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  1. M

    10 Reasons Stuart McRobert Can Go F*ck Himself

    hahaha I love it. I really hate the term hardgainer because EVERYBODY calls themselves one. I can guarantee anyone here that 99% of you self-proclaimed hardgainers are not, in fact, hardgainers.
  2. M

    Broscience....I'm confused brah's

    first guy's on crack second and third guys have the right idea PLUS you need to be making it work in the kitchen. either eat lighter or do some Eat Stop Eat or another IF program.
  3. M

    Im eating tons of meat, is that dangerous?

    A dimished wallet, depending on what cuts you typically get.
  4. M

    How to avoid a wife who could turn into a Jessica Simpson

    She already had money as a single chick, clown.
  5. M

    First reality shock

    Dunno about you, but IMHO, dropping 15 percent bodyfat while gaining an equivalent amount of muscle is pretty nice. If something's working, keep doing what works and stop asking a bunch of 18 year olds what you should be doing. Sounds to me like you have "paralysis of analysis", or if you don't...
  6. M

    How to avoid a wife who could turn into a Jessica Simpson

    Dude, if I'm the husband, she can gain 400 lbs. Just as long as I can take all that money that she has (a LOT, her fashion line is bankin') and spend it on every car I ever wanted.
  7. M

    Pulled my groin yesterday doing HIIT

    I did HIIT, stretched, then three days later I pulled my groin doing overhead squats with barbell only (a freaking warmup). Last time I ever did HIIT. Kettlebell swings are more fun anyways.
  8. M

    Future Talk. She said this convo is over..

    Looks like I got beaten to the punch. There's a difference between a chick who's fiery/strongheaded/etc and a chick who's a total beating, and yours sounds to me like a total beating. I'd say GTFO if you havent already.
  9. M

    Best Multi-Vitamin?

    The best one is the one that is finding its way into your stomach. No need for them daily, though. Take them as needed. I take mine after really nasty workouts, or if I'm drinking to ease the hangover.
  10. M

    Wife got me on this one!

    ha. usually the reverse happens in my household. My wife gets more into the tv than I do.
  11. M

    Why can't more fat women do like this one?

    There's plenty of reasons. They might not give a sh**. They might have low self esteem and honestly believe that they can't or do not deserve to lose weight. They might want to lose weight, but not badly enough to actually do something about it. They might have been abused/etc in...
  12. M

    LESSONS FROM A FORMER AFC: Dissolving the Illusionment of Her as "Perfect"

    yep, girls are WAY more friggin' insecure and often a lot more gross than we are. In a woman's head, if a guy calls her perfect, she's usually thinking what a bloody idiot he is.
  13. M

    Why you should NEVER take chicks "advice"

    If your mom is a sugar-coater or is just dumb, ask your sister or aunt. General rule: family will be more honest with you than non-family will.
  14. M

    Operation: Get Rejected

    Because the whole point is to shock your system into not giving a **** about rejection, and if you're going out while still being scared of rejection, trying to get the "successful approach" and trying NOT to "get rejected", then you're not shocking the system. It's like the difference between...
  15. M

    The Paranoia on this board is off the charts.

    That's why I pretty much only read the Health + Fitness board nowadays - or at least I did, 'til it filled up with bots from Mumbai. Reading Anything Else is like reading a Coast to Coast AM forum.
  16. M

    Pull up bar vs weights?

    Weights. There's a lot you can do with weights, but only one thing that you can do with a pullup bar.
  17. M

    How To Gain Weight: 5 Simple Steps

    All of those sound good to me, although I'd also add, since we've got a lot of snackers in here including myself, to replace chips and stuff like that with almonds, sunflower seeds or peanuts or something else with a high protein and high healthy fat count.
  18. M

    Too skinny, want to gain weight. What should I do?

    Throw all of that out of the window. Kettlebells, DB ballistics and HIIT are great for getting friggin' ripped, while putting on minor amounts of muscle. If you wanna get BIG, then here's what you do. Do squats. Do deadlifts. Do squats and deadlifts correctly. Form comes first...
  19. M

    The heavier women look better propoganda (photos)

    The only one who doesn't look better in pic 2 than pic 1 in that whole slideshow is Jennifer Hudson. Obviously, that's my own opinion, and the opinion is most likely pretty friggin' split on this forum, but the idea that some sort of pro-fat conspiracy is the only reason guys might like the...
  20. M

    Do you consider yourself more conservative or more liberal?

    Mostly liberal, with a lean more toward the center on fiscal issues. I'm not strictly one-party or the other, I vote based on the specific candidate's past voting record, to be an actual leader, and willingness to actually work to advance the country, rather than simply trying to stalemate with...