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    She just got a B/F; but still wants to...

    it seems like after we had sex, she does not show much interest in me and tries to avoid contact why? she said I was good in bed.... she also said that she felt guilty for doing this, her b/f never found out though....
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    She just got a B/F; but still wants to...

    thats like saying u won't date a lady who had previous b/f's?
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    She just got a B/F; but still wants to...

    why do i care who she is sleeping with? I will get my play right?
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    shoe lift to increase height

    I use it and love it,.....I am actually 5'10" but I look 6'0"....Kenneth Cole shoes are usually high heeled plus u gotta get the extra sole from Foot Locker also.....
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    Approaching cold - need feedback on my technique!

    I can picture that near perfectly....that was a bad move....atleast start a conversation and get to know her, make her laugh a little to put her in comfort zone....I am sure she'd be freaked out if soem stranger walked up to her and asked her out. it does not matter even if u look like bradd...
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    She just got a B/F; but still wants to...

    .....sleep with me..... I know that their relationship is not serious and it seems like its more like a friends with benefit type of relationship but she still finds a way to contact me when her b/f is not around....what should I do in this situation? Discuss
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    are there any drugs that i can to relief my anxiety?
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    I guess I'll be heading to barnes and nobles and read that book for change.
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    companionship from the opposite sex, well I just use it on the phone from my old friends, sometimes ex's. The problem is me basically. I can't even talk properly to the same sex, thats how sorry i am right now, what does that tell u? but ur only 19 man, i am 27. Your youth has just getting...
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    I doubt I had fake confidence. either i have it or i dont....when i did have it, i was really positive above myself in every aspect (family, friends, career, education)....i think moving from California to Texas killed me since I am starting my life all over again... well I was diagnosed with...
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    well it seems like i am coming off a jerk.......but not in Cali...people are quite conservative here......
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    I feel like i am in a different world. people are just different here in Texas. I gotta number last week but she happened to be from Cali. I can't change my personality nor my game. how do i change? act fake?
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    what if you don't want to f*ck?

    u can still DJ w/o any sex. this way u will meet someone and want to marry
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    am going to be 27 next month. At this time my life has just about gone rock bottom. I use to be an AFC till age 21 and then slowly got into the DJ mode. Actually I would have considered myself a near master DJ at age 23-25....these were the times of my life. I could approach any women I want...
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    I've associated and have/had friends from all over the world. I prefer to live in this neihborhood because its clean and more secure then the crime areas.....
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    do you plan on staying single or marrying some day?

    DJing is not pretending, its a state of mind. Have you read the DJ Bible?
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    I Have Changed Dramatically - Need Help!

    I live in a middle-upper class caucasian neihborhood. I feel like I am left out by feeling odd.
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    do you plan on staying single or marrying some day?

    you have a much better chance of findind the women of ur choice by DJing then being a AFC