Hi Muerte,
first I'm gonna say something which isn't necessarily directed at you but applies to you as well - people take things WAY out of context on these boards. you're not the first guy I've seen drinking raw eggs with protein powder over a day, when your goals are just to look good. raw eggs are a weight gain aid when you are pushing the envelope for size and strength and are taken in between solid meals and only when you're eating 4-6 whole food meals a day..
the average guy who just wants to look good and have maybe a bit of muscle does NOT need to be megaloading eggs. want to gain 40-60lbs? sure, 1-3 dozen raw eggs a day IN ADDITION to your solid food will help you out bigtime and not make you fat as the equivalent extra calories from carbs likely would. but if you just want to be lean and 'aesthetic', you're much better off just practising sensible nutrition habits which will get you there given enough time and consistency.
there's a lot of stuff taken out of context and I guess it's why lots of trainers don't talk openly about their methods because every guy thinks those exact methods apply to them and everyone.. no, it applies to a certain guy in a certain situation.
anyway, regarding your question:
if you just want to look like Jason Statham (low bodyfat, low muscle mass) then simply eating several meals a day each containing protein, fat, fruit and vegetables, and eating some carbs around your workouts and/or in the morning (depending on your age and unique metabolism), combined with appropriate training and cardio (a mix of slow and intense) will get you there easily, especially if you're young, in a matter of a few months IF you stick with it.
in your case I'd increase your meals to 5-6 a day, and make them ALL whole foods. if you are young you should be able to tolerate a few carbs around your workout and likely in the morning as well - if you're not leaning out then reduce or remove these.
likewise have one day a week when you eat more carbs and possibly some junk food as well - experiment with this. basically the less carbs you eat the faster you lose fat, but at the expense of strength/muscle (and the less carbs you eat, the more fat you need in your diet).
if, as I suspect, you are young then your natural metabolism should get you ripped if you stick at it long enough. if you're not losing fat then reduce some carbs somewhere and/or reduce calories in the later part of the day and/or increase your cardio.
lastly if you just want to get ripped then Option B might not be for you. it's a workout intended to put muscle mass on people and must be fuelled appropriately (20 rep squats + hard deadlifts + Jason Statham's diet = burn out). if you simply want to look good there are better options. if you want to carry some decent mass then stick with it (and accept fat loss will be slower). you won't look like him in a hurry if you try to gain muscle as you lean out - you must decide what your priorities are.
hope this helps.