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  1. B

    Girlfriend Mad I Said I Don't Want To Get Married

    Women are socialized to want and furthermore EXPECT marriage, especially if she's really in love with you. Basically relationships are like companies - they are either growing or going downhill. You can't blame her for wanting it to keep going forward. My ex understood this intuitively. She'd...
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    Hang Out W/girls ALONE?

    Hanging out with a girl ALONE!? :eek: YOU BETTER F'IN BELIEVE IT! :yes: One-on-one time is the ONLY way to build an intimate relationship. Forget her friends, forget yours. You two you should be doing no less than finding whatever excuse you can to spend time alone together (unless, like...
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    Im scared of Confrontations.

    I agree completely that you need someone to push you to a point where you face your fears. Have you figured out who that is yet? Figure that out, and you've taken the first major step towards solving your problem.
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    Freaking out! Campus police experience last night

    It may just be me... But if you're going to smoke pot, you're able to allow yourself to do it because you don't hold a moral objection to the practice. Why, then, when some Joe in a uniform beats down your door are you all apologies and teary-eyed when you know he's bringing down the heat for...
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    I got girls starring at me All day!? WTF am i not doing with a chick??

    This question is similar to "I'm rich enough to afford 10 meals a day, why am I starving to death?"
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    always carry a prop when going hunting for females!

    What else should I do to make the little girlies like me? Shall I learn a little dance. "Excuse me missus, I'd like to do a little dance for you... oh, and won't you take a look at this here fancy watch I got when rescuing children from a fire in Paris? By the way, I suck ****. Please sleep with...
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    Stem cell research

    That's why religious groups also don't believe in life-saving procedures such as heart transplants, bypass surgery, reviving legally dead patients using electric paddles, or even vaccinations. Right?
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    Dance, Dance....We're fallin apart to half time!!

    Ok so what's wrong with dancing in the movie theater? Don't worry gramps, all the ladies from bible study aren't going to see you and stop inviting you to the tupperware parties... :D Dude it sounds like they were just havin a good time, and honestly you might have seemed self-conscious by...
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    REPLACE Your Thoughts!

    What, you mean if it's hot as balls with the sun crushing you beneath it's searing rays, you're sweat-soaked and dehydrated with a heat-induced headache you're gonna squint at some equally miserable girl stuck outside in the summer heat... How about a day where some dark, textured clouds have...
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    Is There a Shortage of Confident, Attractive Men?

    I've never seen evidence of this "shortage". Everywhere I go where there is a normal spread of people I see both socially retarted nerds, average joes with average personalities, and some extremely outgoing and attractive guys. Of course, the latter group tends to have much more success with all...
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    did you KNOW why some are NATURAL DJ's ? ? ?

    That's ridiculous. Most crack dealers would make HORRIBLE physicists/rocket scientists. And you failed to actually distinguish education from intelligence when you failed to note that it requires not only a lot of intelligence IQ-wise but socially as well to achieve the status of "leading...
  12. B

    All Women Cheat, But You Can Prevent Yours From Doing So!!!!

    You know, I would be laughing, but this isn't even funny. I can think of no situation where abuse is justifiable, let alone commendable. If you've been considering this as a legitimate way to keep a healthy relationship, you need to seriously think about your fundamental values and perspectives...
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    We need method, not theory

    You're learning a mindset not a method. There is no 3-step method towards believing you are a great catch. You're talking about an internal change that requires a solid foundation. If you want to believe you are the prize, you need to be honest but optimistic and sit down and think about what...
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    ~GF Broke Up with me Because Her Friend Found me On HotorNot!!!!!??~

    Dude I'd be pissed at a chick for acting that way. If she wants to get her panties in a knot over some picture on a website the best you can do is laugh at how ridiculous she's being and let her know that you think that not only is she being absurd, but she owes you an apology. Other than that...
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    Jariel’s Don Juan Tip Sheet

    I have girls throwing themselves at me, and not because they're desperate :D Girls do throw themselves at guys when the guys worth it. If you're not working towards being the target of said throwing, then you're missing the whole point.
  16. B

    Height - From one extreme to another

    Being 5'5" is nothing like being 7'2". Above 7 feet is very rare, where 5'5", while below average, is fairly common. Better comparison would be somewhere closer to 4'6" vs 7'2"
  17. B

    Everything Bad is Good, and All You've Learned is Wrong

    There is no such thing as the 'ego' stage or the 'relapse' stage, but thanks for pulling something out of your @ss to make it sound like you've "been there done that" and give your own argument credence. The problem is, there isn't an argument here. What you're saying is that a few years ago...
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    if u wanna see paris hilton screwing, look inside.

    If you really want to see Paris Hilton screwing, do a search on google. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes.
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    how to just 'be' more attractive to women at parties.

    You were drunk? Just go to a party sometime, don't drink anything, and just watch the guys as they get drunk. Tell me if they look more or less attractive than they did sober.
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    Talking to a girl who I think has a bf but she was hardcore flirting with me

    You went about this all wrong, thinking-wise. Not saying you messed anything up, just that you spent way too much thinking about something you didn't have to think about at all. You see, you actually went onto Facebook and researched whether or not she's single, then you tried to nimbly guide...