I see where you are coming from Hypnotique but it doesn't explain it fully. The IL, where does it come from in the first place?
What I am getting at is, we ALL see ugly big bastards getting a chick or nerdy dudes etc. The bloke exudes confidence and gets the IL of the chick in the first instance. I know what you are saying about treating them all differently and achieving the same stats.
over the top example. A very vulnerable girl hits the city and is screaming out for a daddy figure. 1. She runs into a Pimp, he gives her the lovin she requires and sells her ass for money. 2. A social worker AFC or even average guy finds her, helps her, she does okay, gets stable, gets boyfriend and lives an average life. SAME GIRL, different outcome because of the attitude of the man who met her. Two totally different scenarios.
The Pimp could use, daddy sugar, abuse, love or any combination but his intent is different.
In short, the unnatractive guy with the chicks aint stirring up IL on looks, its his intent that the woman can feel. So, I agree and disagree at the same time. The major thing I agree with is that you cannot "get" and edge, not the way these guys are trying to. But, if they change their attitude honestly, they may develop that edge over time. The main problem here is that most of the guys intend remaining AFC with little DJ tricks. IT WILL NOT WORK.