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  1. G

    New guy from europe seeks advice

    Hey Mr., as you know I'm from Germany and I have to agree with you: European chicks are way different than American girls! I have lived in the US for a year and I know what I'm talkin' about... it's much easier to sleep with an American women (especially if you are from Europe), but most of...
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    self consciousness

    I don't know how to to upload pictures to this site, therefore I can't give you a pic of me right away... but everyone who's interested can send me his mail-address and I'll send him a picture as soon as possible: >> (my account) I won't be at home over the weekend, but...
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    self consciousness

    No doubt... I'll try to post a pic tomorrow!
  4. G


    I bought one a few months ago... I think they look pretty good (especially the ones from "Von Dutch"), but not everybody has to like them! I bought mine in a regular store, but you can also get 'em at ... I had to pay $ 70 for my hat, therefore I have no idea where...
  5. G

    best type of girls to "start" with?

    I don't wanna answer your question right now, but I would like to give you one good advice (even tho I assmue that you've heard this before, but it won't hurt you to hear it once again): YOU ARE STILL LEARNING! Don't expect to get 5 numbers from 5 hot chicks tomorrow! Maybe all of them will...
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    self consciousness

    @ JB 101: Thanx for the tip... that might work! @ AMF: THAT SH!T IS SO TRUE! I've met a lot of people in my life who told me that I'm "so handsome", "so sexy", and that "I should be a model" ... besides that, I noticed that a lot of people who cross my way look once and then suddenly they...
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    who heres hooked up with or dated a HB 9.5 and up?

    That is correct! Even girls who are *10s* on your scale are NOT special at all because you'll find another *10* two days later... and then another one and then another one and so on... that's for sure!
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    I'M SUCH AN IDIOT - Please, help me anyways!

    ...that makes sense, in a way!
  9. G

    Movie Date..walked out

    She seems like a girl who will cause a lot of trouble! She's just too immature for you, she's not "down-to-earth" and she will constantly play with your feelings, but not necessarily on purpose! I had ONLY bad experiences with young and/or immature girls, therefore I would also say: DON'T...
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    Ring Ring Ring!!!!!!

    I had parts of this attitude before I came here, but this site/board supports my ideas, gives me new inspirations, and shows me that I'm not the only one who wanna improve and even change his life!
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    Ring Ring Ring!!!!!!

    Being a Don Juan is not just a way to pick up chicks... it's a lifestyle! I know that I still have to learn a lot of things, but I also know that I'm already better than most of the peeps around me and sooner or later I will be on top: concerning girls, money, fun, style, and knowledge! LET'S...
  12. G

    The power of experience

    Fly post! Thank you!
  13. G

    I'M SUCH AN IDIOT - Please, help me anyways!

    @ CLOONEY: Thanx for your help! I think I got your point! I still don't really know WHAT I should say to her (or other girls) when I approach her! Do you have a good advice or a smart link for me? @ Salacious D + JSH: Thanx fellas! I guess I gotta keep tryin' and make my move as soon as the...
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    I'M SUCH AN IDIOT - Please, help me anyways!

    Yesterday our school gave a huge party at a fly club! Everything was straight: I was drinkin', I was flirtin', I was talkin' with a lot of girls... BUT I didn't have the guts to talk to my dreamgirl, even tho she was smilin' at me more than once!!! She's not the most famous girl in our...
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    To have sex or to not have sex

    Sex is fun... especially when your mind is free and your girl is wild and open to new ideas! BUT it's not the most important thing in life... I personally prefer money and success! To me it's more important to KNOW that I could f*ck a lot of fine girls than to actually f*ck them... if you...
  16. G

    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    My biggest AFC moves: - buying expensive presents for my girlfriends - calling one of my exgirls after she broke up with me... beggin' her to take me back ...but the worst one EVER: >>> in my short life I met tons of beautiful girls who gave me an eye and who flirted with me... but...
  17. G

    Does Anybody Live in GERMANY? (or Europe)

    Hey, I'm from Germany/Europe myself and I would like to know if I'm the only one or if there are more Germans/Europeans around!? We could exchange our experiences and talk about German/European girls... maybe even meet each other and throw a huge party! > let me know what's up!!!