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  1. C

    To the girls/ladies on this forum

    Fools You either obsess on us or play tricks on us. Don't you know that humans are meant to have feelings?
  2. C


    Why do you get so hung up on sex and staying on top. Why cant you ever just be real friends? I know I have made mstakes and been stupid but now even the older man who I thought was going to protect me, wants me. He said that real men dont choose women as friends, especially not pretty ones...
  3. C

    HB's history includes rape...

    centaurion She was 11 years old, how could she consent you mindless fool?
  4. C

    snoop doggy dog as stile for DJs.

    and he is gross eww, he has those horrible whiskers and that terrible grin.
  5. C

    DO nice girls take longer to put out?

    hi again I know I spiralled out of control and did stupid things. I doubt that any man will ever accept me again, unless I lie. I am so sorry for my actions that I loathe myself. I really gave myself to my boyfriend at 18 but he was all I had when my Mother died. I thought he loved me, he said...
  6. C

    DO nice girls take longer to put out?

    I waited I waited for my boyfriend, the one who hurt me, he took my virginity. As you know I derailed after him and had an affair with my friends boyfriend and even accepted money for sex once, which made me like a prostitute. I am taking a long break from men but there are a lot of girls...
  7. C

    snoop doggy dog as stile for DJs.

    Yuck I read an article in Cosmo about him. He was a shy nerd at school and not a leader. I love black men but none of my girlfriends have any time for him, he looks like a skinny weed and he looks seedy as well. I think he pays women to be in pornagraphic movies and that seems very afc (to...
  8. C

    World of Hot Girls

    Let them know I am considered to be very good looking, I know I am but it is embarrassing to say it. I don't go for the hottest looking guys, I go for the ones who are strong and confident. There were many guys who I knew were interested in me and I waited for them to make a move, but they...
  9. C

    Some of this is true

    thanks again There is nothng more sexy than a man who is able to take charge and also empathise at the same time.
  10. C

    Some of this is true

    STRONG MAN Not many girls I know are truly fans of feminism, I like being a girl and I like dressing up and having pretty things. What I think of as a strong man is a man who takes care of himself and takes care of his interests. I like a man to ask my opinion but I don't want him to depend on...
  11. C

    Some of this is true

    Hi, I think this is a wonderful web site, I have only ever visited a few times but today I finally got the nerve up to post something. I have been given the run around by a lot of men and have always wondered why the best guys are horrible and the worst guys are so lovely. This site does...