It can take many years to climb from the bottom back up to the top, I know this as my own life was a devastating mess not that long ago.
My mind was in a place of severe torment, it never even worked anymore, I lived on the streets of the city, I moved from one town to the next, never finding any peace at all, I lived my life in psychiatric institutions, refuges for the homeless, drug rehabilitation centres, and I ate at soup kitchens whilst I slept in parks, on beaches and in amongst the trees like an animal of the feilds for many years.
One day my mind snapped into a normal state yet I was still down and out living at a hostel for homeless men at the time that this transpired.
For the first time I could see the hopelessness and the misery deep within the eyes of these men, some as young as 16 and others well into their 80's, yet they all despised their own lives.
They were all pensioned off and they lived to drink and be drunk and forget about the torment of which their lives were in, they would pick up butts off the streets and smoke them, walk around in filthy clothes, whilst they ate at soup kitchens, living for their next drunken binge.
At the time I began to become more alive and motivated but being this far down it was going to be a very long enduring and painful climb back.
A life that has been ruined for over 30 years doesn't become a success overnight, the first steps back were the smallest.
It took me three long years before I was living in an appartment in the area that I liked and one year of living here before I had the mental capacity to begin studying for academic qualifications.
At this time I began to read self help publications and listen to mind power building recordings.
I read David DeAngelo's, Double Your Dating, e-booklet, and I began to listen to many of, Tony Robbins, inspirational mind power building seminar recordings, which helped me greatly.
Due to the fact that both, DeAngelo and Robbins, professed to the power of the affirming of positive thoughts and beleifs about yourself into your subconscious mind, I thought that I would give this a try.
At the beginning I was very much a skeptic and I didn't believe that this would work, but it did and things began to change in my life dramatically as soon as I began to do this.
Within days of telling myself that stunningly attractive young woman desired to be with me, that I spoke in a powerful voice, that I was a success in all areas of my life, I began to see an instant change.
I was shocked as I could feel a power within begin to build up inside of me, I became immediately confident, my speech became powerful, girls that I never thought in a million years would desire to be with me all of a sudden were swarming around me, plus I proceeded to pass all of my studies without having any problems at all, I could even now be happy without having a girl in my life, these changes were dramatic.
Positive thoughts bring about positive life experiences, yet negative thoughts bring about negative life experiences, this is so very true, yet very few people really know about it.
I could go on writting about this for ever, but if your beleifs and thoughts are always positive then you will live a very happy and successful life, if your beleifs and thoughts are always negative then you will live an unsuccessful and very miserable depressive existence, it is the nature of this world. :yes: