... I give her another run, or just cut my losses...?
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    Date Report...

    I had a coffee date with a girl today. Here's the exposition: The first time I ever really talked to this girl was at my senior prom last year. My date turned out to be a byotch (she's the reason I'm here), so I just talked and danced with this girl all night. She was fun and had a HIGH...
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    Tom Leykis' rules

    I'm a better person for having read this... Voice, out... 1!
  12. V

    Working at 7/11, how do i get the number, quick?

    A very good question has been asked here: how to get the number without losing one's job... For anyone who works in restaurants or gas stations, they know just how many GORGEOUS women come in at any random day. If anyone has advice, PLEASE SHARE. I'll be just as thankful as Plain & Simple...
  13. V

    Happiness is...

    ...a warm gun. Duh. Tell me someone gets this, please...
  14. V

    Happiness is...

    double post...damn. My bad...
  15. V

    hey everybody, im new posting.. but

    Welcome to the family... You're a better person already... Voice, out. 1!
  16. V

    Help with chicks at work!!!

    Thanks [o-0]. No one else?
  17. V

    Help with chicks at work!!!

    Okay, so the art of the # close is becoming fairly easy for me. Thanx to this site. :D Two questions: 1. A girl volunteering her # or e-mail is an IOI or no? 2. What if the girl has a boyfriend she's expressed unhappiness with, but still claims to love him? 2 girls whom I'm kind of...
  18. V

    The worst Pickup lines

    If you dare...go for it. Don't say the voice didn't warn you... For the best of the worst, go to You'll be a better person when you're done.
  19. V

    The worst Pickup lines

    I'm not kidding. I heard this at work today: "I'm an undercover agent for the F.B.I. and my mission is to get all the phone numbers I can. Can I have yours?" This is not only the worst pickup line, but one of the dumbest things ever uttered by a member of the human race. I've said my...