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  1. L

    The Hidden Truth Behind Oneitis

    nice post zosa!
  2. L

    What supplements are you using?

    mega whey protien, mega men's vitamins, no2 (all from gnc) i agree with juilian no2 doesnt do crap, i blew $80 on that ****
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    Abercrombie girls

    hey i work at abercrombie....we dont get paid commision, in fact we get paid crap, and we're not paid to "firt" with people....but we are encouraged to say hello to everyone in the store, bottom line, most of the girls that work at abercrombie are hot sluts that love to have fun, its real easy...
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    Where's a good place to take a date in Los Angeles?

    3rd street promenade. universal city walk, sunset blvd, laugh factory (on sunset)
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    A situation for the BIG TIME PIMPS

    just say you're 'dating' or 'seeing' other chicks at the same time, this way she doesn't think you're cheating, and can get a little jealous at the same time, knowing she has competition :)
  6. L

    A good neg-hit?

    i think that's more along the lines of an insult than a neg-hit, but you're on the right track....think of it this way, if they arent laughing at themselves (or the neg-hit) in a joking way, it wasn't a great neg-hit
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    Gettin Freaky :: Fingers Strikes Again

    FINGERS! you're crazy , fukking CRAZY! :) i'm looking forward to your next post, GREAT tips!
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    C0ck Teases?

    tease them just as much as they tease you. Dont show them too much attention at a time, give them some attention then take it away, leave them wanting more of you
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    The Official Pattern Thread!

    icehawk, i see what you mean, and i agree completely,once you become comfortable with SS you'll be able to use it in regular coversations rather than just remembering different patterns.... but i have one question and i guess this has to do with SS in general, but is something i saw you use...
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    The Official Pattern Thread!

    go ahead and share your best patterns, I'll start most of these are from Ross's SS book, with some changes: -INCREDIBLE CONNECTION- Have you ever MET SOMEONE INCREDIBLE and after talking with them for a little while FEEL AN INSTANT CONNECTION with them? Like maybe even though YOU JUST...
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    Question aabout imbedded commands

    Question about imbedded commands i'm still in the early phase of studying SS, and was wondering if you can put commands into sentences when talking about yourself? example: (talking about the beach) I love the beach, everytime i think about the beach i FEEL VERY RELAXED even to the point...
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    The hottest race - which race produces the most HB's

    ahh the half-japanese ones, get me all the time
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    Can You Be In Love With 2 Women?

    "love" doesn't exist!
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    Wild Public Places you've hit it in?

    -on the beach in mexico (twice, two different times) -on a cruise ship, under the waterslide ;) (just a bj though) -and my fav. @ work (Ben & Jerry's) :D