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  1. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    1/10. I'm focused on situational openers. Don't know why, but I struggle, simply walking up anywhere, saying "hi, I'm ..". Doing a situational opener makes the whole thing more natural for me and more easy. That way, I don't feel, I "force" someone to have a conversation, but offer him/her a...
  2. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    week 3 : having 10 conversations with strangers.
  3. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    50/50. Still I'm not at ease saying hi to everyone. In villages or less crowded areas it feels somehow normal, but in cities with many people walking around, I feel a little bit strange, especially, if i get no eye contact in advance. Will make a usual habit out of it.
  4. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    32/50. Did some approaches, too. Still doesnt feel totally easy, but I'm getting better. Did a direct opener ("you are what Im looking for") on a mid-30. Went pretty good!
  5. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    my question was just imaginative .. ,)
  6. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    Ok, I understand. I had mostly very good experiences. But I don't see it as something tricky or so. My goal is authenticity and real growth. Facing my own fears and expanding my comfort zone. I "sarged" some of my long time girl friends, too =) (3 of them) ("hey, how did you get to know...
  7. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    27/50 today is a beatiful sunny day. At first, I hesitate again. I realize, I'm socially programmed, deeply. Even though, I "know" about pickup, I simply hesitate or get frozen when I actually want to talk or simply say hi to a foreign woman. After some tries it gets easier. The reactions...
  8. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    Hey Eastwind, mostly at Stachus, Marienplatz and nearby places. Honestly, only rich stuck-up girls, but its a good excercise for me .. ;) Do you street sarge in Munich, too ?
  9. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    week 2 : 50 "his" to complete strangers. Walking through the city : I lock eye contact 10 - 20 meters to passing by people. Most simply don't recognize me. Some look for 1,2 seconds, but look away when they realize, I'm holding ec. When I get a more or less steady eye contact, I smile and...
  10. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    ok guys, I will skip the "eye contact" week completely, as I always and with no feeling of shame do and hold eye contact with whatsoever girl.
  11. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    haha, you mean the name of this barracks ? ;)
  12. I

    Bootcamp Germany

    Hey guys, hopefully this is the right place. I will put here the results of a new bootcamp, I started today in Germany, Munich. Feel free to comment or even join (just drop me a PM if you're in Munich..). Background : I did some pickup 2005/2006 and want to refresh my skills. cu !
  13. I

    Go F**k Ten Other Women!

    Go to the core, feel the pain and don't prevent or circumvent it, get comfortable with your insecurities, find out, who you are and what you want in life. And when you know, who you really are, confidence will just be a by-product.
  14. I

    Official Routine test

    My success rate with this is literally ZERO (sex approach) ! Anyways, I'm getting some success (numbers and some action) with situational openers, I'm doing besides this. Ok, I'll give it a try on the weekend, when I will continue, I'll report back, thanks for you ideas ! PS : I did this...
  15. I

    Official Routine test

    Hey man. Basically, you are right. But, I only ask good looking women, and she doesn't know, if I asked anybody else. Probably she thinks : "Hey, this guy knows what he wants". The point is : "Go to the places, you fear", thats it
  16. I

    Official Routine test

    19/100 - 34/100 : On the street, sunny day. Me : "Hey, can you give me precise time ?" She : "Yes, wait... it's 15 o´ clock" Me : "Thanks. Another question : do you want to have sex with me ?" 25 rejections. Anyways, most girls liked it, based on their reaction. They smiled, laughed, some...
  17. I

    Official Routine test

    9/100 - 18/100 : Ok, this weekend I visited another capital city in germay and asked 10 women directly for sex. Responses : - some just went away - some smiled and said "no, thanks" - She : "Do I look like a prostitute?" Me : "You look good" Set of two girls at a cafe : "Hey girls, I have...
  18. I

    Official Routine test

    Alright, I'll try and report back ;)
  19. I

    Official Routine test

    Nothing more so far, I did 2 situational openers with a HB7/HB6, got phone nr. / email, but doesn't count. No direct approaches so far, the last times I tried, I hesitated and rejected myself...
  20. I

    Official Routine test

    8/100 : Brunette in the subway : I sit towards her and open "Hey, I need your help. (like it's something important)". I wait and sit next to her. She : "For what?" Me : "Oh, I need the time..." .. "Yes I know the time, just want to flirt with you" ... works well! She turns red (including the...