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  1. I

    Did I Miss Out ?

    WOW She is not a teenager. Where did you get that from what I posted? I am confused. What so she was going to have sex? Even though she tried to stall me and her Daughter was there? Dam Bishop you got me thinking now. She had this Daughter of hers with a guy she met in college and they...
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    Did I Miss Out ?

    Tell Me If I Fuxked Up. I knew this girl for a while. She said she was into me and I was into her. However she had a Boyfriend who she lives with. Well I tried to Kiss her, and she rejected me. She told me "I told you not here. The walls have eyes I have a kid to worry about." Now after I tried...
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    Can I make it happen?

    first off I am 6' 1" 350lbs I have a very very bad need to get a woman. I do not pursue anything in life but woman. I know how bad that is but I can't think about anything except getting a woman. Anyway I think I have a decent personality and I can make people laugh. So is there hope for me at...
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    Are married woman easier?

    Why do you say I will lose? Are married woman not as easy as it seems? Unfortunately yes I am beyond extremely desprate!!
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    Are married woman easier?

    Ok so I have been reading the bible and wanted to practice some of the things I learned. However I don't have much of a life outside of work. So I practice at work. "yeah I know bad idea but my job sucks" so my practice was on 2 married woman only because they are the only 2 woman who I like...
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    Talking about Pumpkins

    Ok I know it is stupid dumb crazy etc etc etc. but I still wonder what that meant. Please tell me!
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    Advice Needed

    Sure I talk to her all the time. What I need help with is how to take it to the next level and test her interest level and let her know i want to do her up brooklyn style.
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    Advice Needed

    Ok I have been reading here and the bible for a while now and I understand Kino ****y funny etc. But I am having problems putting all those things into practice. I want to practice on this girl at work yeah I know about messing with woman at work but i don't care. could somebody just make me a...
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    Ok now I am really confused... hopefully one of you have dealt with something like th

    Does anybody have anything else on this? I am in almost exactly the same situation. What told you guys she was playing or not playing with this guy??
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    Hate do they really care?

    I assure you that I am not a troll!!!!! This is a serious question. I really want to know why woman care if u hate them or if they really do. Also if I am really Nuts like you say then why did this woman seem to like the fact that I normally don't care to be nice to new employees but she...
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    Hate do they really care?

    Ok I have a problem where I hate just about everybody that I have ever met. I guess I am so full of hate. I hate about every person I work with. This new hottie started at my workplace and somehow I never got around to hating her. Actually we kind of became friends. So I guess some other...
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    Talking about Pumpkins

    So what I am way off base? I just don't get what the point behind her bringing this up is???????????????
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    Talking about Pumpkins

    I need some advice here. I know I should not care but I DO, and I really would appreciate any help u could give me. I know these 2 girls who are friends. I will call them Tess and Less. Tess is the one I like. Well me and Tess kind of liked each other but Tess has a boyfriend whom she is...
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    Get 2 for the price of 1

    Why did this girl giggle to him? I have a girl who giggles sometimes around me. I
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    Yeah Thanks I really appreciate being called a fool, now go swallow a fat one.
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    Which girl has interest in me?
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    Which girl has interest in me?
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    What is the point? I may or may not of been jerked around by this girl I was digging. Now whenever I see her friend which is at least 3 times a week she will tell me this or that about her not all of the time but sometimes. I am just wondering what is the point behind her bringing her up in our...
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    Is it hopeless for me??

    So are you saying if I trick myself into believing chicks like fatazzs that will work? Thanks for the advice. I guess this falls into Pooks Think and you shall become? I am thinking I am Courtney Cox's Husband I hope this works lol.
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    Is it hopeless for me??

    Hello I want opinions on whether I belong here or not. I just lost the mother of my kids whom I was with on and off mostly off for the past 12 years. I am 28 overweight 6' 2" 310lbs I have a part time job I only get about 25 hours a week and only make 7.02 an Hour I live at home with my Mom but...