DO nice girls take longer to put out?


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
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hi again

I know I spiralled out of control and did stupid things. I doubt that any man will ever accept me again, unless I lie. I am so sorry for my actions that I loathe myself. I really gave myself to my boyfriend at 18 but he was all I had when my Mother died. I thought he loved me, he said we would marry and have children. When I finished Uni he left me for another girl he had been having an affair with. Two weeks later my friends boyfriend said he wanted me and I let him have me, but he was just using me as well for one night.

Soon after I was pursued by a very wealthy man and he paid me money for sex. So yes, I was a prostitute that one time. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself for what I did. How do I take it back? What do I do? I was sexually abused as a child and really, I just want my Mother back. I wish God would just give me my Mother back. I could just stay with her.

A good friend of mine, an older man looks after me now. He is like a Father to me and he loves me but in a protective way. Some of you Men have no idea how beautiful you can be to a woman. I don't know where I would be without him. He says I should take time to get to know myself, and that is what I am doing. He comes in here sometimes by the way.

As for sex with your girlfriend, I am at the stage now where I don't see why I would make the man of my dreams have to wait. I have only had three boyfriends, the first broke my heart, the other two beat me up. Obviously the problem is mine.

This older man is a bit of a player, but to me he is just protective. He has never tried anything and he easily could have at one point.

I don't blame you men for hating me, I really don't, but I hope you believe what I am saying regarding this issue. If she loves you or cares for you, I don't see why she would make you wait. You men have all the power, all we have is our sexuality. It is our only weapon. Do you think you would like to have our body strength and our emotional states? Would you like cramps followed by period pain every month of your young life until you reach menopause?

From what I have read in here, most of you guys are just unaware of the power you have over us. We really need you. When a man really loves you, even just as an older friend, it is like protection and validation.

If I don't sound bittchy enough it is because I am trying to understand you as much as you are trying to understand us. I just don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want to hurt myself. That is why I am having a break from men for a year or so. I just hope I don't miss my Mr. Right, but it was desperate thoughts like this that made me do stupid things.

My advice to you guys is very simple. Be strong, we depend on your strength. As for me being a guy, I don't know what to say to you, I wish I could say something to let you know that I am a girl. I am in here to help you guys and hopefully to redeem myself and be able to forgive myself for what I have done.

Finally, I love men still, and I hate feminism.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
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Keeping it on topic....

The entire notion of "nice girl" is one where you think that she's probably a goody goody and is adverse to having sex early in a relationship. She could be the sweetest, prettiest, smartest, and still be craving to have a man that knows what he is doing, is confident, and knows what he wants in life come into her life and spice up her (sex) life.

When you put labels on girls, such as "nice," "whorê," or "sunshine," you are already limiting yourself because you let their (perceived) personality stop you from doing what you should do in any normal situation with a girl: relate to them. Placing certain, sometimes unrealistic, expectations on a girl just because you think she is a certain way is self-defeating. You should go in knowing that although each person is different we still need the same things on a base level. Whether it is security, protection, or just someone to hold at the end of the day, a woman wants a man that can be a man around her. Not someone who sees her as a label.

Perhaps underneath all the layers all she really wants is a man to make her feel sexy. When you can do that it doesn't matter about anything else.



Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Why is everyone making such a big fuss about this b.s?!?

Originally posted by Thundercat
Yep. Definitely a guy.





Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
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Melbourne, Australia
Damn, the similarities between Cherry and the girl I'm currently seeing are almost disturbing.

28, Australian, had a big messy breakup at 22, and waiting for the right man until she puts out. If it's you, let me know and I'll crawl into a deep hole.

I gave her head last night but she got too sensitive and shy so we stopped. Damn that was frustrating. So I would say that yes, nice girls do take longer to put out. Especially if they're prone to overanalysing.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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I wouldn't want a submissive woman such as Cherry. In a relationship, the power needs to be balanced, or else it gets to the power-holder's head and the flame that keeps the relationship alive slowly dies out.

Touching story, by the way, but I'm having my doubts on its truthfulness...


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AverageFC
"All girls are pantydroppers."

"That girl Julie, she a pantydropper."
In other words...

It's simply an illogical fallacy.

Just because "Julie" or one person does it, doesn't mean we all do...

Ah...the education must continue, I see...

(Haha...guys are just as guilty by being so called "zipperdropper" 's...
And that's not just to use the commode or mag...)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Engetsu
I wouldn't want a submissive woman such as Cherry. In a relationship, the power needs to be balanced, or else it gets to the power-holder's head and the flame that keeps the relationship alive slowly dies out.

Touching story, by the way, but I'm having my doubts on its truthfulness...
the man is always the one in power. When he isn't she leaves and finds another. simple fact of life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Originally posted by luv_ya_amj
In other words...

It's simply an illogical fallacy.

Just because "Julie" or one person does it, doesn't mean we all do...

Ah...the education must continue, I see...

(Haha...guys are just as guilty by being so called "zipperdropper" 's...
And that's not just to use the commode or mag...)

Every girl/woman has the potential to be a slut, and in most girls/women's minds, they are... whether they know it or not, all women are sluts to an extent, weather they SHOW it, or if they keep it to themselves.

luv_ya_amj: when you start having sex more often, you will see what i mean, and if you are already having sex, then i'm guessing that it sux:rolleyes: ;)

00Kevin said:

the man is always the one in power. When he isn't she leaves and finds another. simple fact of life.

True... but women can do the exact same:rolleyes:



Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
Yea, nice girls will want to wait because they are biologically programmed to go slow, so that they can screen out weak partners, and find one who is potentially a comitted parent. Remember, if she is slow with you, she wouldn't be bedhopping with other guys when you two get married. On a conscious level, it shows she has principles, probably due to a religion -- Integrity. Would a confident man make ultimatums about sex? I don't think so. The woman has to ask you for sex.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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Originally posted by 00Kevin
the man is always the one in power. When he isn't she leaves and finds another. simple fact of life.
Never say that to a woman, but always apply it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Engetsu
Never say that to a woman, but always apply it.
a man doesn't have to say it. He doesn't have to try be the one in control he just naturally is the one in control.

A problem can occur if you date a woman who is fighting for power. I had this problem in my last relationship. She wouldn't put out because she wanted power. Needless to say this resulted in a lack of passion. At some point the relationship ends. If you are having a problem with passion in your relationship consider that it might be her trying to fight for power.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Re: I waited

Originally posted by Cherry
We know that we need a man more than a man needs us. We need your protection, your strength and your logical brains.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
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Midwest USA
Originally posted by eniktin
Yea, nice girls will want to wait because they are biologically programmed to go slow, so that they can screen out weak partners, and find one who is potentially a comitted parent. Remember, if she is slow with you, she wouldn't be bedhopping with other guys when you two get married. On a conscious level, it shows she has principles, probably due to a religion -- Integrity. Would a confident man make ultimatums about sex? I don't think so. The woman has to ask you for sex.
So "nice girls" have different brains than "dirty girls"??

Most girls act nice and most try to avoid the slut label (the girl I met and made out with in the club last weekend said she "never does this." The girl I fvcked on the second "date" said she is "not promiscuous and is a relationship girl"). So how can you know whether a girl is "nice" or not?

Her actions?? So she goes slow with you. How do you know she didn't give it up fast with another dude or isn't doing that WHILE with you?? How are so sure that she is consistent and treats you the same as other dudes??

I think it makes more sense that if a girl is going slow with you, she is not sufficiently gamed/turned on and/or she is trying to train you to be her committed partner.
Who knows what they really think though.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
So "nice girls" have different brains than "dirty girls"??

Most girls act nice and most try to avoid the slut label (the girl I met and made out with in the club last weekend said she "never does this." The girl I fvcked on the second "date" said she is "not promiscuous and is a relationship girl"). So how can you know whether a girl is "nice" or not?

Her actions?? So she goes slow with you. How do you know she didn't give it up fast with another dude or isn't doing that WHILE with you?? How are so sure that she is consistent and treats you the same as other dudes??

I think it makes more sense that if a girl is going slow with you, she is not sufficiently gamed/turned on and/or she is trying to train you to be her committed partner.
Who knows what they really think though.

I can't tell you how many times I hooked up with a girl at a club, made out with her or fycked her the same night, etc. and given the "I never do this" (yea right), "you are the first" (ok) or blamed her sluttiness on alcohol in a vain attempt to appear "nice".

A woman may be a slut and she may even acknowledge that internally but she is very sensitive to the slut/wh0re label.

The fact of the matter is you really can't tell whether a girl is nice or bad by the mere fact that she refrains from sleeping with you early on in the relationship. She can be the biggest slut in town and may decide to wait so as to appear nice in the hopes of keeping you. She may have labeled you as a nice guy/provider while she goes out behind your back and bangs the bad boy.

I have seen this happen so many times because I used to be that bad boy/FB that women used to come to for a quick lay while they were seeing other guys at the same time. These other guys were almost always your typical nice guy AFC types.

If you want to meet a nice girl then go to church to find her. Even then you are not guaranteed that she may not be a closet slut as I have encountered so called church girls who were freaks. But you get the point. By all means don 't go to bars/night clubs as 90 % of the women you meet there are sluts/bad girls.
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Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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I can see I'm going to have to lay down an Iron Law of Tomassi on you guys again.

Iron Law #3
Any woman who makes you wait for sex or implies by her actions she is making you wait - THE SEX IS NEVER WORTH THE WAIT.

Think about every memorable sexual experience you've had. I can guarantee you that the vast majority were immediate, spontaneous, chemical reactions of attraction and hormones. When a woman fillibusters you about sex and then concedes to it, the sex is NEVER WORTH THE WAIT.

When a woman makes you wait for sex you can assume you are not her first priority, because if a woman wants to fvck she will find a way to fvck. She'll crawl through windows and under barbed wire to get after it. Nice girls, whors, whatever, they will find a way, find an excuse, find a hotel room, you name it.

EXAMPLE: I have a personal friend who was dead set on fvcking this semi-hot HB 7 'Nice Girl' who put him off and made up personal reasons why she needed to wait, but kept him on the hook for months only to have her fvck the manager for a major musician we were doing work for in a single night. He was never a priority and even if she had relented she would've never been into fvcking him.
Jan 4, 2002
Reaction score
I dunno..maybe im just not as expereiened as I should be...but in all my cases, when the girl was really into me, A) every one of them made out and let me get to 2nd base on the first date, B) ALMOST all except 1 or 2 wanted to have sex the first time.