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  1. E

    Be Picky About Who U Approach

    I value my dignity too much which means I refuse to embarrass myself with just any girl. I know most guys might call me a wuss and tell me that getting rejected a lot is the way to learn.
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    Forgive me DJ's for i have sinned...

    "1. She was a tomboy; 2. She had quite a few male friends who text her;" forget the other red flags, just the first 2 were enough for you to dump her before getting in inevitable trouble. I have never read a happy ending to a relationship with a tomboy/girlfriend with lots of male...
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    Don't have a car

    If you plan on getting girls than you gotta have a car. A car is as important to a woman as how fat your wallet is. The guys without cards don't get action. this is just the way it is. Women expect men to drive them to places, theaters, restaurants, buy them stuff etc. You tell a b|tch...
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    Sorority Chicks

    oh and don't forget sorority chicks = stds
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    need help!!

    Am I reading this correctly? I just don't get it. First you say she broke up with him and that she has feelings for you. Then you say that she doesn't want to give up all she had with that guy (but you said they already broke up).
  6. E

    The DJ Proverbs

    the following should be in the dj Bible 'nothing scares a woman away quicker than some guy who pores out his feelings. Guys shouldn't do this, it's the womens role.' 'Never tell a woman how you feel about them until they tell you how they feel about you first.' 'Never say "I love you"...
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    when do you let her know anything about how you feel?

    the two quotes below should be in the DJ Bible, classic stuff.
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    anyone else think like this?

    my own experiences tell me the opposite. Most hot girls I know go for the non-nice guys. Women like men with an EDGE not love sick puppies who are willing to treat them like queens and do everything for them.
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    Met a chick who was once very hot?

    So you're going to go out with a fat girl that has the potential of being skinny one day? I don't know what to say. You're either naive, very delusional or just plain desperate. We know she isn't gonna drop the pounds and become hot again all of a sudden. Maybe you are just dreaming and...
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    when to meet her friends?

    It's just a common sense thing. Protect your image. Don't lessen yourself for anybody. look at it this way, you go and meet them and talk to them for a few min. They proceed to have fun without you. What do you think it does to the mind of your gf? you left, but YOU didn't matter in...
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    anyone else think like this?

    I know some people will come and post the usual politically correct bs "that is wrong, you are an animal" or some other stuff like that. but then again what kind of men are women attracted to? YOU GUESSED IT, THE ONES WITH THE JERK ATTITUDE! the men that arent lovesick puppys for a girl...
  12. E

    when to meet her friends?

    I don't think this is the right situation because it makes you look less important. Think about it, you are going to just make a cameo appearance and leave. This makes you seem less important, that you can just go there, talk a bit and leave and they will carry on without you. It doesn't...
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    One DJ that know's whats up :) actually windows 98 has this feature. Click on the control panel, then click on the users icon. This lets you set multiple users with their own password. they will still see windows explorer and all the programs the comp has, EXCEPT the "my documents"...
  14. E

    Girls with kids.

    single women with children = sluts unless they are divorced. If this is a young one that never got married it is definitely a slut. Just the way it is im not trying to be mean ,but im not going to come here and lie and say they're saints and are good for you. Im just giving you advice so...
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    You made a BIG MISTAKE HERE kid, you know what is is? do you know the moral of the story? Never let a woman use your computer unsupervised. This is a common sense thing actually. It is just like the rule of never letting a woman get your wallet or know how much money you have. some...
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    Trying to be more than friends

    How can you mess up things to the point where you have no chance anymore, when you tell us that you have gone to her place the last 3 weekends and you cuddle and are all over each other? I have a hard trouble believing you haven't kissed yet..
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    Dazed and Confused

    she knows you have some issues and she accepts that, so really you can't be afraid she is going to be put off by that. whether it is sexual or not I don't know. Maybe it is more of a "caring, friendship" type of thing that she has going for you.
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    If you're a "nice guy", prepare to get a taste of this.

    I am seriously considering acting like a jerk to get more girls. what a sad world we live in. Instead of being attracted to a nice personality, they want the jerks. Instead of saying I want to change from a negative to a positive, I have to change from a positive to a negative to get more...
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    So she is pregnant (this is bad)

    if there's anything we can all agree with is that child support is man slavery.
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    apodyopsis's bootcamp journal

    great stuff! This is great stuff and im just happy for you. The first post of this thread where you talk about coming close to death and that making you want to become a dj really hit home. I think ill die first or the apocalypse will hit before I get the courage to do the dj bootcamp :(...