Girls are like you


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
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Charleston, SC
I realize that we have lots of AFC's here on the board. I get the feeling they are all new, so this is for them. I'm not really looking for the older dudes to tell me "we all know that" or anything of the like.

A few nights ago I went to meet up with a friend of mine. She lives in a house with 6 other girls.

The group of girls that lives there visited the house about 8 times before they decided to rent it. Before them it was a frat house. So here I am, one dude with I guess 6 girls hanging out and they go on about "when we first visited the house a really hot guy answered the door. Every room we walked into we saw another hot shirtless guy." After they talked like this for a minute or two I excused myself for a smoke.

I visited the house with the girls once and let me tell you, it was a s**thole. There was crap everywhere, things were molding, and the beer pong table hadn't been washed in months.

However, that didn't get to these girls near as much as they would like to think it did. All they could see was "hot shirtless guys." Lots of guys post here about working out and looking your best. LISTEN TO THEM! I'm sure lots of AFC's think "girls aren't like guys. They don't REALLY care what a guy looks like."

However, girls ARE like guys. They do care. Either wish the world wasn't how it is, or deal with it.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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I do agree that looks are important but over time women care more about personality than guys do.

I have 2 overweight friends who are both dating HB9's. None of these guys are model good looking by any sense but they are able to get girls cuz they are DJ'S.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
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Two overweight friends that are dating HB9s? I find that a little hard to believe. Not that i've never seen an ugly guy with a pretty nice girl, but TWO, FAT ones, and with NINEs? Hmm.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, girls do care about looks. Most of them. But the thing is that girls don't care about JUST looks... A hot guy is great, but if he's an idiot or an *******... no thanks. I like my guys "flawed" in some way... ha ha... just meaning, that there has to be something about them that is attractive to me but the "perfect" and "hot" guys don't really do it for me as much as the funny guys, smart guys, etc. But that's just me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Yes, girls do care about looks. Most of them. But the thing is that girls don't care about JUST looks... A hot guy is great, but if he's an idiot or an *******... no thanks. I like my guys "flawed" in some way... ha ha... just meaning, that there has to be something about them that is attractive to me but the "perfect" and "hot" guys don't really do it for me as much as the funny guys, smart guys, etc. But that's just me.
i second that! especially the "flawed" part. a little ugliiness or weirdness, mmmm...

perfect model guys are a turn off, but thats just imo


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
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Originally posted by McKindley
I realize that we have lots of AFC's here on the board. I get the feeling they are all new, so this is for them. I'm not really looking for the older dudes to tell me "we all know that" or anything of the like.

A few nights ago I went to meet up with a friend of mine. She lives in a house with 6 other girls.

The group of girls that lives there visited the house about 8 times before they decided to rent it. Before them it was a frat house. So here I am, one dude with I guess 6 girls hanging out and they go on about "when we first visited the house a really hot guy answere


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by McKindley
I realize that we have lots of AFC's here on the board. I get the feeling they are all new, so this is for them. I'm not really looking for the older dudes to tell me "we all know that" or anything of the like.

A few nights ago I went to meet up with a friend of mine. She lives in a house with 6 other girls.

The group of girls that lives there visited the house about 8 times before they decided to rent it. Before them it was a frat house. So here I am, one dude with I guess 6 girls hanging out and they go on about "when we first visited the house a really hot guy answered the door. Every room we walked into we saw another hot shirtless guy." After they talked like this for a minute or two I excused myself for a smoke.

I visited the house with the girls once and let me tell you, it was a s**thole. There was crap everywhere, things were molding, and the beer pong table hadn't been washed in months.

However, that didn't get to these girls near as much as they would like to think it did. All they could see was "hot shirtless guys." Lots of guys post here about working out and looking your best. LISTEN TO THEM! I'm sure lots of AFC's think "girls aren't like guys. They don't REALLY care what a guy looks like."

However, girls ARE like guys. They do care. Either wish the world wasn't how it is, or deal with it.
Yes we do care. A lot of women will only date a certain type pf guy, e.g, dark hair only, no fair headed lads. But for example, if a guy a girl is attracted to turns her off in anwyay, she will nine times out of ten next him. Guys can overlook that sort of thing, which I like. :D


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
I disagree.

Girls are like guys in rapport to looks, yes; but it's only skin deep.

Girls will talk about how hot guys are, but it's just sass talk.
Same for guys tlaking aobut how chicks.

HOWEVER, that is as far as it goes.

After that first appearance, how good a guy looks will be almost entirely unimportant.

You see, a guy who doesn't look very good can still get some fine-looking chicks, if he's got the right persoanlity and other thigns going for him.
HOWEVER, a girl who looks bad will not get ANY guys.... except very desperate ones.

THAT is the difference in "the importance of looks" between guys and girls.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, my opinion: A verry good looking guy might never get layd, but a ugly chick most probably will...


Aug 14, 2003
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Yo Momma 's Snatch

Guys that say that looks don't matter are usually,****ed -up looking guys ,our just sloppy lazy or old men who are insecure:This is d thruth some people (men<VERY FEW>and some Women <THERE ARE MANY>)dont care 2 much about looks ,buts 90% does ,so if ur good-looking and u actually put in some work ,u will get a whole lot of ass:D


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
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Originally posted by Krassus
Two overweight friends that are dating HB9s? I find that a little hard to believe. Not that i've never seen an ugly guy with a pretty nice girl, but TWO, FAT ones, and with NINEs? Hmm.
Did anyone here watch "Last Comic Standing" on NBC this season? There was this guy Ralph, who was the fattest guy ever, we're talking OBESE here. His GF came on the show once and she was a total knockout (fit, slim, great face, I'd give her an 8 or 9 at least). Either she was blind, or else looks aren't everything. Ralph was funny as hell too.

It might just be an anomaly though. I'd still say looks are pretty key.

ShortyBrown, do you think that most girls have this certain "type" that they seem to go by and don't stray far from it when deciding whether to date a guy, or are there exceptions for a girl like you? I've known other girls who sort of say the same thing about having "types", but there has to be exceptions to the rule? For example, I don't know if you're really from Australia, but there are some Asians there with the dark hair, and if your type is dark hair, does it matter if they're Asian?


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Kent, Wa.
Looks are everything to most women.

I believe looks are very important to most women, whether they want to be truthful about it or not. I workout and I'm height / weight proportionate. I don't really turn women's heads that much and that's fine, I don't have a problem with that. I will bet however that the fact that I'm standing 5' 6" tall is a problem for many women. It is pretty easy most of the time for me to tell if a woman is receptive or not. In my case most aren't. ( as far as in a hooking up way. ) If I get to know them a little bit than I become the " friend ". I'm sick of that because it pretty much means your on the friends list and to her sex is not going to happen. I'm new to forum and I think there's a lot of useful info. here, but on this subject speaking as yeah..... one of those short guys ...... I think these day women are incredibly picky. Unless you have money, fame, and power to make up for it. Just my .02
J. B.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
I still stick by my point that girls are only interested in looks for first impressions.... after that it doesn't matter.
You guys are fooling yourselves by thinking that your looks or muscles are going to pull girls all over you. I told you, they only matter for sass talk and first impressions.

I even have an example of this:
Two friends.
One is a well-built dude who many girls claim looks like brad pitt. He can't pull girls for ****. Not that he's an AFC, just that he doesn't really have the right moves.
Another is a 300-pound guy who doesn't look like much, yet he has such a fine-ass girlfriend..... like, perfect body; and she's always all over him. And he isn'te ven what I would call a DJ.

The bottom line is this:

Looks will always help to get girls; but you will realize that looks aren't NEARLY as important to girls as they are to guys. Because after you get past that first barrier, your looks won't matter if she's interested.
Whereas with guys, looks will always matter, because a guy doesn't want to date an ugly chick. A chick doesn't care if she's dating an ugly guy, as long as she enjoys his company.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by becker
His GF came on the show once and she was a total knockout (fit, slim, great face, I'd give her an 8 or 9 at least).
i just saw her live about a week ago. she used me for a "small penis" joke, so i walked up to her after the show and joked around with her. she is definitely NOT an 8 or 9. i say 6 or 7. she is also definitely way out of his league. i have no idea how they have sex.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Knicknack
i just saw her live about a week ago. she used me for a "small penis" joke, so i walked up to her after the show and joked around with her. she is definitely NOT an 8 or 9. i say 6 or 7. she is also definitely way out of his league. i have no idea how they have sex.
Knicknack, she seemed like she was very good looking on the show, but again, on camera you never know. Anyways, the point is that those two are so night and day, and yet the guy got the girl.

I also know another girl with a BF who has been with him forever and she is a total knockout and he's some average looking pasty white guy with very little personality. Don't know what's gotten into some of these women. I think there's definitely some truth when some gorgeous girls say that they just get fed up with not being asked out that when an average, but nice guy has the balls to ask her out, they just agree, and if they get attached, the guy has struck gold.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by becker
Did anyone here watch "Last Comic Standing" on NBC this season? There was this guy Ralph, who was the fattest guy ever, we're talking OBESE here. His GF came on the show once and she was a total knockout (fit, slim, great face, I'd give her an 8 or 9 at least). Either she was blind, or else looks aren't everything. Ralph was funny as hell too.

It might just be an anomaly though. I'd still say looks are pretty key.

ShortyBrown, do you think that most girls have this certain "type" that they seem to go by and don't stray far from it when deciding whether to date a guy, or are there exceptions for a girl like you? I've known other girls who sort of say the same thing about having "types", but there has to be exceptions to the rule? For example, I don't know if you're really from Australia, but there are some Asians there with the dark hair, and if your type is dark hair, does it matter if they're Asian?
I'm not gonna pass on a spunky blond/asian/black guy if the chemistry is right, put it that way! I think a lot of girls would say the same thing (and I mean the straight up, no bull$hit girls, not the ones with checklists for the perfect partner)


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Do you find that most girls have those checklists or are you in the majority?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2002
Reaction score
I think seolifter's point is quite valid based on my personal observations. I myself have always been described as very good looking, but have not been able to pull as many chicks as lesser or as good looking guys. I think it is because I am not as outgoing as them. First physical impressions count, but if you are perceived as having a dull personality or lacking confidence, then you will not get very far with women.

My shyness is a problem I am trying to grapple with and has really hurt my game. I am not very shy but people have described me as being quiet and introverted. And most women just don't go for that type of guy in my opinion because they perceive it as a lack of confidence. For instance, last week at the gym a pretty hot chick that I have been sort of eyeing and flirting with, came up to me and started a conversation. I just stood there like an idiot and hardly said a word. Then a week later I invite her to go to my brothers restaurant, and she totally blew me off. I figure that she was physically attracted to me, but my shyness and perceived lack of confidence turned her off in the end. And there are a couple of creepy looking dudes I see at the gym who exude extreme confidence and have all the girls falling all over them.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can overcome my problem?

So, I back seolifter's point 100% based on personal experience. There are completely shallow women who go only for guys strictly on looks without regard to intelligence or personality. But I think they are only a minority of women.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch

guys with great personalities can get a lot of puzz 2

,BUT a good-looking guy won't have 2 tangle through most of the red tape ,he has her attention already ,where the nice-funny,quirky,adventerous....UGLY-TYPE,has 2 date her continually 2 get that azz.

If u don't beleive me put 5 ugly freinds,with out-going personalties, and 1 ...just ...1 !good-looking ,freind ,with a dry-personality,2 do cold approaches on 20 women,let's see who get wins!

.Us guys like personalities 2 ,some men like em over
d top and weird ,some r more traditional and a goodie 2 shoes type that he can bring home 2 mom, some guys like the tomboy-ish,'just one of d the guys' type of women.The difference is we will sacrifice PERSONALITY,and get d super-model.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Re: expirement

Originally posted by THA REALNESS
guys with great personalities can get a lot of puzz 2

,BUT a good-looking guy won't have 2 tangle through most of the red tape ,he has her attention already ,where the nice-funny,quirky,adventerous....UGLY-TYPE,has 2 date her continually 2 get that azz.

If u don't beleive me put 5 ugly freinds,with out-going personalties, and 1 ...just ...1 !good-looking ,freind ,with a dry-personality,2 do cold approaches on 20 women,let's see who get wins!

.Us guys like personalities 2 ,some men like em over
d top and weird ,some r more traditional and a goodie 2 shoes type that he can bring home 2 mom, some guys like the tomboy-ish,'just one of d the guys' type of women.The difference is we will sacrifice PERSONALITY,and get d super-model.
I have a guy friend and in his group of friends most of the guys are pretty good looking, but there is one that they all say is the hot one. He also happens to be the one with no personality... Well, he supposedly has a great personality when its just the guys, but he doesn't know how to talk to girls (they say). Now, none of them are bad looking, but the other ones have amazing personalities and great senses of humor, etc. Of course, the hot one gets more sex... but the other ones get their fair share of booty AND often they get a "better class" of women (meaning, that the girls are girls with actual personalities as well, who like looks but require more than just looks) AND who usually stick around a little longer if they are wanted to. But that is just one group of friends, so I can't really speak for all of male and female kind. :D