Gettin Freaky :: Fingers Strikes Again

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
I met this cutie at a bar a few months ago and I thought she was quite doable. Cute face, and petite with the loveliest curves. She was a little on the freaky side, hair dyed pink with a lip piercing and a few tattoos. We'll call her HBFreaky.

3 Second Rule and Mirroring
I had seen her around town and when we made eye contact she had that uncertain look that said "Do I know you?" so I walked up to her without hesitation and just said "Heyyyyy!" with a big smile and gave her two euro kisses on the cheek. It's crazy how sometimes people will totally mirror your emotions if you project them strong enough. I greeted her like a long lost friend and she played along, asking if we had met before. I told her we hadn't and it was a shame so I was here to fix all that. She laughed and introduced me to her gay friend.

Social Proofing Her Friend
They turned out to be mad cool and I enjoyed chatting them up for a while. They were both studying dance so we vibed on dance culture, and how hard it is to find decent dancers at the clubs. Right at that moment, as if on cue, a couple of drunk guys started dancing on the bar to that 80's tune "She's a Maniac". It was totally hilarious and I was translating the lyrics to Spanish for them, which only made them laugh even harder.

The Takeaway
At this point I could have kept it goin but I had plans that evening. So I did a takeaway at this high point and told her I had to meet my friends at another bar. She looked disappointed as she asked me to stay. Once she realized I could not be convinced, she pulled out her cell and asked for my digits. I told her my phone was cut off and got her to write her number on my hand.

We tried to meet up in the next few weeks but it never panned out. Anytime we set a date I would end up getting swamped with work and flake on her or vice versa. After a while I just forgot about her completely.

A Chance Encounter
I ran into HBFreaky again at a club and she literally jumped me. I had barely uttered the word "Hello" and this chick's legs are wrapped around me in a tight body hug. I set her down and we started dancing together for a while. The DJ finished up his set and a live band was setting up the stage as she wrapped her arms around me and we fluff talked for a bit.

Phase Shifting
I kept constant eye contact on her and did the whole triangular gazing thing while the dirtiest thoughts played across my imagination. There was a short pause and she totally got aggressive on me and kissed me. Nice! I like a girl who goes for what she wants! The party got pretty packed later on and we got separated in the writhing crowd. I wouldn't see her again for another month. Dang.

Demonstrating Value
We met again at a beach party. All of our friends were there and the vibe was just excellent. I DJed that night and also played some percussion. She rolled up on me as I was jamming and she was with another hottie, HB10. They both danced their asses off and we partied till the cops shut us down at sunrise.

The Wrong Way to Score a Threesome
As we were gearing up to leave, they asked where I was headed and I told them I was going to an awesome party at their house, but only if they gave me a hand massage, cuz my fingers were shot from playing congas. They both laughed and said that they would take good care of me. So we hop in her ride and that's when HBFreaky tells me she is bi and HB10 is her girlfriend. This is where I just froze. The very idea that this night could lead to a 3some completely reverted me to AFC and all I could think in my head was "OhBoyOhBoyOhBoyOhBoy, could this be happening?" I had no idea how to handle this situation and I just lost my game completely. I got quiet as my mind wandered at the possibilities and I could feel the vibe fade as they dropped out of state and started conversing amongst themselves. We were on the way to their house when HB10 got a phone call from a friend inviting her to another party. I went along with the change of plans and we hung out some more, but I had lost my mojo and it came as no surprise when they ditched me later on.

The Right Way to Score a Threesome
Shortly after this incident, I learned how to handle these bi-chicks from a friend who has had many threesomes. I watched him pick up two chicks once and when they told him they were bi, he said he didn't believe them and they had to prove it by kissing each other. They did and he told them they were both lousy kissers. Up till this point, he had built an hour's worth of attraction with C&F Push/Pull, Role-Playing etc. so they were eager to prove him wrong. He made out with one of them and I left with both chicks on his arm (the bastard!) *Sigh* Wish I had figured this out sooner! Oh well, back to the story...

More Social Proof
Another month passed and I was getting ready to leave town for a few weeks to visit some friends in Madrid. I had a final gig in town so I figured fukkit and called HBFreaky to invite her. She gladly accepted and we met once again on the dancefloor. I finished my set and we danced for a bit but no making out because she was with three of her friends and I could sense her AntiSlut Defense was up. So I just gamed as usual, a little role-playing, some light C&F and rapport all mixed together and I made sure to talk to all of her friends and get them laughing. Finally, the party ended so we all left. Me HBFreaky and her 3 UG friends. We dropped them off one by one till it was just the two of us.

Right when we reached my house, I told her I was starving and asked if she'd like to grab a bite at a restaurant. She wasn't hungry but offered me a ride. I told her it was cool but what I really wanted was one of her famous breakfasts. She laughed and told me she was too tired to cook but I could raid her fridge if I wanted. I started qualifying her, askin what she had and only when I seemed satisfied did we continue on to her place.

The AntiSlut Defense (again)
We get there and she surprised me by whipping up a little pasta and salad for me. She even rolled me a joint and gave me a scalp massage while I smoked. I told her she was an excellent wife and she just giggled. I got comfortable and took off my shoes while she went to change out of her club gear. She returned in a wife-beater and jammies and I realized how spectacular her body was. We talked for a bit and as I was tri-gazing, she said I looked tired and that she was also pooped. I could tell she knew what I had in mind and was trying to avoid the inevitable. She kept saying she had to get some sleep before working in the morning and offered me her couch to sleep on. I told her it was cool so she went to her bedroom to get me some sheets.

Now, the old me would have just left it at that and spent the night there, but I now knew better, so I put my shoes back on and walked to her room and said "On second thought, I really should be going" She tried to convince me to stay but it wasn't working, so she gave me a peck on the lips good bye. I just stood there looking into her eyes and she gave me another kiss, a little more drawn out. I held my gaze and just made the "Mmm" sound and she fukking lost it and straight up attacked me!

Women...Go Figure
I teased her with my kiss, always pulling away first and making her chase me. It was driving her mad and she shut her bedroom door and said half-joking "Fine, you can stay for a while before you head home" Funny how women have to backwards rationalize getting laid. Of course I never ended up going home, but she still needed to convince herself that the whole thing was spontaneous. Females are truly fascinating sometimes.

That's Tantra Baby!
We fukked a few times and she had some great orgasms that woke up her roommate. She was real embarrassed and I could not stop laughing. After her 3rd orgasm she wanted me to come but I honestly couldn't. I had just hooked up with HBNiceGirl the night before and I have trouble coming with a condom on after I have been so active. Of course I didn't say this and opted instead to tell her I am experimenting with Tantric Sex and wanted to see how long I could hold out without an orgasm in my quest for a 1-hour climax. She was really intrigued by this and we talked for a while until we passed out from sheer exhaustion. I hit it again in the afternoon before I headed home and we made plans to link up this week. Sweeeeeet! :-D

As we were lying in bed, I found out that HBFreaky and HBNiceGirl were close friends. I guess this is why she was hesitant to let me tap that ass. But to no avail cuz in the end she just couldn't resist my calm persistence. It's funny because you would think that women would not dream of hooking up with some dude that their best friend is fukking, but you would be wrong. After all, what better social proof than having a reliable source say, "This guy fukks like a tiger!" So I guess this little tidbit challenged my game but also amplified the attraction that was already there. Like I said, truly fascinating creatures!

Well that's about it. As usual I have written twice as much as I intended. I really should make these reports more concise, but I can't help divulging all the juicy details. Hope you got something out of my rambling and I welcome any feedback.

Till Next Time


FINGZ ------> out
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Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Freaky got Fingered!!
Great FR dood....if only all of my peeps posted like this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score

I've been doing that whole "pull away when she tries to kiss" thing, and it works WONDERS!!!!!! Drives 'em crazy.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Damn fingers thats pimp styling. You're tapping madd punanja. Props to you.


Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Da World
Truly awesome.

Just goes to show that sometimes patience is a virtue. It took you months to finally get the lay but you hung in there, and more importantly you didn't get all obsessed over this one chick.

This is where I think Speed Seduction has its limitations. Sure you can get SOME girls to sleep with you the same night, but I think you cast a wider net when you learn to take your time and be persistant, depending on the girl and the situation. Because for every chick who will do you within a few hours, there are a lot more who will wait for the 3rd, 4th encounter.

It's like you said "Persistence overcomes resistance"

Excellent work dude. Look forward to more of these gems.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well done....I am very happy for you....


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Excellent Fingers...Erm...Excellent job Senor Fingers...Moved to Tips to join your other posts.

Live The Dream

Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
FINGERS! you're crazy , fukking CRAZY! :) i'm looking forward to your next post, GREAT tips!


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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