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  1. D

    I think HEIGHT is extremely important in getting girls.

    haha what bullsh#t is this. Girls just think guys who are taller have bigger ****s, what is bullsh#t aswell from talking to most of my mates who are all taller then me or i just have big d#ck, who knows. Im 5.8 and had girls flirt with me instead of my taller mates, maybe because im more on...
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    *Youngin's to eager to give up the snatch

    I live in Aus aswell, These young girls so easy to pickup doesnt even seem worth it. I done once before and recently had chance to do it again but couldnt take it all the way. Because realy girls just horny, plus they looking to get into trouble and be drama queens and piss you off. Then...
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    Stretch Mark Removal, fast and it works!

    I found link to it log in username: stretchfree log in pass word: 141926 Someone called Christina a femalefirst forums posted it Cheers Chris
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    Your DAILY routines. Share!

    7:00: am Wake up , run for 35-45 mins,shower etc 8:30: Eat, cook all my food for the day. 9:00: Start working on my comp, Im Freelance Artist 1:00: Hit my gym for 60-75 mins, shower etc 3:00: Usualy go out shopin for food and clothes etc. 6:00: Finish most of my work 7:00: Visit mates or...
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    Who else is here from Aus Perth ?

    Hey all, Was wondering who else is here from Aus Perth ?
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    Tanning Guide

    What about amount of time should be spent tanning in the sun to build good tan ?
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    See Cold approaches don't work in Aus

    Yeh chicks in Aus are hard on the street I think you go better on trains and mallls ,they feel more secure aswell. I think to approach chick on street in Aus you need good ice breaker, like bringing her attention to something on her self or close to her. lets face it, a hot chick wont...
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    Clothing store women, she just selling clothes or selling both ?

    Do the women in clothing stores realy just approach you to help you out and buy clothes ? Or maybe they interested so they have legit reason to come up to you ? Probably the reason i never realy try chat up women in clothing stores because i know their usualy working angle to sell you...
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    She just trying to make me jealous ???

    strikes back haha she getting realy b$tchy now. I got txt messages from someone saying hi xxxx what are you doing ? After asking who they are, she wouldnt tell me tho,took ages after heaps txt msgs" they said she knows me of friend of mine and happend to get my number out of her mobile...
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    She just trying to make me jealous ???

    I sent her txt back saying Hey, Im sweet numbers are xxxxxx Then she said, Thanks, i will txt you tonight if thats ok at xxxx She used pretty specific time aswel lol. lol she never did, i know this chick of saying one thing and meaning other things like you txt me tonight at xxxx.
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    chubby is as chubby does

    hahaha yeh the fat chicks in AUS are real b$tches and c$ckblockers sometimes, seems like their just pissed off at the world because their too weak to eat right. By all means go for them if you can't pickup the HB9-10s But I cant bring myself to ****ing fat chick unless im of equal weight...
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    She just trying to make me jealous ???

    This isnt my first post,under new user I got this txt from chick that was interested in me and maybe still is, but she ended up pissing me off at party we were at what she wanted me to go to to see her. She ended up getting realy pissed and f$cken weird on me and i ended up leaving her with...