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  1. S

    Vancouver, BC

    Hey all, what's up? I recently moved here and really loving the outdoors and nature... can't wait for the snow to kick and ride some deep la nina POW. Anyway i'm looking to meet up with dj's that lives in the area. I'm down for snowboarding, hiking, meeting women (although they seem pretty...
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    If you could move anywhere in the USA, where would you go?

    To whoever that wanted the spanish archeticture i'd recommend checking San Clemente, CA. As for me i'd probably say santa cruz or san francisco, the people there are way more legit than the SoCalians and the nature/beaches there is beautiful!
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    Richmond or Vancouver, BC

  4. S

    Room makeover from scratch. Help wanted

    I decided to move into the storage room mainly for the reason i can play my music loud on my decks without my parents complaining and also it's far as possible from my parents room ;). Anyway i need ideas, especially theme colours and positioning of furniture. I want my room to have an...
  5. S

    The perfect place to live?

    Melbourne, Australia We get 4 seasons in a day so you won't get sick of the random variety it has to offer. Plus the nightlife here is great and did i forget to mention it was awarded the most livable city numerous amount of times.
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    My life right now... =/

    Hey mate, i'm in somewhat similair circumstances as you're in. With all the betraying and backstabbing from my circle of friends i'm looking out for new ones that are fun and alpha males. You don't need these friends, ditch them and find new ones. I'm still looking for a good circle to hang out...
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    A freaking positive thread for once

    Good to hear mate :) Which city you going to be staying/visiting?
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    I don't know but i'm in the same boat. I love it cause it makes me more sociable and i can meet people so easy. And i never get hangovers which is great. I think i'm already an alcoholic but don't wanna quit cause it's the only thing that makes me easier to talk and get comfortable around others.
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    What drinks u recomend??

    1x 6 pack jim beam 1x 4 bottle southern comfort That's about right to get you on your way.
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    What does your room look like? [pics]

    Nice choice of colognes you have there :up: I just got the issey miyake a few weeks ago and am loving it :D. My room is pretty dull and boring cause i spend most my time in the computer room. Yea it's sad but i'm only starting to get of this is boring uneventful lifestyle.
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    Voice Projection!

    Can someone please explain what resonance/resonate mean in laymens terms. I have a hard time trying understand it from
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    Developing a personality

    Yes that would work great with social status, but i need help with developing a personality. The responsible characteristic that makes you interesting and fun to be with. I want to focus on developing a personality that is fun and fruitful (no not in a gay way). I'm asking for this to aid me...
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    Developing a personality

    Hi, As some may know, i'm trying to work on my social status and in doing so i've come to notice that personality is a fundamental to help you out in social settings. The problem is, I don't have much of a personality and i'm trying to find ways to make one best suit me while attracting...
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    Help with social status

    Okay guys, just to show you where I have progressed to, I have pretty much lost contact with the guys I hanged out with and now hanging out more with a mate I knew for quite sometime which is at least a start. I'm still weary of me being "likeable" as i've notice not much of an improvement in...
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    Penis skin

    Whilst on topic, is it normal if you have foreskin and it doesn't completly cover the head of the penis... only about half way?
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    Help with social status

    Well I guess I should be ditching my friends since it's getting worse now. I don't know exactly why they don't like me, but it's now to the point of never ringing me what's happening (when they've called everyone else) and avoiding giving me a lift with them. I really don't want to cause these...
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    Changing my life...

    Hey, you have basically described me and i'm turning 19 this year. I'm glad you decided to change when you're young and still in high school. It's a shame I didn't do it years ago, but i've only started to change. Take a look at my thread I posted...
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    Help with social status

    It's not that I think i'm ugly, it's cause I lack personality and I just can't seem to make myself to be fun to hang around with. Also the memory problems intefer when my mates talk about old school times of what we use to do and i know we use to do alot but I can never grasp a storey of "when...
  19. S

    Facial Exercises.

    Yeah we need more details. Also as someone asked, is there a book on this stuff?