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  1. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    thanks for the advice, but for now I don`t see myself banging 100 chicks in a row... any other advice would be greatly appreciated
  2. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    Need some sincere advice... Hey aspiring DJ`s an update. last months have been really good, seeing her once a week with me sleeping over... even had a weekend trip with her. Which was her idea and she paid most of it. She even siad to me that she would like to marry me sometime, but not...
  3. W

    David D is loosing it

    I heard an interview with Ross Jeffries ( I believe it is from before 2000) Where David D calls himself brother Eban... ?
  4. W

    Towards Manhood!

    WOW!! very good, send chills through my spine at some time...
  5. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    Update?? Need Help ok an update. she texts me: pity I can`t come, I need to talk to you Me: why what about? She: thw way we interact with eachother, I think you expect more from me, and I think it is becoming unfair to you, just a feeling, kiss.. Ok, now I think she wants to tell me she...
  6. W

    text book pick up

    haha, I know.... after heard / seen it I can creatively make something new of it and go on about it so that`s not the problem. My prob is: I can smooth talk and stuff, only after I`ve seen or heard that stuff. It`s really hard for me to come up with this stuff. Reading this forum and Dyd...
  7. W

    How can I diminish my love toward women to save heart?

    What works for me is trying to rationalize to some degree.. the same thing people do to get over someone. thinking in your mind: "Is she really that great?" "is she really that good to me?" that kind of stuff, it helps me to detach. got over a girl in 2 hours doing this and listening...
  8. W

    text book pick up

    Wow, wish I could do that.. still a bit chicken now and then.. but hey, aint we all sometimes.... I`m curious, how did you manage to kis her within 3 minutes. did you kiss her out of the blue? or what???
  9. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    --> Hey, tof. volgens mij zijn er veel meer nederlanders hier op t forum. zou graag een paar willen ontmoeten om dingen eens door te spreken. Meeste mensen die ik ken zijn AFC`s... trouwens, Ik woon in Groningen, kom maar eens langs als je deze kant ooit op komt ;) Wiseman, everyone...
  10. W

    When Did You First Realize That Djing Worked?

    Been lurking here since dec 2003. It was a real eye opener. haven`t donde a BC yet coz I don`t have the time / still a bit chicken... Twas summer of 2004 and I went to a store, they were asking for new employees so I went up for it. Got interviewed by a blonde about a 6,5. I was not thinking...
  11. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    Thanks for your swift reply. been making my time scarce 4 her and it worked. make up xes is really the best :D now another question... one day we were talking about relationships, not ours, just relationships between people. I asked her: if you kiss another guy would that feel like...
  12. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    Update She sent me this e-mail today: (it is from babelfish translate, so please don`t mind the crappy English ;) Good afternoon kind prince, found it still a beetje crazy, as it went yesterday evening. It is not me not yet earlier this way happen, certainly at you. It hasn`t happened to...
  13. W

    Relationship drag / rut

    Hi everyone. I`ve been hanging around here for about a year now. Started out with SS but dropped it since it wasn`t my style. then on to DYD & Sosuave, it has been a real eye opener and i now have a bit more attention from the ladies :D I`ve been with this girl exclusively for about 4 to 5...