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  1. C

    Insider trading

    MrCode, To me, it's not a question of who the stronger sex is. If that were the question, we could bring in the whole issue of childbirth ;) . But I definately think that men and women handle things differently. I think that women take things to heart a lot more than men do. When we...
  2. C

    Insider trading

    Why thank you sir. I agree. I will conduct myself "accordingly" as you have suggested. cece
  3. C

    Insider trading

    Ulrich, I am dissapointed at your response. There was a lot more to that conversation than what I posted that makes me feel the way I do. You are wrong in your assumptions. I would like to debate/chat about this one on one but you are unavailable for private messages. Send me one and...
  4. C

    Insider trading

    Well, I was walking down the hall and El Doctoro ran up behind me and started talking with me. He asked me what was going on and we started chatting. At this point, I wasn't feeling sick or anything and I told him about the whole warning to the blondes thing. He told me he thought this...
  5. C

    Insider trading

    Game Over Well, to all those who have been supportive and those who were just a$$holes - it's over. The lust I felt for this man has been squashed in a matter of moments after a simple conversation. I truly did imagine what he was like and found out that he's NOT AT ALL the MAN I thought...
  6. C

    Insider trading

    Maximus, You must be just as insecure as Lost. Do you mean to tell me that only "gold digging hoochies" can be interested in doctors? He's not even a full status doctor yet. I have dated men who have well-established careers in medicine and several other fields. Are all of these men just...
  7. C

    Insider trading

    Hi guys, Thanks for all of your amazing input. I found out some new info today via a classmate of mine who works at the "other" hospital. We were just talking about guys and I mentioned I had a huge crush on one of the residents and she just outright guessed who I was talking about...
  8. C

    Insider trading

    I've got today to think things over with. I won't see him until tomorrow. I think I need to get a vibe of what it feels like when it's jut him and me. The whole cafeteria thing was way too impersonal. I certainly wasn't rude, I just didn't say anything. I smiled and said "hi" (I think I...
  9. C

    Insider trading

    I just might be f**ked. I seriously don't know what to do right now. I couldn't look at him because I was afraid that if I did, he would look away or - hell, I don't know. I just couldn't. I mean, I WANT to talk to him, smile at him, all those things. But I don't want to feel anymore...
  10. C

    Insider trading

    I can assure all of you that there are no women at my job that I know of that are fawning over this guy. I have had the hots for him for over a month and just heard on Thursday about the action at the other hospital. So the theory about him being desirable to other women isn't true in this...
  11. C

    Insider trading

    I'm glad to see I've created such a stir. I will check in after work and let you all know what happened. I can assure you that if any of you were to go to a "female" website and post questions to help you with a woman you were attracted to, you would not get roasted. Not that you have any...
  12. C

    Insider trading

    Alright coaches - tomorrow is fast approaching. I will be thinking of all you have taught me when facing the object of my affections (wax on, wax off). I'm not sure tomorrow will reveal too much, but I look forward to the challenge. Maybe the broom closet's not a bad idea.... cece
  13. C

    Insider trading

    I just realized my typo - I meant to say WAS brilliant, not what brilliant. ooops.
  14. C

    Insider trading

    No, I am not IQQI under a different name. I did not intend to imply that a woman with "feminine qualities" (as PRL put it) is unintelligent or that she lacks common sense. What I did mean was that if a woman doesn't call a guy out on his BS, she is being unintelligent and not using her...
  15. C

    Insider trading

    Hi fellas, I agree that I have been overanalyzing this whole thing just a tad ;) . But I am a woman and that's what we do. As if you didn't already know that??? Age....I'm just about to turn 27. I am sure that he is in his very early 30s or maybe late 20s. He seems to look about that...
  16. C

    Insider trading

    Ulrich, Thank you so much for your reply. I understand the whole busy thing. I probably put in close to 80 hours a week between working full time and going to school full time. The truth is that I don't date men who aren't busy because I can't commit on that level right now. However, I do...
  17. C

    Insider trading

    He really is average looking. Maybe 5'10 and 170 lbs. Not a big guy at all. I typically go for the basketball type physique - 6'3 and taller with a well built body. He also wears glasses - something I'm not used to. Maybe it's his accent. He is from South America and has an incredible...
  18. C

    Insider trading

    Thanks Sapphire. All I can say is that I'm a believer. So where do you find that balance then? Where you really like someone but are willing to accept their flaws? Is it even possible? Or will we all be forever in pursuit of the unattainable imagined? cece
  19. C

    Insider trading

    Bonhomme, I do believe that is the track I will take with this whole thing. I have to say that the past two days have really helped me feel a lot better about this. My sincere thanks to all of you. I am very interested as to what he will be like. Will he act like nothing happened...
  20. C

    Insider trading

    I have not spoken to your idol since the whole phone number thing. Wait a minute - I never said that it didn't bother me that he didn't call! It's clear that it does bother me. Of course I would like him to be attracted to me. I was fine not saying anything about it for the past month. I...