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  1. S

    Kinda mad

    Well, it happened again. Everytime it's something new. I have been pursuing this girl in my class who is highly sought after in our grade (By far the best looking and is one of the smartest people in our grade surprisingly). Well, she hit me with the whopper today when in conversation she...
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    Ultimatum to girlfriend - ?

    that's right. Don't ever take **** from a girl. It's her loss. you got better things to do then worry about some *****es *****yness. plenty of other panty droppers out there
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    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    listen, the best advice I can give you is to just not give a s*it. Don't even think about broads, all the broads that I have ever gotten and that have been interested in me is when I either didn't care or wasn't really pursuing them. Just go out and do whatever, have fun until you see someone...
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    No, I didn't do any warm-up stretches. I should've, but, my problem came from over dueing it. I was already tired as it was, so I did about 10-15 more reps then I should've. When I set the dumbells down, I had this massive bump on my arm. I was like wtf. It wasn't black and blue or...
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    The day after, I had such pain on my entire arm that I couldn't even grip a pencil without having pain shoot through my arm. Now I am fine, but, just have a slight lump. I want to continue curling soon, but, don't want to risk hurting doing more damage
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    I was doing some hammer curls the other night, when I noticed at the end of the excercise I had a large lump in the middle of my forearm. It's gotten smaller and it doesn't hurt. Anyone know what the hell it is.
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    Sex, Asz, Boobs, and Pretty Face

    Right on man, P*ssy has no face. But I think it's more of a braggining thing Rock on
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    To Those Eye Contact Experts : Meanings & Please Help me Complete This Thread !

    The main point though, is usaully if the you're interested in the girl and she is reciprocal, she won't pass up the opportunity and she will give you some sort of sign, eye contact and what not. At least, that's how it has worked for me
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    To Those Eye Contact Experts : Meanings & Please Help me Complete This Thread !

    I don't know what to tell you. I personally just go with eye contact and a smile. If she's not willing to give me that and gives me some other facial expression, I tend to just forget it and not waste time analyzing the situation
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    Girls said I look like a pigeon!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA All I can say is........FUNNY LOOKING With a face like that, you don't need to worry about dating...EVER...unless it's a "blind" date and I do mean ........BLIND Also, you can forget about your dream of being on the cover of GQ...
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    MOre attractive you are..less gilrs approach?

    I believe it works both ways Screw it. I agree with you that they are probably intimadated because of your dashingly good looks, but at the same token, it doesn't mean they don't try to sneak looks. That's where I was getting it.
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    MOre attractive you are..less gilrs approach?

    I'm not too sure how this works. Girls don't naturally approach guys, but if you're good looking girls will defiantely give you more attention.
  13. S

    Just wondering what you fellow Don Juans think

    Yes it does suck, especially when I'm already after someone in the process. I have tried starting some fights with my buds girl, but to no avail, she still keeps coming back. Pretty soon I will either have to tell her to cut the sh*t or talk to my bud about it, because it is kind of getting...