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  1. T

    Think "Relaxed" if not Confident

    Only if you're having success with your approaches. Someone getting constantly negative reactions isn't going to become relaxed and confidentover time with nothing but the memory of bad reactions from their approach, especially if they're approaching while uptight and nervous in the first place...
  2. T

    Think "Relaxed" if not Confident

    Just thought I'd add this quick tip. You always hear how important "Confidence" is when dealing with women, but ask a hundred different people to describe what confidence is and you'll get a hundred different answers. I thought it might be easier to think in terms of being "relaxed" when...
  3. T

    Does Ripped Fuel Work?

    I disagree completely. I use ripped fuel and it makes a noticeable difference in fat loss compared to not using anything. Use two pills twice a day not once. I sometimes even use it three times a day. I definietly recommend it.
  4. T


    Good for you hb! Glad you made the right decision against steroids, especially with your family's medical history. Be sure to let us know the results of the increased protein. In my opinion the importance of protein just isn't stressed enough to people trying to put on muscle. Personally I...
  5. T


    Well, I'm not going that high on protein. I just try to get alot and often it works out to 350 grams or more and, of course, some days it's less. But the results are great! Every time I hit a body part I can either lift a little more in pounds or do a couple of extra reps. And I'm not putting on...
  6. T


    Your comments directed toward me where rude, sarcastic and insulting. A direct violation of the rules you agreed to when you registered. You implyed you where so damn smart when you stated that I didn't "sound too smart" as you put it, as if you were suggesting you were smarter than me, which...
  7. T


    Since you're so damn smart, you care to explain exactly how carbs and fats become muscle? Yes, they provide the energy you need for work outs and other nutrients your body needs. But since when they they start containing the amino acids needed to produce new muscle in the body? Too many...
  8. T


    You would die!! Immediately and painfully. Your **** would explode and you would only live long enough to regret such a foolish decision as to try steroids at your age. O.K. maybe not but Jeez kid don't waste your money on steroids. I don't know you but my first guess is that your a...