When Did You First Realize That Djing Worked?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
You enrolled in bootcamp, you read the DJ Bible. You were then ready to employ what you learned in here in the field.

You still have your initial insecurities. Your still a little nervous around women, you stumble and still make mistakes. But you stay committed and you "step to the plate" andl take your "at bats." Then it happens you get a "hit." Then another and another. Finally djing becomes second nature.

My question is, what sitution were you when you made the realization that "Hey. This djing $hit really works. Also when the change from AFC to DJ was made, what was the reaction of your female associates? Did they say, "I don't know what it is, but you've changed?"


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
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For me, the change was almost instantaneous.

Before sosuave, I simply thought that I just had horrible luck. The girls that I wasn’t so interested in would be all over me, and the girls that I would develop oneitis for – would not be interested.

As soon as I began reading, I realized that this wasn’t due to luck at all. It was 100% due to the fact that I was acting afc around these girls. If I hadn’t stumbled onto these forums, I think I would have actually resorted to becoming more of an afc. (Hell, that’s what I thought the ladies wanted.)

I spent 2 or 3 days reading as much as I could. I noticed the change immediately, and so did others.

This site has really opened up my eyes.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Also when the change from AFC to DJ was made, what was the reaction of your female associates? Did they say, "I don't know what it is, but you've changed?"
It's funny you say that--about a year ago, when I really started changing the way I behaved towards women on a regular basis, one of my female co-workers actually stopped and said to me, "What's different about you? You look more...masculine..."


I thought it was interesting that she said "LOOK different," when in reality, my attitude was what had changed.

Good question, btw.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Been lurking here since dec 2003. It was a real eye opener. haven`t donde a BC yet coz I don`t have the time / still a bit chicken...

Twas summer of 2004 and I went to a store, they were asking for new employees so I went up for it. Got interviewed by a blonde about a 6,5. I was not thinking about DJ-ing, rather just have some fun with her. 2 weeks later I came back (coz they didn`t call me) I spotted her and asked whats up. She said we already have another employee, so I`m sorry for you.. I was like: omg been waiting 2 weeks for a call and then this (note: not needy but a bit playful ;) )

Later that day she texted me (got my # from resume) yeah I`m really sorry must be hard to find a job, yada yada. So I think I`m in. text her back no problem I didn`t think you could handle me if i had to work for you...
she texts back: are you always like this? during the interview I didn`t know where to look. ( <--- that was really my AHA moment :D )

we text back and forth and she calls me but I miss her call so I decided to call back, we have a fun convo an I say I`m busy but we should meet sometime. (shouldhave closed then...)
next day she texts me : I`m sorry but I have a new relation, so I don`t think there will be a date.
so I text her back something like: well u know I`m not a piece of meat that you can just toss around, I have feelings too...

Never heard from her again. perhaps she didn`t think she could handle me :crackup: Or perhaps I just slipped a bit too much afc in there. Remember... I`m still learning.
Now I`m semi involved with a HB8 (see my other thread...)

there`s always more to learn...

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
For me, it was before I found this site. 2 years ago, my brother and my roommate talked me into going on match and putting up an online profile. My roommate, who's a ladies man, helped me write the profile and to my surprise, my profile got responses.

Then I thought "hmm, what if I do the exact opposite of everything I've done in the past, what would happen"? I did just that. When they emailed me their digits, I emailed them back 5 days later, saying I'd been busy but give me a call, then I sent them my digits. They called me within 24 hours. One broad I told her I had to speak to her a few days later as I was busy. The other one I talked to her for a while then told her I would get in touch with her when I was in town.

During the phone conversations, I kept doing everything the opposite of what I'd done before. I refrained from compliments and sappy talk and instead busted on them, teased them and flirting with them brazenly and to my suprise, they ate it up. They would say things like "you're so ****y" but it was so obvious they liked it so I kept going. I continued that behavior on the date and the response was incredible.

Needless to say things got f*cked up later but when I had stumbled accross the DYD stuff through Askmen and later this site I realized what had happened and why it happened.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
I've been reading this site for about a year now, and I'll say the responses I get are a far cry from "pre-SoSouave". This site provides reasons why I should remain confident, why I can get away with C&F, ect....
I know a gal who is a hb9.5...known her for a long time, and have seen her go through a lot of boyfriends (yeah, I know, I'm apparently in the friend zone), but she's great to practice the tecniques from this site on. Rotten? Maybe. But little by little I'm getting better at making her (and other women) want to reach over and do kino on ME without them even realizing it. Now that's what I call a big change from my fading AFC days.....


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Sin City
For a kid at 18 to actually find this site about 7 months ago has been a miracle. No exagerrating for reals! I've been that quiet/shy/boring type in my high skool days.But just applyin what I learned here and from David Deangelo's newsletters have made a huge change.Just imagine someone who wasn't social at all actually getting comments like "You're funny"!I mean never in my life has someone ever said that until I started learning from here.And here's something that I could have never done before , and that was to talk to a female in conversation.Damn this sites crazy in a good way.All I can say is "READ WITH UR EYEZ and APPLY 'EM IN REAL LIFE"

Yung Juan
(Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain):cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I had some of the essentials down before coming to this site. When I did happen across it, it became like a finishing school for me almost instantly when i started reading some of the articles and post. Some of them were things I was already doing, some of them were things that I was doing wrong, and some of them I had no idea existed.

After I signed up, I imeadeatly inplemented some new strategies and taking more mental notes about myself. I've still got a lot to learn, but life is an indefinate learning experience so I'll never be done getting helpful advice and tips from the site. As long as their are fresh ideas and concpets coming in from different minds, I'll continue to refine and focus.

The main thing I've gotten from this site is that every month or so I'll take a look at my practices and beliefs and ask myself "Is this really how I want to think?" and "How can I make this better?" That mode of thinking in itself has made the time I've spent on this site worth it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Maximus Rex
My question is, what sitution were you when you made the realization that "Hey. This djing $hit really works. Also when the change from AFC to DJ was made, what was the reaction of your female associates? Did they say, "I don't know what it is, but you've changed?"
I've been working out for about a month now, and it's starting to show. My bodyfat is going down. I've noticed that I've started to get looks from girls. I walk much more confidently. My next major task is to redo my wardrobe, since I dress very plainly right now (sneakers, T-shirt, jeans, although I do dress well for work). I definitely need more variety to my "casual" look. I think once I figure that out, I'll be fvcking unstoppable.

I've created my own bootcamp where I go out and make eye contact and say "Hi" to complete strangers. Last night was my first night. There were NO HB's out, except maybe an HB6. I was in the mall, and she was in a jewelry store...wow, powerful stuff. My heart was beating. I wonder if her's was, too?

Sadly, most of my "Hi's" last night were to guys or older women. Oh well, it was a Monday. But the fact that I've written out a schedule with goals is a great sign.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
I was always bad with chicks. I would tell them I liked them a lot on the first date(not in a manly way either, real girly ****). I was a wimp, etc and I kept missing out on opportunities because the inner ***** would always think I had to be the nice guy. I hooked up with some chicks but always ruined it by becoming afraid of them or whatever. I come across this site, realize every thing I've been doing wrong the past 19 years, and start going to the gym, kinoing(still have trouble with this but at least I'm aware of it now), start being more playful and ****y(before I was just ****y to the xtreme and people hated me for it), and instantaneously I have much hotter girls interested in me, I have cooler guy friends, I have sex appeal, I'm becoming more tough, etc.

Females I worked with noticed instantly. I work with ALL women and the change was overnight. One day I was this *****y little nice boy...the next day I was this arrogant sexy man who knew he could land any chick he wanted to.

I don't care what anyone says, there's a lot of **** on this site, but there's a few principles that are absolute gold.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis