Tom Leykis' rules

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Some of the rules he said in his radio show:

Follow the "three strikes and your out" rule. Which means if he/she hasn't put out in the first three dates, dump them.

Never pick up your phone Friday through Sunday. Screen all of your phone calls.

No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter.

Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions.

Never spend more than $40 on a date. And if she pays, all the better.

Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem.

Get in touch with your "inner A-hole". Women are drawn to as$holes. If your a nice guy(pu$sy), you won't get laid. She'll categorize you as her "friend".

Women are attention wh0res and will do almost anything to get it. So keep that in mind when you see some woman dressed to kill.

Men, never have coffee or lunch with a woman unless you want to be "friends". Women have dinner with the men that they bang, not lunch or coffee.

Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.

Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs.

If the person you are dating stops putting out, "Dump that btch".

Men, the reason why you are friends with a woman with the exception of having a past relationship with that she doesn't find you attractive. The truth hurts. Move on.

Men, the more confidence you show the better chances you have of getting the girl. Women smell a pvssy(figurative term for a man with no self esteem) a mile away and they can also smell confidence. Women are attracted to confidence almost more than anything else.

Don't ever tell a woman you love her unless you really do. Don't do it especially just to get in her pants. The consequences are many and get you in to big trouble.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend is spending a lot of time with a "friend" of the opposite sex, dump that btch.

Do not get married until you are at least 25 years of age.

Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married.

Don't do anything in the beginning of the relationship you wouldn't normally do later in the relationship. Because her expectations of anything you do for her will cause you problems later.

Never hold her purse. Unless you are a pvssy or have a pvssy, you shouldn't be holding a purse.

Always become unavailable during the holidays. Never pick up the phone close to holiday seasons. Especially Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving.

Do not go to a concert with a woman if she invites you. Especially if she has backstage passes or has a friend in the band she is going to see. It just means she is there to fvck the other guy. She probably just used you for the ride there.

Never buy a woman a drink. It's just another way of a woman getting something she wants for free while the man thinks she's interested in him. (applies outside of relationships)

Eat before you go out on a date. Purpose is that a woman normally wouldn't be caught dead eating more than her date. So this results in a lower costing date by the end of the evening. You tell her that you are trying to eat healthy.

Do not order a bottle of wine. And the reason you don't when she asks is because you want to make sure you get her home safely. And to ensure this to the best of your ability, you don't want to drink any alcohol.

If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.

NEVER, and I mean a single mother or father.


I wonder if he is/was a member of this community.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
good stuff!

Got any more?

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I'm actually surprised more people don't know Leykis 101 on this forum. I've been listening to the guy religiously for 5 years and he is gospel truth.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
great post i agree 100% with all those rules

and yeah can we include this in the DJ bible

pimp on

Lost In Translation :D


" stop being insecure " i hate that saying. it's a cop out for not having enough balls to confront a woman about what she is doing THAT IS WRONG or potentially damaging to a long term relationship. – Lost In Translation


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs. "

Most important tip on the list.

Ugh if only I'd known this months ago.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by KontrollerX
"Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs. "

Most important tip on the list.

Ugh if only I'd known this months ago.
there was someone who posted something about a girl he was seeing that had tons of guy friends, a while back. If i remeber many on here thought it was OK. I told the guy to run for the hills, and I was surprised that some of the posters thought this guy should still pursue her. She was playing games with him.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with most of the rules he posted but some of them are just plain dumb. Like not having lunch with a chick because that means your a friend, or dumping her if you don't get sex within the first three dates. It all depends on the situation and how you've played your cards.



Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I agree with Leykis 101.

The best thing about his talkshow is that any woman that calls and tries to refute him he knocks her off the li'l pedestal but quick.

I've yet to hear him backdown or placate to a caller with a vagina.

Anybody wanna listen to him he's on 1800-2300 est.

click the listen live link at the top left corner.


Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.
That's too extreme. Let's not get carried away.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
---- Follow the "three strikes and your out" rule. Which means if he/she hasn't put out in the first three dates, dump them.


---- Never pick up your phone Friday through Sunday. Screen all of your phone calls.

DISAGREE. Just have a life and you will seem busy because you _are_ busy.

---- No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter.

DISAGREE. What a stupid comment. Cuddling rocks.

---- Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions.

NO COMMENT. Unprotected sex feels SO, SO, SO good... yet unwanted children aren't so good.

---- Never spend more than $40 on a date. And if she pays, all the better.


---- Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem.

NO COMMENT. It depends on if you're looking for an LTR or not.

---- Get in touch with your "inner A-hole". Women are drawn to as$holes. If your a nice guy(pu$sy), you won't get laid. She'll categorize you as her "friend".

DISAGREE. Just be mysterious, challenging, and confident. Don't be a jerk. Be genuine and calmly stand up for yourself.

---- Women are attention wh0res and will do almost anything to get it. So keep that in mind when you see some woman dressed to kill.


---- Men, never have coffee or lunch with a woman unless you want to be "friends". Women have dinner with the men that they bang, not lunch or coffee.

DISAGREE strongly. It's not about _where_ you go.

---- Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fvck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down.


---- Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs.

DISAGREE. It's not always trouble... just don't be insecure about their guy friends.

---- If the person you are dating stops putting out, "Dump that btch".


---- Men, the reason why you are friends with a woman with the exception of having a past relationship with that she doesn't find you attractive. The truth hurts. Move on.

AGREE for most cases unless you're the one who turned her down.

---- Men, the more confidence you show the better chances you have of getting the girl. Women smell a pvssy(figurative term for a man with no self esteem) a mile away and they can also smell confidence. Women are attracted to confidence almost more than anything else.


---- Don't ever tell a woman you love her unless you really do. Don't do it especially just to get in her pants. The consequences are many and get you in to big trouble.


---- If your girlfriend or boyfriend is spending a lot of time with a "friend" of the opposite sex, dump that btch.

DISAGREE... talk about it first.

---- Do not get married until you are at least 25 years of age.


---- Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married.

DISAGREE. Don't _EVER_ buy her flowers.

---- Don't do anything in the beginning of the relationship you wouldn't normally do later in the relationship. Because her expectations of anything you do for her will cause you problems later.


---- Never hold her purse. Unless you are a pvssy or have a pvssy, you shouldn't be holding a purse.

AGREE although you can easily make fun of her if she asks.

---- Always become unavailable during the holidays. Never pick up the phone close to holiday seasons. Especially Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving.

Oh c'mon.

---- Do not go to a concert with a woman if she invites you. Especially if she has backstage passes or has a friend in the band she is going to see. It just means she is there to fvck the other guy. She probably just used you for the ride there.

AGREE depending on situation.

---- Never buy a woman a drink. It's just another way of a woman getting something she wants for free while the man thinks she's interested in him. (applies outside of relationships)


---- Eat before you go out on a date. Purpose is that a woman normally wouldn't be caught dead eating more than her date. So this results in a lower costing date by the end of the evening. You tell her that you are trying to eat healthy.

This is just dumb.

---- Do not order a bottle of wine. And the reason you don't when she asks is because you want to make sure you get her home safely. And to ensure this to the best of your ability, you don't want to drink any alcohol.


---- If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home.

Oh c'mon.

---- NEVER, and I mean a single mother or father.



Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
los angeles
I disagree with ".....most beautiful women have low self esteem." I think the opposite is true. Hot babes have went thru life w/ more friends, more attention & more boyfriends & have had people do more things for them than ugly or average looking people. Why would hot babes have lower self esteem than other women?


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I believe, my friend, You've just told on yourself.

All of the brothers who have had relationships with very beautiful women will tell you, Once you've gotten past the bytch shield and shown women you aren't afraid of them, They become more needy and self consious of themselves BECAUSE they don't have guys that know how to push thier buttons.

The hottest chicks are often times the most fvcked in the head.

But it doesn't deter me one bit from partaking in thier craziness!

Even a hot broad who's nuttier than 10 lbs of elephant sh1t looks better on your arm than an ug who's an MIT grad in Mensa.



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by racerX
I disagree with ".....most beautiful women have low self esteem." I think the opposite is true. Hot babes have went thru life w/ more friends, more attention & more boyfriends & have had people do more things for them than ugly or average looking people. Why would hot babes have lower self esteem than other women?
A lot of the time those hot babes have a condition known as Histrionic or Narcissistic Personality Disorder and all those "friends" and "boyfriends" you see with them aren't "friends" or "boyfriends" at all but sources of a term known as "Narcissistic Supply" which means: attention, love, lust, admiration, adulation, etc for these girls to bolster their self esteem and self worth. They have neither without this supply.

Women with these disorders regard people as objects to be used and exploited by them for their own benefit. They want to love and be loved so badly but they will never get what they want because the minute a guy tries to love them they do something known as "devalue and discard" due to their fear of abandonment essentially dumping the guy before (in their mind) he dumps them thus (in their mind) saving them some pain as they acted first and even if the guy plays a girl like this right and shows interest but no emotion towards her and she says she loves him she means she loves him like you or I would love our new car. He's just an object to her. What do we do when we get the amount of money we need to get a better car? Thats right we get rid of the old car. Its just an object after all with no feelings and emotions right? These women have no empathy so thats why they will never really know true love or even how to really love someone.

Anyway these personality disorders bring with them depression and substance abuse both of which lead to you guessed it low self esteem and its all because these girls don't know how to love and as a result will never ever be satisfied in life.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm a better person for having read this...

Voice, out...



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
they will never get what they want because the minute a guy tries to love them they do something known as "devalue and discard" due to their fear of abandonment essentially dumping the guy before (in their mind) he dumps them thus (in their mind) saving them some pain as they acted first
This is a point i brought up in the past as i have experienced this myself. The girl was clearly interested but had issues major insecurities and no self-esteem at all. You find alot of these girls frequenting the clubs and parties. They'll also date much older men quite often.