Did I Miss Out ?


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Tell Me If I Fuxked Up. I knew this girl for a while. She said she was into me and I was into her. However she had a Boyfriend who she lives with. Well I tried to Kiss her, and she rejected me. She told me "I told you not here. The walls have eyes I have a kid to worry about." Now after I tried to kiss her she asks me to come over to her house after we got off work. So she calls me to come over to her house. Her friend another co-worker was there. So I was on my way over and when I got to her city she calls me and tells me to wait a while before I come over because she has to go get her daughter a Milkshake. Well I got mad and told her that I will get the dam Milkshake. So I get to her house and I see her sitting on the front porch. I pull around the back of the house where the driveway is and I get out of my car and all of a sudden she pops out the back door. She said "You did not think I was going to make you walk all the way around did you." She was holding her daughter in her arms. I also had No clue who was in the house but we walked through the house and out on to the porch. So I ask where the other woman is and she says oh she had to go somewhere but she will be back. So we just sat outside until she got there.

Now what the heck happened here? I would think she wanted some but!
1. She tried to stall me from coming over.
2. She had her daughter in her arms.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
Tell Me If I Fuxked Up.
You gotta learn to trust your instincts. What does your gut tell you?
However she had a Boyfriend who she lives with.
I have a kid to worry about.
Knowing these two bits of info, are you sure you want to get involved with her?
And why did you go to the house she shared with her ex? Couldn't you at least pick a neutral site?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Change your name from "I_Will_Win" to "I_Will_Get_Her_Pregnant". She's already shown that in the event that she gets pregnant, she intends on keeping the baby. You mentioned that she had a boyfriend. Let's say that you play everything right and succeed in your one-track goal of getting her into bed. On the off chance, you decide that you don't want to use a condom... or perhaps you do use one, but something goes wrong. Either way, she's pregnant again and she tearfully confesses to her boyfriend that this one isn't his (believe me, I know enough single mothers to know that this WILL happen). End result will be you needing plastic surgery.

What it all comes down to is this, and I'm sure that I'll get flamed for posting it, but it's the god-honest truth: Stay away from single teenaged moms.

They are looking for something that you aren't going to be able to provide at this point in your life, and will attempt almost anything to make sure that you can't walk out of their lives. Losing you will be losing a sense of security and stability (this is assuming that you are in the slightest bit mature and have a job and some money in a bank account somewhere) that they are trying to acquire. It's not unheard of for a woman with a baby by another guy to "accidently" get pregnant from you as well, because after all - child support is another 500ish a month that they'll have.

I know, it's a very cynical view to have, but I speak with the voice of experience. Thankfully, I've not been lured into having a kid with one of these types of girls, "accidental" or otherwise, but I have seen it happen to good friends who come from good families - families with money - who have since disowned them for sleeping with "tramps with kids". (Vertabatim, not my personal opinion).

To sum up, I don't think that you "missed out". Actually, I'd say that you "got lucky" instead. Anyway, do what you like. In 9 months, feel free to post a status report. :rolleyes:

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by [T]he ishop
Change your name from "I_Will_Win" to "I_Will_Get_Her_Pregnant". She's already shown that in the event that she gets pregnant, she intends on keeping the baby. You mentioned that she had a boyfriend. Let's say that you play everything right and succeed in your one-track goal of getting her into bed. On the off chance, you decide that you don't want to use a condom... or perhaps you do use one, but something goes wrong. Either way, she's pregnant again and she tearfully confesses to her boyfriend that this one isn't his (believe me, I know enough single mothers to know that this WILL happen). End result will be you needing plastic surgery.

What it all comes down to is this, and I'm sure that I'll get flamed for posting it, but it's the god-honest truth: Stay away from single teenaged moms.

They are looking for something that you aren't going to be able to provide at this point in your life, and will attempt almost anything to make sure that you can't walk out of their lives. Losing you will be losing a sense of security and stability (this is assuming that you are in the slightest bit mature and have a job and some money in a bank account somewhere) that they are trying to acquire. It's not unheard of for a woman with a baby by another guy to "accidently" get pregnant from you as well, because after all - child support is another 500ish a month that they'll have.

I know, it's a very cynical view to have, but I speak with the voice of experience. Thankfully, I've not been lured into having a kid with one of these types of girls, "accidental" or otherwise, but I have seen it happen to good friends who come from good families - families with money - who have since disowned them for sleeping with "tramps with kids". (Vertabatim, not my personal opinion).

To sum up, I don't think that you "missed out". Actually, I'd say that you "got lucky" instead. Anyway, do what you like. In 9 months, feel free to post a status report. :rolleyes:

I agree with the bishop. Stay far away from that woman unless you enjoy forking over 28% of your paycheck or having your face rearranged once her boyfriend finds out you slept with her. Find a chick that doesn't have kids and a live in boyfriend.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Stay away from single teenaged moms
WOW She is not a teenager.

She's already shown that in the event that she gets pregnant, she intends on keeping the baby.
Where did you get that from what I posted? I am confused.

What so she was going to have sex? Even though she tried to stall me and her Daughter was there?

Dam Bishop you got me thinking now. She had this Daughter of hers with a guy she met in college and they had a one night stand. So he or they felt they should be together because of the kid. Also she quit talking to me for a while then her friend was asking me questions about me being in school it was just odd how she asked and when I told her I was in school she start talking to me again. OH MY:eek: I was trying to get this new job once and her friend told me that I can't support a family on that job. I thought WTF I do not have a family!


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Her not being a teenager may actually be worse, though I've not had any experience with anyone older in that situation. She's become more jaded, cynical, and has gained a bit more experience when it comes to laying her snares to entrap money... I mean, a man/father. When I said that she obviously would keep the baby, it's because you said that she already had one child with someone else. Generally, women who have a child out of wedlock aren't going to have an abortion if they get pregnant again. 9 times out of 10, they're going to have that baby too. (An expression... I'm sure the actual statistics are slightly different...)

As I wasn't there, don't fully know the situation between you and her, and have no way of seeing inside of her mind, I don't know if she intended on having sex with you while you were there. Perhaps she was, perhaps she wasn't. She may have been trying to stall you, but then again things could have been completely innocent... in any case, I'd say that her stalling did you a favor. You've not had the opportunity to re-evaluate the situation and see it from a perspective you otherwise wouldn't have seen, blinded as you were by your smaller head.

The comment from her friend to you regarding your job not being able to support a family was a fairly large indicator that she (the single mother) isn't out for just a guy on the side. She's going to want commitment, and she's going to want a father for her daughter. If that isn't what you intend on giving her, she's going to do her best to make sure that you give her another child, so you'll have no choice but to be that father figure her children will need, and that support and source of income that she needs.

Take a look at the situation, weigh in all of the variables and look at all of the potential outcomes. If the risks (everything we've been talking about) exceed the benefits (having an orgasm inside of her) then don't continue this any further. If the benefits exceed the risks, 'go get you some'. :rolleyes:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Hey "Milk Shake" dude, have you no other prospects than 'who's my baby's daddy" hos? Did you expect to have sex with her while the baby is slurping on the milk shake?:confused:


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Hey "Milk Shake" dude, have you no other prospects than 'who's my baby's daddy" hos? Did you expect to have sex with her while the baby is slurping on the milk shake?:confused:

Let us know what you've decided to do, I_Will_Inseminate. :rolleyes: