Some of this is true


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score

Not many girls I know are truly fans of feminism, I like being a girl and I like dressing up and having pretty things. What I think of as a strong man is a man who takes care of himself and takes care of his interests. I like a man to ask my opinion but I don't want him to depend on that opinion from me.

I like a man to look masculine and strong and be attractive because it shows me that he cares for himself. We need men for many reasons. They protect us, they provide us with children and they keep us from harms way. If a guy is scared of me or shows me he is weak or nervous, I do switch off because I need him to be my strength, I don't want to be his.

Also, we girls do label each other a lot. It is a curse to be single and we are judged on that. Its even worse to have a weak boyfriend, so many of us will run at the sight of weakness.

To those gentlemen who suggested I take time out on my own, that is exactly what I am doing. An older man who really cares about me said the exact same thing to me. He said I should spend time on myself and that there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

Thanks for that advice guys, I really appreciated it, saki, it is typical that you are taken, lol. I really regret that I accepted money for sex because that made me a prostitute really and that is so far from where I was meant to be.

My first boyfriend took my virginity at 18 and we were engaged at 20. I only ever wanted to be with one man. He cheated on me with a lot of girls but then left me for one. He was such a strong man and I needed a strong man. He was very good looking, he was very intelligent and had a great job. He said he loved me but obviously not enough.

I am avoiding men for twelve months and trying to work on myself, visiting here and speaking to you guys is a part of that process. I am hit on so often, especially since deciding to avoid men. Do you guys have sonar or something?

I have a couple of male friends and one of them may even be the one for me one day, but for now I need to be alone and get my life in order.

By the way, all we really talk about is boys and as we get older, all we talk about are men. We have no real clue what makes you guys tick but most of my girlfriends want a strong and confident man as well.

Thanks so much to the wonderful guys who spoke to me, all of you, and saki, if you are ever alone, call me. lol


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
It makes so much sense to me now why girls always date what I used to think were jerks. I mean yes they have a lot of jerk qualities but they have that one quality that so many girls go for: strength. Makes a lot of sense now. I always wondered why they put themselves through so much **** with a guy. And then I realize that I would do the same with girls sometimes. If a girl was hot and I was dating her then I would try to make it work no matter what even though the girl was a biatch.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
So what you're saying is you are a codependant personality who relies on a man to make your life function.

It probably will do you a LOT of good to be on your own and find your feet.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Cherry - I feel for you sweetheart, you seem like a decent enough girl, I think if you get a little backbone and learn to stand on your own, you will be fine.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
thanks again

There is nothng more sexy than a man who is able to take charge and also empathise at the same time.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
The whole point of this site is to help men become the kind of man you are looking for. Of course this kind of man is also the "dream guy" for just about every other woman out there, so you will have some major competition. In fact men like us are more rare than the most beautiful women, giving us quite a bit of choice.

Of course the problem is, the kind of strength of mind and heart that we build can sometimes turn even the nicest guy into somewhat of a jerk. Once you find this kind of power in yourself, you become quite a bit more indifferent towards women, and for them this can be perceived as "coldness" or being mean.

I can give you some advice about how to improve your chances of getting a guy like this: don't get too clingy too quickly. Right now I have a woman completely obsessed with me and it is just driving me away. Of course I'm not all that attracted to her either so that doesn't help. But the point is guys like a bit of a challenge too, so if you give yourself completely to him too quickly you will lose value in his eyes. This doesn't mean to play games or mess around with his feelings, but don't move any quicker in the relationship than he does. We like to feel we have captured your heart after a bit of effort, not that you just gave it to us for nothing.