Revelations and Reflections of a Man Who is Everything He Always Dreamed To Be.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Good evening, my friends!

For those of you who don't know me or haven't seen me post here, my name is Sebastian, and I'd like to share with you a few things I've learned from life in the past couple of months, because I feel it's worthwhile, and need a good post to mark my return, so I can look back on it in a few months and see what happened, what changed, and how I can be even better.

So it wasn't too long ago that I was once like you, some average kid looing to be something special. So I spent my time here.

But after a while (little under 2 years), I quit these boards and decided to go at high school life on my own. It was really shaky at first, as I had no idea who I wanted to be. I have no idea how to be popular, I had no idea how to get street credit. All I knew was what I got from this site - how to pick up random girls. But I had already shown people I was not confident and not well-dressed and even sometimes not coherent. Girls thought I was weird and conceited.

It was all bad for me, especially with a freshman girlfriend who I really liked and she didn't respect me at all.

So then I found a friend who was at the top of the social chain. He's black and wasn't afraid to help out a white guy like me. He became my best friend, and he showed me how to talk to girls, how to dress and act.

I came away with a few great points, and I learned them to be very useful.

DON'T TREAT WOMEN SERIOUSLY! Women are strange, don't take them seriously. Take their feelings seriously, yeah, but don't get involved in their drama. Just be a part of their life, show how fun you can be, and they'll come to you looking for good times. Don't try to act tough or cool. Girls just want fun.

GIRLS JUST WANT FUN! They don't want commitment anymore, this isn't the 1980s in high school. It's 2004, kids are maturing quicker. They don't want to be tied down by one guy, they wanna find the best guy they can. If that involves sleeping around, that's fine with them. You don't need to have traits X,Y, and Z. You need to be fun and attractive. Be fun and dress the part for attractiveness.

YOU NEED STREET CREDIT! If people ask you how your weekend was, don't say "I hung out with some old friends". That gets you nowhere! Is there a student fundraiser somewhere around town? Go! Basketball game? Football game? GO! You can say "I went to the football game this friday night" and people will say "Oh yea, I was there too, the other team sucked, that streaker was funny, number #30 was good looking, that cheerleader in the middle looked great". If you say "hung out with some friends" then that's like "haha... you're BORING!". Go out there, get your name around!

YOU NEED TO DRESS GOOD! Find a guy that looks good and seems to be friendly and willing to talk. Ask him what's up with his clothes, where he got it for, how much, would that style work on you, can you make deals there, and so forth. Many people won't give you the chance to show your great conversational skills if they see that you look like crap. They will say "if he looks bad, I wonder what else is bad about him, he obviously doesn't take care of himself, what's interesting about that? No pride in appearance is no confidence, and no confidence is a turn-off!" Remember, shoes are key to today's clothing culture. Your tops need to match your shoes, keep that in mind.

Lastly, WOMEN AREN'T REAL PEOPLE! My friend, who led me through these times, told me a line I will remember for a long time to come: "women... are f*ckin weird! It's perfectly okay to lie to them until they turn like 23-25, because until that point they're girls, not women, and it doesn't matter, because lies don't matter because there's no commitment anyways! Don't feel bad telling a girl you have to go call someone else when you don't want to talk to them, and don't feel bad about ignoring them. I'm not saying treat them bad (rather, you should treat them good). But look out for yourself, not for the girls. It's fine to be manipulative, don't worry about their feelings. Girls will climb over eachother to have you, don't worry if one doesn't feel that way about you. But DON'T lie about yourself and what you do, who you are. Girls can find that out. White lies are fine though.

I have learned alot, and most importantly, I've learned to never quit. Losers always quit, winners never quit. I never gave up on my dreams of being a social god, and I never will. I will always do my best to achieve the best, and so long as I believe in it, it will happen with hard work. However, just because you believe doesn't mean that it will happen. Things don't "happen", they are achieved. This is best summarized by "God helps those who help themselves". Never give up on yourself, never quit, never falter, and soon you shall be as happy as any man that has ever walked the earth.

It happens only if you believe.
Desire + Dedication + Hard Work = Success at anything you want to be successful in.

Only if you believe.

Sebastian aka "AC/DC"
AIM: HangTen3000
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> Gucci Boy

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
I have learned alot, and most importantly, I've learned to never quit. Losers always quit, winners never quit. I never gave up on my dreams of being a social god, and I never will. I will always do my best to achieve the best, and so long as I believe in it, it will happen with hard work. However, just because you believe doesn't mean that it will happen. Things don't "happen", they are achieved.
That, is SO TRUE!


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Good post! Remember guys, asking for help is a sign of strength. Aren't you strong?


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Good few basics to start with.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
THIS is something worth reading, so everyone old and new, please do so! :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by AC/DC
I have learned alot, and most importantly, I've learned to never quit. Losers always quit, winners never quit. I never gave up on my dreams of being a social god, and I never will. I will always do my best to achieve the best, and so long as I believe in it, it will happen with hard work. However, just because you believe doesn't mean that it will happen. Things don't "happen", they are achieved. This is best summarized by "God helps those who help themselves". Never give up on yourself, never quit, never falter, and soon you shall be as happy as any man that has ever walked the earth.
That was good and its an interesting take to improving yourself, but unfortunately relies on having a successful friend. Nice post and welcome back.

I agree with winners never quit but :

If winners never quit and quitters never win, then what fool came up with the saying "quit while you are ahead".