today is a beatiful sunny day.
At first, I hesitate again. I realize, I'm socially programmed, deeply. Even though, I "know" about pickup, I simply hesitate or get frozen when I actually want to talk or simply say hi to a foreign woman.
After some tries it gets easier. The reactions are either ignorance or even sceptic looks of the people I greet. One woman in the subway reacted very positive. She stopped walking when I said hi, looked at me, as if she knew me, thinking about who I am. I just shake my head, laughing and say "no" in a funny way. (I think, I directly could have started talking about smthg).
What I found interesting : where it's difficult to get looks or even a "hi" in return in the inner city, it's kind of normal in the more village like areas, where there are less people.
Mentality :
if I'm hesitant, or not totally sure, if I should do it, I get an adequate reaction. Uncertain or no "hi" by the other person. But, if I'm confident, with a smile in my face and strong voice, I'm more likely to get an hi in return.
I still feel a little awkward doing it, but it gets better. I will extend this excercise beyond week one and make it a normal habit. What is wrong with greeting strangers ?
I even had 2 or 3 conversations. One woman in the street. Asked for directions for ice cafe. Got some ice, came back, she still there. Immediately got into conversation with her about the ice.