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    A or B - Looking for Some Starting Advice

    edit never mind, not worth going over the same old stuff again
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    Jason Statham

    no, Rippetoe's is a fairly low volume routine. in your case I'd say something like performance athletes do, training the whole body 2x a week or something similar: 2 days upper and 2 days lower or 1 day upper, 1 day lower and 1 fullbody (or a similar combo), a mix of strength-based and...
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    Diet/Lifting Journal 2008/2009

    you must drink all that water if you're going to be taking in high protein, it's a rule. the high protein puts a strain on your kidneys and you need to be hydrated. if you can't drink that much water, eat less protein to stay healthy, but gain slower. seriously though, that much water is easy...
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    Jason Statham

    well as long as you understand and have realistic expectations about your strength/size potential if you stay around his leanness and bodyweight then go for it. - eat several times a day - base your diet around protein, fat, fruit and vegetables - do not count calories, eat as much as you want...
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    Jason Statham

    well, I probably did say that but check the context of the thread it was posted in. it really is situational, and depends on several things: for example, if you are not as lean as you'd like to be, would the thought of this make you halfass your gains by not eating enough for fear of getting...
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    Diet/Lifting Journal 2008/2009

    clean jerking a barbell for squats? do you not have a squat rack or power rack at your gym? if you don't then I hope you can cancel the membership because you will not progress in a gym without a rack. at your weight you'd be needing around 300g protein a day (plus 6-8 litres water) if you want...
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    Jason Statham

    Hi Muerte, first I'm gonna say something which isn't necessarily directed at you but applies to you as well - people take things WAY out of context on these boards. you're not the first guy I've seen drinking raw eggs with protein powder over a day, when your goals are just to look good. raw...
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    Jason Statham

    something along those lines yes, but how often you have carbs and how many carbs you have and what type of carbs (junk vs clean) will vary enormously from person to person and also change depending on your training, current bodyfat levels..
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    Jason Statham

    Your strength potential is restricted by your size but it doesn't mean you've reached it yet (hence why your numbers are increasing - after a point hypertrophy and leverages will play a role). If you want to grow, eat more in general and add in carbs at timed intervals. Protein and fat will put...
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    Forty0z's Fitness/Food Journal

    no, a little champagne and some chilli will not hinder your progress to any noticeable degree. as long as these don't turn into a whole keg of beer and a dozen loaded burritos you'll be fine. congrats with the diet stuff, you're doing well, keep it up and keep posting updates.. exercise-wise...
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    I don't get the "Exercise High"

    okay, you don't eat breakfast and eat very few calories and do an hour of intense training several times a week - and you expect to feel good? no wonder you're destroyed. you're doing way more harm than good right now. you must eat more frequently, more calories, and seperate intense cardio...
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    Forty0z's Fitness/Food Journal

    no updates for 4 days now. hope you haven't fallen off the wagon, Forty.
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    Diet/Lifting Journal 2008/2009

    both routines are geared towards getting bigger, both routines are geared towards obtaining a muscular physique. either of them would work for you right now. good luck with the journal
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    Almost passed out while squatting... WTF DID I DO WRONG!?

    wise man once say, "lifting is about heart not head". if you are doing hard squats and deadlifts you are placing a massive strain on your body, it is normal to feel dizzy, nauseous and generally unwell after doing them. throwing up afterwards is not uncommon, I've puked after squats several...
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    Jason Statham

    I've posted on more than one occasion that guys who are just interested in being and staying ripped should follow a strict protein/fat/fruit/vegetable diet - essentially what he's doing (I think I made a post when everyone went crazy over the 300 Spartans as well saying the exact same thing)...
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    I don't get the "Exercise High"

    I sleep 8-9 hours most days and have one fulltime job and one part time job and run my own house, it's all down to sensible time management. as for feeling dead after the gym, what do you actually do in your workouts? hammering yourself into the ground is all well and good but only if it's...
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    FB`s Training Log

    the workout plan says incline press followed by a dumbbell press not a flat bench press. :) it's honestly no big deal though. pretty much anything will work for right now, if you want to do incline then flat go for it. keep the reps higher (8+) on flat bench and tuck those elbows to protect...
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    FB`s Training Log

    dumbbells are fine. why you do flat bench after incline? it's no big deal mind you
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    Gain Muscle FAST: Here's how I do it

    it doesn't take years and decades to gain 17lbs bro .. it's achievable for MOST people in less than a year provided they are consistent with training and nutrition. most guys can expect to gain 25-30lbs in their first serious year of training if everything is dialled in (but it rarely is).
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    is my diet good?

    training with weights is the best way to lose fat - you will likely gain a bit of muscle as you lose fat if you do things correctly. okay it won't be a huge amount of mass (it'll be significant if you've never trained with weights before) but even a couple of lbs is better than none, or worse...