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  1. C

    DJ Online Correspondence University... Classes starting soon!

    I`m in too, 8 weeks of bootcamp, sound like fun :D .
  2. C

    Agressive woman awkward situation

    If she was a 7+ than you are gay, and even if u are gay you could have goten a free drink ;) .
  3. C

    The Journal of Mr. Pink: New Year, New Prospects

    Damn, wut hapnend to you was funny as hell, can`t stop laughing even now :) I`d say forget about her, there`s a million girls out there, but if u really wunt her get her phone nr. & call, be funny and ask for a date ;)
  4. C

    Got LJBFed cos I'm a virgin

    Dude, watch some porn ... ;)
  5. C

    How to wear button up shirts

    That school sux, **** it go to another one.
  6. C

    My gf saw me cry...

    Dude, that sux. But at you`re age is accepted, try to control youreself more next time...
  7. C

    Girls are like you

    Ok, my opinion: A verry good looking guy might never get layd, but a ugly chick most probably will...
  8. C

    Example of ****y/Funny

    That`s bad ****y stuff, I mean he was begging to be rejected, you must have the mindset of a winner, think,better "feel" like there is no way she would reject you. If she doesn`t like it she`s gay :)
  9. C

    DFC - Dateless Frustrated Chump

    **** off dude, nobody can be that dumb. And btw. try to make that friend of yours more DJ, it`s not his fault his such a coward is because of this ****ed up society that we live in.
  10. C

    A question about Eye Contact.

    You need practice? Well than just put on some decent clothes and get out of youre house, than start doing EC with every attractive girl you see. The point about doing good EC is not lookig desperate or evil, just act like you`ve just had some pvssy ;) .
  11. C

    The Eyes of Attraction and how to attain them!!!

    I kind of got the point with the pupils... Gotta EXPERIMENT some...