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  1. C

    Insider trading

    BonHomme, The vibe I get from him? I think I might be more confused than I was before. Here's what I thought going into this thing (meaning the board)... I thought that he was very polite and charming and that he has a kind heart. I deal with doctors all day long, some are complete...
  2. C

    Insider trading

    A few things for the Australian Street Pimp - whatever that is??? Not mentioning that he is a doctor has nothing to do with playing games. His status in no way intimidates me the way it does you. Luckily, you probably do not work as an interpreter for anyone as you have taken what I've said...
  3. C

    Insider trading

    Lost, Where exactly have a gone on and on about how HOT I am? Please be so kind to point this out as you enjoy pasting my quotes. Yes, he is a doctor. However, is only a resident which means he doesn't make **** for money and won't for about another 5-10 years (after finishing his...
  4. C

    Insider trading

    Oddtech, I am not saying that he's not a DJ. In fact, it seems that he may very well be. I hope you understand where I'm coming from though. Not every DJ has to be a flaming a$$hole, right? I appreciate most of the replies I've received. I believe that my initial query was more about...
  5. C

    Insider trading

    Lost, Either you're impotent, lacking (you know what I mean), or so ugly you don't have to worry about the first two. Let me explain something to you little man - I do not need a man for money. I'm not sitting on my a$$ waiting for someone to fulfill me financially. In fact, if you must...
  6. C

    Insider trading

    So you think you've got me figured out and that I like this guy because he's a DJ? You're wrong. I'll tell you what honestly attracted me to this guy. For one, he is not the stereotypical midwestern boy - he's not from around here, so that stood out immediately. Secondly, he's incredibly...
  7. C

    really worried...

    um.... wonderboy, I hate to use my experience as a nurse to sound like I know it all, but you really need to go to a doctor and get it checked out. It is not normal to have acne on your testes. It could be something as bad as genital herpes, which you may have contracted by someone who has...
  8. C

    Approaching chicks at their job

    a woman's point of view She wears a name tag, right? Use her name when you go through the line - it will show her that she's not just someone at the register, another nameless face. Women love to be noticed. Introduce yourself in return. Be very polite and maybe mention that you've seen her...
  9. C

    Insider trading

    Soma, Sorry that had to happen to you. It sucks, I know. I would like to think that I'm a great catch. I'm not like a lot of the girls here though - I currently live in the midwest in an area that is not diverse at all. So you can imagine what most of the girls around here look like...
  10. C

    Insider trading

    PR lover, I read your dissertation (just kidding ;) ). Interesting take on breaking things down to a cellular level. But when we take ourselves away from the microscope, there's so much more to see isn't there? You can't tell me that men don't like women with a bit of fire in 'em. Do you...
  11. C

    Insider trading

    It's frustrating to think that the one guy that stands apart from the rest is the one guy I couldn't play it cool with. It sounds like my best bet is to back off and then maybe later we'll run into each other again and the timing will be better. He really does drive me crazy, though. I...
  12. C

    Insider trading

    Thanks for your input Icepick. I think the thing that scares me is my attraction to this guy. I don't have a problem when it comes to meeting men, but there is something about him. And I guess that this does take me for a loop and cause me to act in a way that I wouldn't otherwise. I can...
  13. C

    Insider trading

    PR lover, Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. Like I stated earlier, I have learned a huge lesson in this. Sometimes it's hard for a woman to know what to do. We are bombarded with mixed messages about guys liking a woman that is a bit aggressive, that men like it when we call...
  14. C

    Insider trading

    Lost in Translation, You've got me all figured out? You know nothing about me. You're nasty comments included calling me a b*tch for no reason. Don't flatter yourself with all the other crap you spew.
  15. C

    Insider trading

    Yes, it is obvious that the whole giving my number thing was a HUGE mistake. I didn't give him any time or the opportunity to pursue me. I can't change that - it's done. It was a rash and foolish move on my part. I guess I'm just trying to find a way to redeem myself. I don't doubt that...
  16. C

    Insider trading

    Lost in Translation, Are you kidding me? This isn't a real war! I am not contradicting myself to say that other people think he's a player but that I think he's a nice guy. And I am certainly not stalking anyone. I am interested and don't feel bad about that. There's nothing deceptive in...
  17. C

    Insider trading

    Thank you Soma? Any other advice/tactics? cece
  18. C

    Insider trading

    Soma, I'm loving your candor. And I think that you're absolutely right. Here's another twist to the situation. He's only at my hospital until October 31st and then moves onto another hospital here, which mean I won't see him everytime I work. The other hospital is a teaching hospital...
  19. C

    What's Next?

    a woman's point of view As a woman, I would be flattered if my friend told me that someone I had met earlier asked her about me. Give her friend your contact information - I don't think that's "stalkerish" at all. What else are you supposed to do? But don't ask her friend for her number, I...
  20. C

    Insider trading

    Wow. Thanks for your input. Yeah, giving him my number was akward. But we were at work and he was telling me that he was going to come find me and talk to me. I'm very private about my personal life at work and the thought of him coming up to me at work and talking with me just made me think...